CMA begins it's 40th year of service to the Canadian chess community!

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  • CMA begins it's 40th year of service to the Canadian chess community!

    The Chess'n Math Association (CMA), A not-for-profit organization that I started so long ago in Montreal, has developed over the years beyond what I had ever imagined. Today we are Canada's National Scholastic Chess Organization with collaborators in every province in Canada. Our pride and joy is the annual Canadian Chess Challenge, which is the only Canadian chess tournament bringing together an equal number of players from all 10 provinces...1 in each school grade from grade 1 - 12!

    I believe it is also the only Canadian chess event that has been hosted by every province in the country!

    If you would like to know more about us you can go to our website:

    I will be posting regularly over the next year about events and shop specials ( but for tonight I will just make the following announcement:

    Thanks to the CFC accepting our bid, we will be hosting the 2025 North American Youth Chess Championship in Kingston from August 17-23, 2025!

    Let the celebrations begin!

    Larry Bevand
    Executive Director
    Chess'n Math Association (CMA)
    Canada's National Scholastic Chess Organization

  • #2
    Congratulations To Larry and CMA! 40 years is a real milestone!


    • #3
      Great work Larry, I don't know anyone else in Canadian chess who has done so much. Amazing! Was always good working with you way back when. Keep on keeping on!



      • #4
        Congratulations, Larry & everyone at CMA in the past and in the present!


        • #5
          Congratulations to CMA, and of course yourself, Larry.


          • #6
            At the CYCC/CO in Laval this year, Larry was there to yet again present a financial support award on behalf of CMA. What Larry/CMA have done for Canadian chess is wonderfully awesome!


            • #7
              Congratulations to Larry Bevand and the CMA on the first 40 years! Chess in Canada benefits enormously because of your work.


              • #8
                In 2019 I was the President of the RA Chess Club in Ottawa when three of our junior players won their sections at the CYCC. (no other club had more than one winner, AFAIK).

                When asked about the secret to the Club's success, I said it was basically numbers: Ottawa had a lot of juniors and a lot of tournaments, and a wide net and a good filter should make for a good catch.

                A very big reason Ottawa had so many young players is because the CMA has been there for decades: running Chess in the Schools, chess camps during summer and school breaks, and regular junior chess tournaments. So many kids get exposed to chess, and get a quick start with CMA lessons, that anyone with an interest and aptitude has an early opportunity to progress.

                And that progress doesn't have to stop after they get their Queen, King, and Advanced CMA Certificates. Those three 2019 CYCC winners are all now FIDE titleists: WIM Svitlana Demchenko, IM Johnathan Han, and FM Daniel Xu. Any one of them might have had as much success without the CMA or the RACC... but who would bet on that?

                Thankfully, Larry bet on chess opportunity,

                Thanks Larry.


                • #9
                  Finally something new fresh and exciting on here. Happy Birthday CMA and congratulations to you Larry! When is the party? :)


                  • #10
                    Congratulations Larry and the CMA. Here's to another 40 successful years.


                    • #11
                      Happy Anniversary Larry. CMA has made a huge contribution to Canadian Chess.

                      Thank you.


                      • #12
                        Johnathan started his chess learning at CMA when he was 5 years old (yes he was in KG). He played CMA tournaments on weekends. He won his first chess trophy in OCC. All of these helped him win his first CYCC U8 Champion in 2017. Afterwards, aside CMA tournament his started to play games in RA chess club every Thursday night and tournaments every month. He also started his chess journey in worldwide tournaments like WCCC with CFC support. Due to the pandemic, he learned chess online, read chess books and played online games. Over the past two years, he achieved FM and IM. He is working on GM now. He also volunteers to tutor younger chess players.

                        As his parent, we world like to take this opportunity to thank CMA, RACC and CFC and Johnathan's chess teachers/coaches for your contributions and support for not only Johnathan but all the young chess players as well.


                        • #13
                          I have a book with the 25th year celebration sticker on it. Time flies. Wow - 40 years. Congrats!!!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
                            I have a book with the 25th year celebration sticker on it. Time flies. Wow - 40 years. Congrats!!!
                            Oh my goodness, this post made me look in my closet, and I found my 25-year commemorative CMA jacket! So thanks yet again Larry!

