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  • #16
    Getting Chess Into School Curricula

    Hi Tony:

    I don't know if you've now talked to one of your local CFC Governors about your idea, to bring it forward to the Executive. They should likely speak to Michael Barron, the Youth Coordinator.

    I would think that the first place to go would be the local school board. But maybe they couldn't do anything like you suggest, without the authorization of the Provincial Ministers of Education. So it may be that CFC would have to approach some provincial MPP's to start building internal support for the intiative, and to get some MPP's signed on to carrying it forward ( I think that likely it is not a federal issue, and so likely we would not be approaching the MP's ).

    I can only tell you that it has been my experience since being a governor that individuals with suggestions who want them to really go somewhere, have to be the ones to move the file forward. Throwing out ideas on ChessTalk is good for generating discussion, but if you really want action, you must do it yourself. You must talk a governor or two into supporting your idea, and into actually doing the work to draft the necessary motion and to file it. This is the only way ideas get implemented. Yours is a good one, but you will have to pursue it with some of your own volunteer time to the CFC.

    And I don't think you need " fresh blood " to get this moving. You need some hard work, communication, persuasion, and ongoing monitoring that some governors do what they promise you.

    And I would also check with some BC Governors. There have been threads in the past about chess being incorporated into a highschool curriculum somewhere out in BC.

    Good luck.



    • #17

      Update: For class, had to pick three of the best and three of the worst websites out there. For best, I had classics like, IMDB and T-nation. For worst, one of the ones that I picked was Got 90%.


      • #18

        Hey Lucas, I don't know you but if you play Sc2 we should play some games


        • #19

          Unfortunately, at the moment I am unable to play online. Soon enough I will get an enhanced modem, however, and will begin the massacre. However, if you feel you can handle the challenge, you may watch this 50 minute Flash vs Jaedong game:

