Calling out Vlad Dobrich

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  • Calling out Vlad Dobrich

    Good day Vlad, I noticed you were giving me the cold death stare throughout last round of the tournament yesterday while I was playing a tense important game. Now normally, I would have thought any sane person would have forgotten our disagreements when I stopped posting about that like 3 months ago but I see that I was wrong.
    I don't know about you but I feel very uncomfortable when some guy who's not playing chess is constantly looking at me and staring at me as if it's a mexican standoff and just waiting for me to look back so he can shoot lasers out of his eyes at me. Obviously, I tried to avoid your gaze . I just want you to know that no matter how much you stare at me, a word is still worth a thousand stares. I would like for us to discuss this matter further so that the next time I play a tournament and you decide to spectate, you can actually say Hi, how you doing and talk about our disagreements like proper gentlemen.

    The floor is yours now, I really hope no one does the first post and make this thread totally sidetracked.
    Shameless self-promotion on display here

  • #2
    Re: Calling out Vlad Dobrich

    Originally posted by Bindi Cheng View Post
    Good day Vlad, I noticed you were giving me the cold death stare throughout last round of the tournament yesterday while I was playing a tense important game. Now normally, I would have thought any sane person would have forgotten our disagreements when I stopped posting about that like 3 months ago but I see that I was wrong.
    I don't know about you but I feel very uncomfortable when some guy who's not playing chess is constantly looking at me and staring at me as if it's a mexican standoff and just waiting for me to look back so he can shoot lasers out of his eyes at me. Obviously, I tried to avoid your gaze . I just want you to know that no matter how much you stare at me, a word is still worth a thousand stares. I would like for us to discuss this matter further so that the next time I play a tournament and you decide to spectate, you can actually say Hi, how you doing and talk about our disagreements like proper gentlemen.

    The floor is yours now, I really hope no one does the first post and make this thread totally sidetracked.
    The first thing I did when I saw your post was to check with my on-line dictionary to see if the term 'calling out' still means what it used to mean.
    Yep, it still means a challenge to a duel!
    Secondly, you imagined that I was staring at you. Not so, I did not come there to interact with you in any way. I came to see people with whom I share a mutual respect.
    Now contrary to your post here, I consider myself a sane person and a gentleman.
    I did not resort to name calling during our original disagreement as I recall you did.
    Had I called you disrespectful names and later considered myself to have been rude, I would have been the first to apologize.
    If you have more to say on this matter, I suggest this is not the proper venue. At the top of this page, you can click on private messages and take it from there.


    • #3
      Re: Calling out Vlad Dobrich

      You seem to have ignored every single part of my question and came up with your own? Everytime I walked by you, you gave me a death stare. Need I explain what a death stare is? Are you appalled by my name-calling tactics? How old are you, I'm curious, it's actually a serious question. The point of this post is just to get you to admit that you were actually staring at me and that you won't do it in the future so we can actually say hi to each other without the uncomfortable silences. There's no need to act defensive as if you haven't badmouthed me to other chess players just like I have badmouthed you to other chess players. I make it public so everyone can see this, just like everyone saw what happened with the blitz event you hosted during the Canadian Open. I still stand by the suggestion that no chess organizer allow you to have anything to do when it comes to blitz chess. It's obvious you have no practical understanding of what it's like to actually play chess.
      Shameless self-promotion on display here


      • #4
        And in this corner...

        Ahhh! Youth!



        • #5
          Re: the Dobrich Record

          Originally posted by Bindi Cheng View Post
          It's obvious you have no practical understanding of what it's like to actually play chess.
          Hi Bindi:

          I'm not entering into this dispute.

          I'm just suggesting that you research back a few years ( like around 40 ), and look for the name " Walter " Dobrich - you'll find he defintely knew how to play chess - was a top Canadian player in his day.



          • #6
            Re: Calling out Vlad Dobrich

            Pity! All the original "action" happened when I was away from Chesstalk for a few days. I found the original posts and am thankful that at our Montreal blitzes the rules are posted - including "house rules" which include positions in which draws can be claimed. Many clocks have been spared a quick(er) death due to them.


            • #7
              Re: Calling out Vlad Dobrich

              Regardless, I just want Vlad to stop eyeballing me when I go a tourney and he's spectating. It's not only distracting but really freaking scary. I'm surprised I kept my cool during the game. How would you feel if everytime you passed someone, that guy stares at you like you're fresh meat in prison movies?
              Shameless self-promotion on display here


              • #8
                Re: Calling out Vlad Dobrich

                This thread is awesome


                • #9
                  Re: Calling out Vlad Dobrich

                  Originally posted by Bindi Cheng View Post
                  How would you feel if everytime you passed someone, that guy stares at you like you're fresh meat in prison movies?
                  Well, flattered obviously. Just don't drop your bishop as you walk by and you'll be fine.


                  • #10
                    Re: Calling out Vlad Dobrich

                    Any chance this thread could be deleted?


                    • #11
                      Re: Calling out Vlad Dobrich

                      Originally posted by Ken Craft View Post
                      Any chance this thread could be deleted?
                      if you don't like it, then don't read it, freedom-hater
                      everytime it hurts, it hurts just like the first (and then you cry till there's no more tears)


                      • #12
                        Re: Calling out Vlad Dobrich

                        Pardon me, Ben? Your epithet was unnecessary although not unexpected.
                        Sorry to take you away from your pablum.


                        • #13
                          Re: Calling out Vlad Dobrich


                          I found some directly related humour on the Spraggett Blog:


                          Alex F.


                          • #14
                            Re: Calling out Vlad Dobrich

                            Sometimes Ben does say some funny stuff but this time he's right. If you don't like it, dont read it Ken, I just want Vlad to publicly acknowledge that he was staring at me and won't do it again in future tournaments. It's not really all that hard but Vlad insists on making the matter personal and refusing to comment any further.
                            Shameless self-promotion on display here


                            • #15
                              Re: Calling out Vlad Dobrich

                              Originally posted by David Ottosen View Post
                              Well, flattered obviously. Just don't drop your bishop as you walk by and you'll be fine.
                              LOL!! You haven't lost your touch. :D
                              "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
                              "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
                              "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey

