The Petition to Make Chess a Sport in Canada

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Olga Mushtaler View Post
    Some people just don't know how to support others. Keep TROLLING Fred Henderson and Pargat Perrer
    All the rest, thanks for your support!
    Oh yes, I do know how to support other. In this case, "others" means Ontario taxpayers. You are not going to steal money from them to line the pockets of chess players as long as I have anything to say about it.

    But you are free to try. Wow, 400+ signatures. You go girl!

    If your petition were fair, it would also enable people to sign as OPPOSED to the idea of government funding for chess. Then you'd see the real and deserved futility of what you are attempting, which as you have admitted is a pure money grab.

    And thanks for admitting that Fred Henderson is actually a second person to not want government funding for chess. Must have been hard for you to accept ... poor naive girl.
    Last edited by Pargat Perrer; Sunday, 5th February, 2023, 03:30 AM.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Olga Mushtaler View Post
      Some people just don't know how to support others. Keep TROLLING Fred Henderson and Pargat Perrer
      All the rest, thanks for your support!
      CFC should STOP ... TROLLING Chess in Canada.


      • #33
        [QUOTE=Fred Henderson;n224490]
        Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post

        She believes that and she believes that anyone who disagrees with her naive viewpoints must be a troll. <snip>


        That's pretty close to how I see it. I would add that it happens quite often with the self-proclaimed experts. When asked to make a case for their firmly held views, they avoid the issues you raise and resort to personal attacks, and against someone they know nothing about. Or they just say 'If you don't see it, nothing I say will make a difference'.

        Olga who? There's one more reason not to rejoin the CFC.

        I wouldn't say that about Vlad. I think he said I might be acting like a troll, he didn't say I am a troll. I say Vlad has not expressed an opinion about me, just laid waste to an incorrect one.

        Still no-one has addressed any of the issues I have raised on this topic. If someone thinks I am a troll, let them explain why my posts are wrong.

        Over and out.
        Fred, I wasn't referring to Vlad's posting about you. I was referring to Vlad's past posts in which he says I am really Paul Bonham, someone who used to post here. Sorry for the confusion on that.

        It is the way these people work, they don't want to actually post about the issues you or I raise, They counter by using the "T" word for us to make us look evil. Olga even posted a caricature of us, wasn't that nice of her? Says much more about her than it does about us.

        These greedy people want to get a piece of the Ontario taxpayer pie. They don't care about who suffers from lack of health care funding, and they post that oh, here's a study that says we can throw billions more at health care and not get any results .... meanwhile, doctors and nurses have to leave their profession or go to another country to get decent pay because the funding that does exist won't pay them benefits or give them full time hours (at least for the nurses, the doctors also are probably grossly underpaid in Canada).

        It's disgusting, but that's the way these people work. They ignore the issues, go straight to the troll accusations.

        It's all pure greed.

        EDIT: the doctors and nurses who DO remain in Canada and working their jobs .... they are the REAL HEROES of our society at this time. Not Mr. Drkulec or Miss Olga whoever who just pooh-pooh the idea of more funding for health care and make a general statement that "the system is broken". Even if the system IS broken, we still need to GIVE NURSES FULL TIME JOBS WITH BENEFITS!!!!!

        Talk about THAT, Mr. Drkulec!

        p.s. I am not a nurse or doctor
        Last edited by Pargat Perrer; Sunday, 5th February, 2023, 03:52 AM.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Roger Patterson View Post

          some number of decades ago (mid 1980s?) the CFC commissioned a survey to answer that very question. I believe the motivation was the same as it is now, to convince government of the merits of funding chess. Jonathan Berry used to have the results up on his website although I think that is defunct now.

          From memory, I believe the answer is yes - millions of Canadians play (or know how to play) chess.
          There was a recent article which said that there was more than a million Canadians playing on alone.

          Most of the adult students that I served over the last year or two were online players who had never played a CFC game.


          • #35
            Pargat Perrer sending you a link with Health Care Petitions. Just for you


            • #36
              Bonham/Perrer blathered something about nurses.


              Every nurse I know has a full time job with benefits.

              Seems to me this is another straw man argument intended to distract from the need for the Federal government to fund chess. The Ontario government should also fund chess but that money would likely flow to the Ontario Chess Association much like the Quebec government funds the FQE.

              Most of the examples that you previously gave of line ups at emergency rooms are due to a shortage of doctors.

              When there are many holes in the boat you are in, the best strategy is to alternate bailing out water with patching the biggest hole first.

              What the Chess Federation of Canada would do with more money? Probably more programs aimed at youth and the disabled. Chess in prisons and for juvenile delinquency as Patricial Gamliel has worked on. Chess in the Schools.

              Its hard to take seriously claims of greed when most of the people that are involved in the CFC do not get paid for their efforts and invest a lot of their time and often lose income because of the time taken for the CFC. Only Bob Gillanders gets paid and he earns his salary.

              Something odd with this post. I can't get rid of the misattribution to Fred Henderson.
              Last edited by Vlad Drkulec; Sunday, 5th February, 2023, 01:14 PM.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Fred Henderson View Post
                "Chess is played nationally by millions of Canadians,", says the petition. Any data or market research to support that? If "millions" of Canadians already play, then why the need for a big effort for it to taught in schools? Sounds like it's already being done elsewhere, no?
                I happily signed the petition,

                if you address a stat and dont care to look it up yourself dont get upset about it in the first place.


                • #38
                  After a 5-month wait, I had heart surgery last week. The ICU and ward nurses had to deal with being short-staffed on most shifts. But, during the first week, the daytime nurses were helped by university students. The night shift on Saturday were 2 short, only 4 nurses for 36 patients. And they were busy having to tie down two loud patients who wanted to leave. The nurses were loving, but the machine noise, lights and screaming wasn't a healing environment. A week without sunlight (I guess I could have paid $475/night for one of the private rooms with a view of snow on the branches).The food (vegetarian & fish) was better than expected. A friend brought a chess set but I had shortness of breath and nausea.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                    Every nurse I know has a full time job with benefits.

                    Seems to me this is another straw man argument intended to distract from the need for the Federal government to fund chess.

                    Oh, well then, everything is OK! Every nurse Vlad knows has a full time job! Hooray! Problem solved!

                    There is no "need" for government funding of chess. There is only a desire for it.

                    Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                    Its hard to take seriously claims of greed when most of the people that are involved in the CFC do not get paid for their efforts and invest a lot of their time and often lose income because of the time taken for the CFC. Only Bob Gillanders gets paid and he earns his salary.
                    Accusations of greed were not directed towards the CFC, but towards little Miss Olga Moneygrubber. You made it clear earlier that her petition is not sponsored by the CFC. Although who knows what the truth may be ....


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Erik Malmsten View Post
                      After a 5-month wait, I had heart surgery last week. The ICU and ward nurses had to deal with being short-staffed on most shifts. But, during the first week, the daytime nurses were helped by university students. The night shift on Saturday were 2 short, only 4 nurses for 36 patients. And they were busy having to tie down two loud patients who wanted to leave. The nurses were loving, but the machine noise, lights and screaming wasn't a healing environment. A week without sunlight (I guess I could have paid $475/night for one of the private rooms with a view of snow on the branches).The food (vegetarian & fish) was better than expected. A friend brought a chess set but I had shortness of breath and nausea.
                      Eric, get better soon. Heal, heal, heal. ❤❤❤ Sending you good energy.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Henri Hughes View Post

                        I happily signed the petition,

                        if you address a stat and dont care to look it up yourself dont get upset about it in the first place.
                        Here you are! Now I see. Thanks Henry!


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post

                          Oh yes, I do know how to support other. In this case, "others" means Ontario taxpayers. You are not going to steal money from them to line the pockets of chess players as long as I have anything to say about it.

                          But you are free to try. Wow, 400+ signatures. You go girl!

                          If your petition were fair, it would also enable people to sign as OPPOSED to the idea of government funding for chess. Then you'd see the real and deserved futility of what you are attempting, which as you have admitted is a pure money grab.

                          And thanks for admitting that Fred Henderson is actually a second person to not want government funding for chess. Must have been hard for you to accept ... poor naive girl.
                          the sexism in this post is unmatched. bigoted and never wavering. Ladies and Gentlemen, Pargat Perrer


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Henri Hughes View Post

                            the sexism in this post is unmatched. bigoted and never wavering. Ladies and Gentlemen, Pargat Perrer
                            AKA Paul Bonham. If you want to construct a false persona you should create some distance from your real persona. Pargat keeps dropping Easter Eggs which show he is way more intimately knowledgeable of the trivia of Paul Bonham than one could expect.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post

                              Oh, well then, everything is OK! Every nurse Vlad knows has a full time job! Hooray! Problem solved!

                              There is no "need" for government funding of chess. There is only a desire for it.
                              And that desire may very well be fulfilled at the end of this process. The dogs bark but the caravan moves on.

                              Accusations of greed were not directed towards the CFC, but towards little Miss Olga Moneygrubber. You made it clear earlier that her petition is not sponsored by the CFC. Although who knows what the truth may be ....
                              As usual, you mischaracterize what I say very much like Paul Bonham did because he was emotionally devastated by my dismissal of variants and my refusal to work for free promoting them. What is your excuse? Olga will not personally profit from these efforts of hers so it can't be greed that drives her. What have you done for chess from your arm chair?

                              The CFC will continue as before and maybe we will have more money for things like sending teams to olympiads for disabled players and training for young players.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post

                                As usual, you mischaracterize what I say very much like Paul Bonham did because he was emotionally devastated by my dismissal of variants and my refusal to work for free promoting them. What is your excuse? Olga will not personally profit from these efforts of hers so it can't be greed that drives her. What have you done for chess from your arm chair?

                                The CFC will continue as before and maybe we will have more money for things like sending teams to olympiads for disabled players and training for young players.

                                That first goal you mention, I"m in favor of that. The second goal, not at all, because it leads to the idea that chess can be a profession. Chess should not be a profession. Neither should any sport, unless the money made for even the very best athlete (and also the lesser ones) is just enough to maintain a living. There should be no chess millionaires, nor millionaires of any other sport.

                                What exactly did I mischaracterize? Are you saying that Olga's petition IS sponsored by the CFC? I'm pretty sure you said no about that earlier when someone asked.

                                We don't know if Olga will personally profit from government funding of chess. Maybe not directly, but maybe she is personally involved in a relationship with someone who WOULD profit from it. Such as, well she mentioned Eric Hansen by name, is she involved with him?

                                Olga has come from literally nowhere. No one outside of a very small circle knows anything about her. That is part of the problem when she is trying to grab money from Ontario and Canadian taxpayers to go towards paying chess players.

                                Please enlighten us, oh wise man.
                                Last edited by Pargat Perrer; Wednesday, 8th February, 2023, 03:19 AM.

