CFC Rated vs. Non-Rated Events

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  • Lucas Davies
    Re: CFC Rated vs. Non-Rated Events

    I didn't really read your post, but I would be DISCINCLINED to play in unrated events. I mean, it'd be like playing some Starcraft 1V1 Lost Temple, but making it a UMS map. Who does that? WEIRDOS. I sure as hell wouldn't.

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  • Ken MacDonald
    started a topic CFC Rated vs. Non-Rated Events

    CFC Rated vs. Non-Rated Events

    I would like to hear from a few people regarding the following.

    We continue to hear from organizers who say that people won't play in CFC rated events and similar because of the perceived lack of value.

    I wonder if this occurs because the organizers don't/won't/can't sell the idea of membership. Maybe, rather than tell the participants how bad the "new CFC" is, they could do a selling job. I don't think it would be that difficult.

    In other words, are some organizers making a self-fulfilling prophecy in this regard? I really am amazed at the amount of vitriol we see on this subject.

    Scarborough and RA seem to be doing OK with CFC rated events. Maybe the organizers of these events could tell us their experiences? Do they really hear complaints about the fees, the CFC, and so on? If so, how are they handling them?