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  • Geopolitics

    A thread for general geopolitics topics.

    Let's start with: China, Russia, North Korea vs. USA, Europe, South Korea, Taiwan, possibly India

    France leader Macron has sounded the alarm bells about a huge coming decline in Europe economies. Why? Because cheap Russian natural gas that once flowed to Europe, enabling industrial competitiveness, has now been diverted to China, and guess what, China is now underpricing Europe significantly. The initial result: mass layoffs, unemployment in of all places GERMANY.

    In concert with Macron's warnings, Biden announces new Russian sanctions that are really targeting China. The U.S. is coming to realize that China and Russia are in partnership, along with North Korea, and of course, China sharply criticized the new sanctions.

    It's all part of a chess war going on. Actually, more like Risk. USA holds key cards, namely the international banking system. The Russian stock market declined 15% in one day, and 2 major Russian banks were preventing their customers from withdrawing money. The ruble also declined quite a bit.

    These are still the opening salvos. Europe stands to be hit very very hard, mass layoffs are in the cards for this year and next. Thus Macron's alarm bells.

    Medvedev of Russia is urging a worldwide economic war against the West. This is only going to get more and more complicated and messy.

  • #2
    whoops, I was in the non-chess forum when I posted this, but it went into the chess forum. anyone know how to move it?


    • #3


      • #4
        BRICS+ has steadily gotten stronger since its inception.

        It is now ready to do battle with the West's monetary/banking system.

        I believe this is a new world scenario?

        Bob A

        Pargat - I think you have to copy/paste to the Non-Chess Forum. And only an admin can delete the thread here, I believe.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post
          A thread for general geopolitics topics. .....

          Medvedev of Russia is urging a worldwide economic war against the West. This is only going to get more and more complicated and messy.
          A geopolitical thread!! A good and interesting idea, Pargat. Thank you.

          I wonder how much of Russia's long-term foreign policy strategy is driven by the following:

          1. A country with less than 2% of the world's population occupies about 11% of earth's land mass (I think this figure includes lakes and rivers but don't have time to verify).

          2. Lurking more or less directly to the south of Russia, in non-Russian Asia, live 60%(!) of the world's population on a land mass that is only about twice the size of Russia's.

          In circumstances like these, who do you want for your friends?
          Last edited by Peter McKillop; Friday, 14th June, 2024, 11:39 AM.
          "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
          "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
          "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


          • #6
            Moved to the non-chess forum.

            Geopolitics - ChessTalk / Parlons Échecs

            If everyone who replied could repeat their replies in that thread, and this one can die.

