Olympiad pairings

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  • #31
    Originally posted by John Coleman View Post
    I notice many nations have team shirts and/or jackets. Does Canada have these?
    Maili-Jade asked about them and I did give her permission to get some of the Olympics themed uniforms but there were too many moving parts to this Olympiad and I did not follow up. I was more concerned with the registration of our team members and lack of communication from the organizers. When everyone arrived I was too complacent as the early arrivals got hotel rooms without incident. They did not have a hotel room for Victor Plotkin.

    This was not as nerve racking as India two years ago but it had its share of frustrations.


    • #32
      Rd 4 Patience is required. Even as fans. These are going to be long games. The Greeks are famous as maneuverers and counterattackers. Canada will have its hands full but so far we are doing well.


      • #33
        I had a big smile on my face when Razvan played 35.Kg4 but his opponent didnt fall for it. Anyways, Im enjoying the game immensely.


        • #34
          Enjoying Shawn's knight pyrotechnics and how that pawn chain looms so large.


          • #35
            Could Shiyam actually be winning this? Look at those knights!


            • #36
              speaking of Ivanchuk, the great Chucky gave Wesley So the ultimate lesson! - will the Ukraine upset USA - looks likely!


              • #37
                In case you havent been following Team Canada has two Black specialists, Shiyam Thavandiran and Nikolay Noritsyn. In todays match Nikolay came through big time! Lets hear it for Nikolay!!


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Hans Jung View Post
                  In case you havent been following Team Canada has two Black specialists, Shiyam Thavandiran and Nikolay Noritsyn. In todays match Nikolay came through big time! Lets hear it for Nikolay!!
                  So exciting! Way to go Nikolay!


                  • #39
                    The other Black specialist Shiyam came through with a big draw to win the match against Greece! Canada continues to be giant killers!


                    • #40
                      The Canadian women tied Scotland.


                      • #41
                        Rd 5 Team Canada vs Iran, Canadian Women vs Monaco


                        • #42
                          Havent seen the mad pawn caper variation in a long time but its currently happening on baord one. Leads to lively piece play. Eyes glued. Go Shawn go!


                          • #43
                            Team Canada lost to a very tough Iranian team. Only Nikolay held the draw.


                            • #44
                              The Canadian women defeated Monaco convincingly.


                              • #45
                                Rd 6 Team Canada plays Turkey, Canadian Women play Belgium

