Gary Gladstone promises good things for chess

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  • Dilip Panjwani
    Originally posted by Larry Bevand View Post
    Personally I think this election is a waste of over 600 million dollars as the opposition has actually worked with the liberals in the last two years. Your opinion?

    Currently, Liberals (about 31% voter support) and NDP (about 20% voter support) were governing (at least 51% voter support to govern).
    If libs win majority with say 40% voter support, it can only be bad for democracy, as instead of the current 51% voter support to pass laws, only 40% will be required...

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  • Marc Andre Beaudry
    Trudeau thinks he can have a majority, the conservatives are weak right now. But the bloc maybe can surprise in Quebec. We have the choice between woke Justin and more woke Jagmeel (but he is too weak in Quebec). What horrible choices, we have. Think, I will do as Kerry.

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  • Francis Rodriguez
    Originally posted by Kerry Liles View Post
    I presume the reason for the snap election is the same as always: greed. They (Liberals) sense that the opposition is in complete disarray (hard to argue that...) and by calling an election now with a minimal pre-election campaign time, they hope to capitalize and gain a majority. This is the holy grail where the ruling party can do whatever the hell it wants without much more than squeeking and barking from the "opposition". The Canadian Senate has long been a useless appendage of parliament and basically rubber stamps whatever garbage is passed while senators pad their retirement income by doing nothing at all. Having a majority will allow the Liberals to do whatever suits them.

    In the end, the Federal government is nothing more than a complete bureaucracy created to supervise the wasting of tax dollars at a rate only dreamed of by amateurs such as the Ontario government.

    I think the only real effective expenditure of tax dollars occurs at the municipal ...level (Region of Peel, City of Toronto etc) and although they are far from perfect, they actually do occasionally accomplish some things. Roads are repaired, waste water is processed (somewhat), recycling illusions are implemented etc. I have a lot of respect for Bonnie Crombie and John Tory but anyone above that level (so to speak) is almost certainly a stooge.
    Same old, same old.......and climate is the only real change to happen!

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  • Kerry Liles
    I presume the reason for the snap election is the same as always: greed. They (Liberals) sense that the opposition is in complete disarray (hard to argue that...) and by calling an election now with a minimal pre-election campaign time, they hope to capitalize and gain a majority. This is the holy grail where the ruling party can do whatever the hell it wants without much more than squeeking and barking from the "opposition". The Canadian Senate has long been a useless appendage of parliament and basically rubber stamps whatever garbage is passed while senators pad their retirement income by doing nothing at all. Having a majority will allow the Liberals to do whatever suits them.

    In the end, the Federal government is nothing more than a complete bureaucracy created to supervise the wasting of tax dollars at a rate only dreamed of by amateurs such as the Ontario government.

    I think the only real effective expenditure of tax dollars occurs at the municipal level (Region of Peel, City of Toronto etc) and although they are far from perfect, they actually do occasionally accomplish some things. Roads are repaired, waste water is processed (somewhat), recycling illusions are implemented etc. I have a lot of respect for Bonnie Crombie and John Tory but anyone above that level (so to speak) is almost certainly a stooge.

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  • Sam Sharpe
    Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
    So what was the reason for the new election? My math say they had one more year to go.
    Political opportunism ("Same as it ever was" - Talking Heads)

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  • Egidijus Zeromskis
    So what was the reason for the new election? My math say they had one more year to go.

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  • Kerry Liles
    This election is an even bigger waste of time and money than all other elections... I am thankful to live in a country like Canada - really I am - but I am tired of the nonsense propagated by the 3 stooges and their parties. As my now-American brother-in-law said "we may have two bad choices down here but you in Canada have NO choices". lol

    I recommend the None of The Above Party (Federal and Ontario) ====>

    I will NOT vote for the Libs, The Conservatives, the NDP nor The Green Party.

    IF I vote (and it likely will remain a very BIG IF) I will again vote NOTA.

    Please spare me the garbage about "if you don't vote you cannot complain" rhetoric - not interested in that either. I pay taxes therefore I can complain all I want.

    Gary Gladstone seems like a decent enough person, but as soon as anyone is elected under the current Party system, whatever they believe in becomes more irrelevant and soon enough they will fill their pockets at the public trough and wring their hands and gnash their teeth about the "complexity of it all..." No thanks.

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  • Larry Bevand
    started a topic Gary Gladstone promises good things for chess

    Gary Gladstone promises good things for chess

    I have known Gary for a couple of decades. His son, Simon, was a CMA participant for many years and Gary has given a helping hand to our organization when we asked.

    He is running for the Liberal Party in Thornhill.

    I think Gary is a good honest person and he would benefit Canada.

    However, Personally I think this election is a waste of over 600 million dollars as the opposition has actually worked with the liberals in the last two years. Your opinion?
