Solutions to the Beauty of Problems

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  • #16
    Post 87 Smyslove 2001 The mainline goes 1.Nb1, a2 2.Nec3, a1Q 3.b4, f5 First step a nice queen trap is set 4.Kh6, Kh8 5.g7+, Kg8 6.Kg6 king trap 6...Qa5 What a stalemate try! 7. Ne4 take this 7...fxe4 8.bxa5 tit for tat 8...e3 9.f5, e2 the finale race 10.f6, e1=Q 11. f7 mate.

    Post 88 Smyslov, 64, 2002, 1.Kf4, c5 2.Ke4, Kc7 3.Ke5, Kc6 4.Ke6, Kc7 5.Ke7, Kc6 6.Kd8, Kd6 7.Kc8, Kc6 8.Kb8, Kb6 9.Ka8, a5 10.Kb8, a4 11.bxa4, Ka5 12.Kc7, Kxa4 13.Kc6, Kb4 14. Kd5 zugzwang 1-0
    Last edited by Hans Jung; Tuesday, 9th April, 2024, 10:14 AM.


    • #17
      Post 89 Smyslov, Moi Etyudy, 2005 1.Ne2, Be1 2.a7, h2 3.Ng3, Bxg3 4.a8=N, h1=Q+ 5.Ka2, c4 6.b4, c5 7.b5, Qg2+ 8.Ka3, Qb2+ 9.Kxb2, c3+ 10.Kb3, c4+ 11.Kb4, c2 12.Nc7 mate or 12.Nb6 mate. 1-0

      Post 90 Smyslov, Mahsarlusky, 2004 1.Ncd5, Qe5+ 2.c3, c6 3.Ng4, cxd5 4.Nxe5, fxe5 5.f6, g5 6.h4, gxh4 7.gxh4, a6 8.Kc1, b5 9.a5, d4 10.cxd4, exd4 11.Kc2, b4 12.h5, d3+ 13.Kxd3, b3 14.Bg7, h6 15.Bxh8, Kxh8 16.Kc3,Kg8 17.Kxb3, Kf8 18.Kc4, Ke8 19.Kc5, Kd7 20.Kb6, Kd6 21.Kxa6, Kc6 22.Ka7, Kc7 23.a6 zugzwang 1-0


      • #18
        Post 91 Robert Lemaire, Volksgazet, 1954, 1.Kb8, Kb5 2.c7, f2 3.c8=Q, f1=Q 4.Qa6+, Kxa6 (or White wins black queen) 5.Nc7 mate.

        Post 92 Michael Pasman, Stanislav Bilokin, 2024 1.f5, Bg3 2.Kxg3, Rxa6 3.Kh3, Rg6 4.Nxa3, Rg4 5.g3, Rxa4 6.b3, g5 7.fxg6, Rxa3 8.g7, Rxb3 9.g8=B!, Rb7 10.Bd5, Ra7 11.Be4, Rg7 12.g4+, Rxg4 13.Bf3 and wins.
        Last edited by Hans Jung; Saturday, 13th April, 2024, 05:04 PM.


        • #19
          Post 94 Rinck 1.f7, Kf1 2.Kh2, Nf2 3.Kg3, Ne4+ 4.Kf4, Nc5 5.b7 and White wins.

          Post 95 Smyslov, Moi Etyudy, 2005 1.Nb6, axb6 2.Ra8, c2 3.Ra4, c1=Q 4.g8=N, h4 5.Nf6 mate.


          • #20
            Post 96 Cook 1.Rc4, b5 2.Bh3, bxc4 3.Bd7 mate or 1....Kb5 2.Rc1+, Ka4 3.Ra1 mate

            Post 97 Boswell 1.Qa8, b2 2.Kb4 mate or 1...c3 2.Kxb3 mate or 1...d4 2.Qh1 mate

            Post 99 Knight technique 1.Ne3, a2 2.Kc1, a3 3.Nc2 mate or 1...Ka2 2.Nd5, Ka1 3.Nb4, a2 4.Kc1, a3 5.Nc2 mate

            Post 100 Luis Alberto 1.Qd6, cxd6 2.Bb6 mate or 1...exd6 2.e7 mate or 1...Bb7 or Ba6 2.Qxd7 mate
            Last edited by Hans Jung; Tuesday, 30th April, 2024, 10:31 AM.


            • #21
              Post 101 Sam Loyd 1.Qc3 and queen mates on h8 or h3 depending on what White moves..

              Post 102 Kyle Enaj 1.Nc2 and queen mates on a2 or b4 depending on what White moves.

              Post 103 Sam Loyd 1.A8 =B, if 1...Kg8 2.Kg6 and 3.B8 = R or Q mate, or 1...Ke8 2.Ke6 and 3.B8 = Q mate, or 1...Kf8 2.B8=Q or R, 2....Kf7 3.Bd5 mate.

              Post 104 Wormald 1.Qh1, 1....Kxb6 2. Nc4 mate.

              Post 105 Philippe Van 1.Bxf5, 1....Ke2 2.Ng1 mate.


              • #22
                Post 106 Kyle Enaj 1.Qh6, Kxe2 2.Qa6 mate or 1...Kg2, 2.Ne3 mate or 1...fxe2 2.Qh1 mate

                Post 107 Tarnawieki, Elkies, The Supplement 2004, Full Dunbar 1.Kf3, Kd5 2.Ke3+, Kc5 3.Ke4, Kc6 4.Kd4 mate or 2...Ke6 3.Kd4, Kf6 4.Kd5 mate

                Post 108 Philippe Van 1.Rb8, Rxb8 2.cxb8 = N mate or 1...B moves 2.Rb6 mate

                Post 109 Karel Makovsky 1884 1.Qh4, Kza4 2.Bd7 mate or 1...Kc4 2.Be2 mate or 1...N moves 2.Be2 mate or 2.Bd7 mate depending on where N moves.

                Post 110 Philippe Van 1.Qf6, gxf6 2.Nxf6 mate
                Last edited by Hans Jung; Friday, 2nd August, 2024, 03:47 PM.


                • #23
                  Post 111 G. Heathcote 1.Be4, Bxe4 2.f4 mate or 1...Rex4, 2.Rxa5 mate, or 1...Kxe4, 2.Re3 mate.

                  Post 112 A.M. Sparke 1.Qd4, Ne2 2.Rg1 mate or 1...Ke1 2.Re2 mate

                  Post 113 C. Mansfield key move 1.Ng2

                  Post 114 Guarini 1.Rd4+ if Bxd4 2.f4 mate, if1...Kxd4 2.Qd3mate, if 1...Nxd4 2.Nc7 mate, if 1....cxd4 2.Nf6mate, if 1...exd4 2.Qf5 mate


                  • #24
                    Post 115 Tuxen, 1.Nf3 if Nc6 2.Qd5 mate if 1...Nb5 2.Bxb7 mate, if 1...Nb3 2.Qxb1 mate, if 1...Nc2 2.Qd3 mate, if 1...Nxe2 2.Qxe2 mate, if 1...Nxf3 2.exf3 mate, if 1...Nf5 2.Rg4 mate, if 1...Ne6 2.Re5 mate. Otherwise 2.Nd2 mate.

                    Post 116 Fritz Giegold 1.Qf6, Qxd2 2.Qxe7 mate, if 1...Bh4 2.Rxd6 mate but I particularly like 1.Qxd6+, Bxd6 2.Rxd6+, exd6 3.e7 mate, even though it's mate in three.

                    Post 117 Philippe Van key move 1.Qh1

                    Post 118 Heinrich Friedrich Ludwig Meyer 1.c8=N, Kxc8 2.Ba6 mate, or 1...Ka8 2.Bc6 mate.


                    • #25
                      Post 119 Basic Training Key move 1.Kc2 or 1.Ke2

                      Post 120 Basic Training 1.Qg3+, Rf2 2.Qc3 mate (switchback)

                      Post 121 Basic Training F8 = N mate. Key underpromotion.

                      Post 122 Basic Training 1.Nc3+, Kb4 2.Rb5 mate.

                      Post 123 Jung, Butler collaboration 1.c6+, Ka6 2.a4, b5 3.Nc5+, Kb6 4.a5 mate.


                      • #26
                        Post 124 Kyrylo Demchenko key move 1.Kg7

                        Post 125 Kyla Enaj key move 1.c3

                        Post 126 Abel Vergara key move 1.Qa1

                        Post 127 Kyla Enaj key move 1.Qh3

                        Post 128 Sam Loyd key move 1.Nd2


                        • #27
                          Post 129 Sam Loyd key move 1.Qe3

                          Post 130 The Chess Corner key move 1.Bb6

                          Post 131 Dobrinetsky key move 1.d4 Black must take en passant exposing checkmate.

                          Post 132 Szypulski key move 1.Bh2

                          Post 133 Kyla Enaj key move 1.Bc2

                          Post 134 Donisthorpe vs Mandell, 1892 1.Qxe5+ if dxe5 2.Bc5 mate, if 1...fxe5 2.Bg5 mate. Famous and stunning queen sacrifice.

                          Post 135 from Chess Minds key move 1.Bh1 zugzwang forcing checkmate next move.


                          • #28
                            Post 136 Troitzky 1.Nc5, Kd6 2.Nd3, Qf7 3.Qd4, Qd5 4.Qf6, Qe6 5.Qg7, Qf5 6.Nf4, Kc5 7.Qc3, Kb6 8.Qc7 mate.

                            Post 137 Topko 1.Ne2, Kd1 2.Nd4, Kc1 3.Nb3, Kb1 4.Bf7, Ra2 5.Bg6, Rc2 6.Bc2, Ka2 7.Nc1, Ka1 8.Bh7, a2 9.Nb3 mate.

                            Post 138 Liburkin, 1939, 1.Nf5, g2 2.Nh4, g1=Q 3.Nf3, Kd1 4.Ng1, a4 5.Kc3, a3 6.Nd5, a2 7.Ne3, Kc1 8.Ne2, Kb1 9.Kd2, a1=Q 10.Nc3, Kb2 11.Nc4 mate.


                            • #29
                              Post 139 Kasparyan, 1.N8f6 h2 2.Kf7 Bd5 3.Nd5 h1=Q 4.Be3 Kh7 5.Ng5 Kh6 6.Ne6 Kh5 7.Nf6 Kh4 8.Bf2 Kh3 9.Nf4 Kh2 10.Ng4 mate

                              Post 140 Richard Reti 1.Ke1 g3 2,Nd2 g2 3.Nf3 Kg3 4.Ng1 h2 5.Ne2 Kh3 6.Bc8 mate

                              Post 141 Hornecker et al 1.Nf4 Ra8 2.Ne6 Kb8 3.Rh5 Ra6 4.Rh8 Ka7 5.Nc7 Rc6 6.Ra8 Kb6 7.Nd5 mate


                              • #30
                                In posts 136 to 141 there seems to be some confusion by readers. Only the main line leads to checkmate in each problem. The solution to alternative lines usually are only shown to where a simple win is evident.

