A new strategic plan for the Chess Federation of Canada

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Hans Jung View Post

    I also had a look at your rating and Im feeling alot better about my own personal rating travesty.

    we have lots of company Hans. ….. :-(


    • #32
      Originally posted by Hans Jung
      I also had a look at your rating and Im feeling alot better about my own personal rating travesty.

      Originally posted by Roger Patterson View Post
      we have lots of company Hans. ….. :-(
      But wait! This simple nighttime hack will restore your chess thinking to that of a 20-year-old IM!

      And it will restore even the worst vision to 20/20 and bring back all your male libido and eliminate ugly skin tags!

      Hearing loss? No problem, restored to youthful levels! So you can go to Judas Priest concerts and be right in front of the speakers with no problem!

      Hair loss? No problem, dense patches of new hair roots magically appear overnight!

      Diabetes? No problem, eat anything you like when you wake up!

      Excessive belly fat? No problem, inches melt away as you sleep!

      For details on this nighttime hack ....

      <insert "I'm a loser idiot" button here>


      • #33
        Us old chess players need to hang together and youre not invited Pargat.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Hans Jung View Post
          Us old chess players need to hang together and youre not invited Pargat.
          That runs off me like water off a duck, Hans. I have more important things to do than playing a meaningless game, I have meaningless games to INVENT! LOL

          Anyway, in case there was a misinterpretation, my last post did not mean to imply that old chess players are losers. The people that click on Youtube ads for "overnight hacks" that will cure their bad vision? Yeah, those people are losers.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post
            Originally posted by Hans Jung
            I also had a look at your rating and Im feeling alot better about my own personal rating travesty.

            But wait! This simple nighttime hack will restore your chess thinking to that of a 20-year-old IM!

            And it will restore even the worst vision to 20/20 and bring back all your male libido and eliminate ugly skin tags!

            Hearing loss? No problem, restored to youthful levels! So you can go to Judas Priest concerts and be right in front of the speakers with no problem!

            Hair loss? No problem, dense patches of new hair roots magically appear overnight!

            Diabetes? No problem, eat anything you like when you wake up!

            Excessive belly fat? No problem, inches melt away as you sleep!

            For details on this nighttime hack ....

            <insert "I'm a loser idiot" button here>

            Weight loss, diabetes, heart trouble!!
            Here comes 'Wegovy' the one magic cure!


            • #36
              Originally posted by Francis Rodriguez View Post

              Weight loss, diabetes, heart trouble!!
              Here comes 'Wegovy' the one magic cure!
              Hi Francis, as someone who has been reading (with honest critical evaluation) pharma-sponsored studies all his long professional life (and has read the actual studies on Wegovy), my conclusion on this drug is not: 'fantastic!', but rather: 'not as good as simple lifestyle changes, and maybe even harmful'...
              Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Monday, 28th August, 2023, 11:13 PM.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post

                Hi Francis, as someone who has been reading (with honest critical evaluation) pharma-sponsored studies all his long professional life (and has read the actual studies on Wegovy), my conclusion on this drug is not: 'fantastic!', but rather: 'not as good as simple lifestyle changes, and maybe even harmful'...
                But does it help you play chess better or possibly help you create a strategic/marketing plan for the CFC? If lifestyle changes were simple, that path would have a higher success rate.

                Hopefully this new drug takes the pressure off Ozempic prices and supplies.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post

                  Hopefully this new drug takes the pressure off Ozempic prices and supplies.
                  Wegovy and Ozempic are different trade names for the same drug


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post

                    The Chess Federation of Canada (CFC) aims to promote and develop the game of chess nationwide by facilitating the organizing of tournaments and events, supporting players and coaches, fostering junior chess development, maintaining a fair rating system, representing Canada in international competitions as a good citizen of FIDE (World Chess Federation), building partnerships, and promoting inclusivity to create a vibrant and thriving chess community that encourages participation at all levels and celebrates the strategic and intellectual aspects of the game.
                    I like this discussion and I agree with the overall vision of CFC. I also agree that CFC needs a fresh strategic direction backed by strong market research. However, let's not think that having a well-documented strategic plan will all of a sudden elevate the CFC or solve the current issues with chess in Canada. Here are a few points to consider as we look for ways to accomplish the outlined vision for CFC:
                    • Money: I've not seen CFC's financials but I'm pretty sure CFC primarily relies on membership dues and rating fees as primary sources of revenue. There is no chance you will reach your objectives by relying on membership dues except you 10X the fees you charge which I don't recommend. CFC must be focused on attracting sponsorship dollars, private and government funding if you want to have an impact on chess in Canada.
                    • Leadership: We do have great people who love the game of chess and have dedicated so much of their time to serving the chess community in Canada. If we continue with the status quo, we will continue to get the same dismal results. We really need to change the leadership structure, particularly the executive leadership. CFC needs an Executive Director (ED) whose primary role is to raise sponsorship funds, create and lead the new strategic direction for CFC, and elevate the CFC's presence in the Canadian and international chess community. CFC needs a business-minded ED and must be ready to pay a competitive wage for this role ($150K to $200K per annum).
                    • Membership: The current membership model needs a revamp. It's unclear what the membership benefits are and how CFC supports different types of members. A great survey here will be very beneficial to really get a sense of the type of support people require from CFC. The current model of one membership does not work when you apparently have different people who require different things from CFC - chess organizers, casual chess players, competitive chess players, members who want to vote, and those who care less about chess politics, etc.
                    • Next Steps: The immediate next step in my opinion is to be open-minded and to show a willingness to learn from what other successful organizations in Canada and outside of Canada are doing - market research, interviews, surveys, etc. All of this will inform the strategic direction. Then focus on hiring the ED that will now run with the strategic direction and finances to fund the new direction of the organization.


                    • #40
                      Thank you Ken for your thoughts.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post

                        Wegovy and Ozempic are different trade names for the same drug
                        That should increase the supply. Ozempic seems to really help in bringing blood sugar levels under control. As a person without a drug plan, the cost is very high. Four more months and I will be under the Ontario drug plan for seniors.

                        I did see that some lawyers are starting class action suits against Ozempic and another such drug over side effects.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Ken Green View Post

                          I like this discussion and I agree with the overall vision of CFC. I also agree that CFC needs a fresh strategic direction backed by strong market research. However, let's not think that having a well-documented strategic plan will all of a sudden elevate the CFC or solve the current issues with chess in Canada. Here are a few points to consider as we look for ways to accomplish the outlined vision for CFC:
                          • Money: I've not seen CFC's financials but I'm pretty sure CFC primarily relies on membership dues and rating fees as primary sources of revenue. There is no chance you will reach your objectives by relying on membership dues except you 10X the fees you charge which I don't recommend. CFC must be focused on attracting sponsorship dollars, private and government funding if you want to have an impact on chess in Canada.
                          • Rating fees and membership dues are the primary sources of revenue for the CFC. Our constituents and customers are primarily serious chess players who play in tournaments.

                            I think growing membership numbers will help. Objectives need to be defined before we can decide whether we can achieve them under the current cost structure. Attracting sponsorship dollars is not that hard if you have that objective and set out in that direction. Currently the sponsorship dollars are mostly generated by approaching local tourism bureaus. They do not go to the CFC so we benefit only indirectly but they do help the local organizer by funding tournaments. Typically these bureaus provide some logistic support and funding for tournaments is typically in the $5000 to $20,000 range.

                          • Leadership: We do have great people who love the game of chess and have dedicated so much of their time to serving the chess community in Canada. If we continue with the status quo, we will continue to get the same dismal results. We really need to change the leadership structure, particularly the executive leadership. CFC needs an Executive Director (ED) whose primary role is to raise sponsorship funds, create and lead the new strategic direction for CFC, and elevate the CFC's presence in the Canadian and international chess community. CFC needs a business-minded ED and must be ready to pay a competitive wage for this role ($150K to $200K per annum).
                          Dismal results? I reject that characterization in a year when we have a thirty year high in membership numbers and FIDE has placed one of the most important tournaments in chess in Toronto next year in the Candidates tournament.

                          In previous years we usually had two or three media contacts per year. These days we have that many or more in a month. We sent three teams to the U16 Olympiad and all three punched above their weight. Our young players are always punching far above their FIDE ratings.

                          Our relationship with FIDE has never been better. I can get a decision maker at FIDE very quickly. I can correspond with the FIDE president and usually get a response in minutes.

                          Most non-profits do not have an executive director with those responsibilities or that level of renumeration. We would need charitable status or some equivalent for that to be realistic. For that to be feasible that person would have to be capable of raising two million to four million dollars each and every year or else we would raise red flags as having a top heavy structure where most of the raised funds went to salary. Setting strategic direction is not something that is usually delegated to a paid employee.

                          The strategic plan from 2012 is still something that I follow. I think it needs to be updated to reflect the current realities but the goals and direction remain the same.

                        • Membership: The current membership model needs a revamp. It's unclear what the membership benefits are and how CFC supports different types of members. A great survey here will be very beneficial to really get a sense of the type of support people require from CFC. The current model of one membership does not work when you apparently have different people who require different things from CFC - chess organizers, casual chess players, competitive chess players, members who want to vote, and those who care less about chess politics, etc.
                        We currently have two types of membership, voting and non-voting. We probably should add a corporate membership at some point. For the most part chess organizers come from chess players or their parents.

                      • Next Steps: The immediate next step in my opinion is to be open-minded and to show a willingness to learn from what other successful organizations in Canada and outside of Canada are doing - market research, interviews, surveys, etc. All of this will inform the strategic direction. Then focus on hiring the ED that will now run with the strategic direction and finances to fund the new direction of the organization.
                      • Comment

                        • #43
                          Vlad Drkulec posted:

                          Ozempic cost is very high.

                          All the essential scientific discoveries for drugs is done in Universities, from whom the drug companies buy it for a paltry sum, and then fleece society with the monopoly. Instead, University research needs to be appropriately rewarded from taxes, and then made available to whoever wants to use it. That would certainly bring down the prices...


                          • #44
                            Yes, there are many inequities built into the current system.


                            • #45
                              When asking students to evaluate a position, I sometimes ask them to imagine if they were not bound by the rules but could simply pick up a piece or several pieces and move them anywhere on the board, which pieces would they move and where would they put them?

                              A similar exercise in the context of developing a strategic plan would be to imagine an ideal end state for chess in Canada. What would that look like?


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