New CFC website...

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  • #16
    Re: New CFC website...

    My apologies, this announcement was due last week, but nevertheless,

    The contract has been signed with Resolution Interactive Media of London, ON to build our new web site.

    Patrick Smale, President of EKG, will be the project leader for the CFC. A select sample group of CFC members will be working with Patrick on usability issues, as the project goes along through the design phase. Preliminary target finish date is Mar 15th, 2011. We will keep you posted on progress along the way.

    For samples of work by ResolutionIM please visit

    At long last, light at the end of this incredibly long tunnel. :)


    • #17
      Re: New CFC website...

      Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

      For samples of work by ResolutionIM please visit
      Oh dear...

      At long last, light at the end of this incredibly long tunnel. :)
      Based on their portfolio, I'm afraid not.


      • #18
        Re: New CFC website...

        Originally posted by Ed Seedhouse View Post
        Oh dear...

        Based on their portfolio, I'm afraid not.
        was their portfolio that bad? London Health Sciences, Samsonite, Trent University, Government of Alberta? or was it the "beer fridge" that threw you off...


        • #19
          Re: New CFC website...

          Originally posted by Craig Sadler View Post
          was their portfolio that bad? London Health Sciences, Samsonite, Trent University, Government of Alberta? or was it the "beer fridge" that threw you off...
          All low contrast with teensy tiny print so older folks with weakish eyes are apparently not in their remit, I suppose old folk's money is tainted and they don't want it or something.

          Coding practices out of the 1990's full of invalid html using (ugh) "transitional" document type declarations. One kept loading and loading and loading until I just gave up after a full minute of waiting.

          Nope, not a good sign at all. Sigh...


          • #20
            Re: New CFC website...

            Well. I really like this one.

            If they can make a site for us that is this dynamic looking, then we got something.


            • #21
              Re: New CFC website...

              Originally posted by Garland Best View Post
              Well. I really like this one.

              If they can make a site for us that is this dynamic looking, then we got something.
              I have already commented on that site on the CFC board. It is, so far as I am concerned, crap. It wastes valuable screen territorory on a pointless background graphic. It's fonts are sized so as to be barely readible to the more senior among us (like me, for instance). It jumps around and flashes like crazy when you navigate the site - hope no one with epilepsy reads it for long! Diagnosis: excessive and gratuitous use of Flash. All in all an extremely annoying and virtually unuseable web site. Yuck.

              An amature site apparently done by and for amatures. In my opinion.


              • #22
                Re: New CFC website...

                Hudson boat works? I personally dislike grey text on a black background, but maybe some people like it. However, there doesn't seem to be much content.

                Clicking on "events" from the top menu brings you to a screen with no info, except links to "events" (which is the current page) and "event calendar".

                Click on "event calendar", of course, there aren't many rowing events right now, but click on Dec 12... a box opens, a coaching conference... location, dates, but no further information, no contact info, no link, nothing.

                What's the point? So you can google for information?

                I dunno, maybe it's not the site design that's the problem, maybe Hudson boat works doesn't really care if you go to a coaching conference.

                For the CFC site, I hope we can do better than this.


                • #23
                  Re: New CFC website...

                  Originally posted by Ed Seedhouse View Post
                  Diagnosis: excessive and gratuitous use of Flash. All in all an extremely annoying and virtually unuseable web site. Yuck.

                  An amature site apparently done by and for amatures. In my opinion.
                  I don't know what the customer wanted so don't know if the job is amateur.

                  Did you see the names, first and last, of the owners on the site? I couldn't find it.
                  Gary Ruben
                  CC - IA and SIM


                  • #24
                    Re: New CFC website...

                    Originally posted by Gary Ruben View Post
                    Did you see the names, first and last, of the owners on the site? I couldn't find it.
                    The "about Hudson" link gives the name of "owner and president". There is also a good "contact us" page, with lots of info.


                    • #25
                      Re: New CFC website...

                      Thank you!
                      Gary Ruben
                      CC - IA and SIM


                      • #26
                        Re: New CFC website...

                        Originally posted by Gary Ruben View Post
                        I don't know what the customer wanted so don't know if the job is amateur.
                        A proper designer will guide the client away from such monstrosties.

                        The many CSS and HTML errors on both the home page and the portfolio pages scream amature to me. Or at least someone who doesn't care about doing things right from the beginning.

                        Invalid code is the equivalent of building a house without a foundation and then trying to sell it based on the great paint job.


                        • #27
                          Re: New CFC website...

                          Originally posted by Ed Seedhouse View Post
                          A proper designer will guide the client away from such monstrosties.

                          The many CSS and HTML errors on both the home page and the portfolio pages scream amature to me. Or at least someone who doesn't care about doing things right from the beginning.

                          Invalid code is the equivalent of building a house without a foundation and then trying to sell it based on the great paint job.
                          Whatever. I'm not a web site expert. I assume they are asking for something and expecting to get it.

                          I had a look at the thread on the CFC board and tried that slow loading web site. It loaded in 7 seconds on my setup. Could have been 8 or 6 seconds as I only watched the second hand on my watch. Wireless laptop.

                          I won't know what I think about the CFC setup until it's up and running.
                          Gary Ruben
                          CC - IA and SIM


                          • #28
                            Re: New CFC website...

                            Originally posted by Gary Ruben View Post
                            I had a look at the thread on the CFC board and tried that slow loading web site. It loaded in 7 seconds on my setup. Could have been 8 or 6 seconds as I only watched the second hand on my watch. Wireless laptop.
                            I tried it on my tower machine and it took over 40 seconds. Same internet connection. Main difference is in operating system and memory and the number of cores.
                            Gary Ruben
                            CC - IA and SIM


                            • #29
                              Re: New CFC website...

                              Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                              The contract has been signed with Resolution Interactive Media of London,
                              ON to build our new web site
                              Well already, I am no fan of theirs. The Trent website dances around,
                              is too flashy, and not really functional. Looks like they're trying to
                              impress visitors with JavaScript. I wonder what their failed websites
                              look like.

                              For 15 k, you can do a lot better than this.

                              I think something sturdy, legible, low bandwidth, functional, secure,
                              innovative, friendly and attractive is better. Think about keeping some
                              money aside (5 k), to pay a programmer down the road. Just in case
                              this turns out as bad as I think it's going to.

                              Is maintenance covered by the original contract, and for how long?
                              Last edited by Ed Zator; Sunday, 19th December, 2010, 07:13 PM.


                              • #30
                                Re: New CFC website...

                                Originally posted by Gary Ruben View Post
                                I had a look at the thread on the CFC board and tried that slow loading web site. It loaded in 7 seconds on my setup. Could have been 8 or 6 seconds as I only watched the second hand on my watch. Wireless laptop.
                                Wow... some of the pages on my website are slow, but that's because they take 0.3s to load. Most take under 0.1s.

                                On the other hand, load times can be affected by how much you spend on your server also...
                                Christopher Mallon
                                FIDE Arbiter

