This post is to seed a discussion of the relative merits and popularity of two different styles of "blitz" chess:
Note: these aren't the only options, and they're not exclusive. Many tournaments advertise 90+30 TC, but state that if no digital clock is available then some other TC (G/120) will be used. A similar option is available for Blitz.
Pros of 5 v 5:
Cons of 5 v 5:
Pros of 3+2
Cons of 3+2
5 v 5 (where each player has 5 minutes to play all moves), or
3+2 (where each player has 3 minutes + 2 sec/move to play all moves).
3+2 (where each player has 3 minutes + 2 sec/move to play all moves).
Note: these aren't the only options, and they're not exclusive. Many tournaments advertise 90+30 TC, but state that if no digital clock is available then some other TC (G/120) will be used. A similar option is available for Blitz.
Pros of 5 v 5:
- Can be played with non-digital clocks.
- Traditional.
- Makes for exciting last second time scrambles.
- Predictable ending time for each round.
Cons of 5 v 5:
- Increased chance of "unsportsmanlike" attempts to win on time when up a few seconds with a losing position.
- TD may have to intervene to adjudicate positions where a player is attempting to win on time rather than "by normal means".
- Special rules required to cover cases of flagging when opponent does not have mating material (B v Q).
- Special rules required to cover cases of flagging when opponent has mating material, but only enough for a "help-mate" (e.g. White flags with QRR vs N, and Black wins because it is possible for Black to mate White).
Pros of 3+2
- Modern (the choice for top GM blitz tournaments, e.g. after the Tal Memorials in Moscow).
- Avoids "unsportsmanlike" attempts to win on time when up a few seconds with a losing position (because player with less time will not flag so long as moves take less than the 2 sec increment).
- No special rules required to cover cases like those described above.
Cons of 3+2
- Requires digital clocks.
- Less predictable duration of each round (In principle, each game could go on infinitely long).