Salwe - Rubinstein ( Pystian 1912)

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  • Salwe - Rubinstein ( Pystian 1912)

    After reading Kevin S. blog where he mentionned A. Rubinstein great achievements... i just look for a book about him in my collection.

    i found one by Krzysztof Pitel ( translated in French by Bernard Sojka)

    L art de pratiquer les finales. On page 16, we can found the Salwe - Rubinstein following game.

    [Event "Bad Pistyan"]
    [Site "Bad Pistyan"]
    [Date "1912.05.28"]
    [Round "7"]
    [White "Salwe, Georg"]
    [Black "Rubinstein, Akiba"]
    [Result "0-1"]
    [ECO "C01"]
    [PlyCount "230"]
    [EventDate "1912.05.20"]
    [EventType "tourn"]
    [EventRounds "17"]
    [EventCountry "CSR"]
    [Source "ChessBase"]
    [SourceDate "1999.07.01"]

    1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. exd5 exd5 4. Bd3 Bd6 5. Nf3 Bg4 6. O-O Nc6 7. c3 Nge7 8.
    Bg5 Qd7 9. Bh4 O-O 10. Bg3 Ng6 11. Nbd2 Nf4 12. Bxf4 Bxf4 13. Qc2 g6 14. Rfe1
    Kg7 15. h3 Be6 16. Nf1 f6 17. Re2 Rae8 18. Rae1 Nd8 19. Ng3 c6 20. Nh2 Nf7 21.
    Nhf1 Nd6 22. Qb1 Re7 23. h4 f5 24. f3 Rfe8 25. Nh1 Bh6 26. g3 Kf8 27. Nf2 Bf7
    28. Qc2 Nc4 29. f4 Bg7 30. Bxc4 dxc4 31. Qd2 b5 32. Rxe7 Rxe7 33. Rxe7 Qxe7 34.
    Qe3 b4 35. Qxe7+ Kxe7 36. Nd1 bxc3 37. bxc3 Kd6 38. Kf2 c5 39. dxc5+ Kxc5 40.
    Ke3 Be8 41. Kd2 Bc6 42. Nfe3 Be4 43. Nb2 Bb1 44. a4 Ba2 45. h5 a5 46. hxg6 hxg6
    47. Ng2 Bf6 48. Nh4 Bxh4 49. gxh4 Kd5 50. Ke3 Bb3 51. Kf3 Kd6 52. Ke3 Kc5 53.
    Kd2 Kc6 54. Ke3 Kd5 55. Kf3 Bc2 56. Ke3 Kc5 57. Kd2 Be4 58. Ke3 Bc6 59. Kd2 Kd5
    60. Ke3 Bd7 61. Kf3 Kc5 62. Ke3 Be8 63. Kd2 Bc6 64. Ke3 Bxa4 65. Nxa4+ Kb5 66.
    Kd4 Kxa4 67. Kxc4 Ka3 68. Kb5 Kb3 69. c4 a4 70. c5 a3 71. c6 a2 72. c7 a1=Q 73.
    c8=Q Qa4+ 74. Kb6 Qb4+ 75. Ka7 Qd4+ 76. Ka8 Qe4+ 77. Ka7 Qe3+ 78. Ka8 Qe4+ 79.
    Ka7 Qd4+ 80. Ka8 Qc4 81. Kb7 Qf7+ 82. Kb6 Qf6+ 83. Kb5 Qxh4 84. Qc4+ Kb2 85.
    Qe2+ Kc1 86. Qe3+ Kd1 87. Kc6 Qe1 88. Qe5 Qe4+ 89. Kd6 Ke2 90. Ke6 Kf3 91. Kf6
    Qxf4 92. Qd5+ Qe4 93. Qd1+ Kg2 94. Qd2+ Kh3 95. Kxg6 f4+ 96. Kf7 f3 97. Qh6+
    Kg3 98. Qg7+ Qg4 99. Qc3 Qe4 100. Qg7+ Qg4 101. Qc3 Qd7+ 102. Kf8 Kg2 103. Qc2+
    f2 104. Qg6+ Kh2 105. Qh5+ Qh3 106. Qe5+ Qg3 107. Qb2 Kh1 108. Qc1+ Kg2 109.
    Qb2 Qe3 110. Qg7+ Kf3 111. Qb7+ Qe4 112. Qb3+ Kf4 113. Qd1 Qc4 114. Qd6+ Kf3
    115. Qd1+ Kg3 0-1

    Pytel give 64... Bxa4 an exclamation mark.

    but it look like 66 Nb2 is winning for white...
    So did Salwe, Rubinstein and Pytel all missed something

    or there is a typo error somewhere in the game..


  • #2
    Re: Salwe - Rubinstein ( Pystian 1912)

    Originally posted by Gilles Groleau View Post
    Pytel give 64... Bxa4 an exclamation mark.

    but it look like 66 Nb2 is winning for white...
    So did Salwe, Rubinstein and Pytel all missed something

    or there is a typo error somewhere in the game..

    All the moves are correct (I checked up to the move 66. Kd4)- according to "The Life & Games of Akiva Rubinstein Volume 1: Uncrowned King" by John Donaldson and Nikolay Minev. (page 263)

    The only two annotations in the book are for the moves 64 ... Bxa4 and 66. Kd4 - both moves are "awarded" a "??".
    After 66.Kd4?? authors say:
    "Hypnotized, Salwe trusts Rubinstein and misses his chance to win the game as was pointed out in the February-March 1992 issue of L'Italia Scacchistica"


    • #3
      Re: Salwe - Rubinstein ( Pystian 1912)

      thank for the reply; at least another book give the same moves order.

      but i m still septic ;-) as we know there are a lot of typo on many game scoresheet.. and there were probably using descriptive notation in those day...

      so many years later... people may found explanation

      and lots of things are possible.


      • #4
        Re: Salwe - Rubinstein ( Pystian 1912)

        Originally posted by Gilles Groleau View Post

        and lots of things are possible.
        bien sûr :)

        The book I mentioned is from 2006.
        Two databases at least show the same moves: an old ChessBase DB that I have and the Chesslab DB.
        Rubinstein won that tournament with 14 points out of 17 (he had 12 wins), 2.5 points ahead of Spielmann!
        But the only one that went undefeated was Carl Schlechter who ended up tied for the 4-6th places.

