another k+p ending

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  • another k+p ending

    I find these endings fascinating. They're simple, and yet often confusing.

    Win/loss/draw? Does it matter who's turn?

    Also, how would you approach figuring this out? Could you solve it with 5 minutes on the clock, or would you just charge forward and see what arises?

  • #2
    Re: another k+p ending

    There are in my opinion three approaches to a problem like this:
    1. Brute Force Analysis. You simply analyze all the (reasonable) moves to their conclusion, like a computer (without tablebases) would. Given the small number of pieces, a human could manage this in a few hours. Good for problem solvers and correspondence players.
    2. Educated Analysis. This method, a higher level form of 1., is described in Silman's Complete Engame Course. It consists of trying to steer the position into a simpler position whose evaluation you know. I suspect that strong players would use this method unless very short of time.
    3. Practical Analysis. This is what I, and most weaker players, would do, given that we would typically have only a few minutes left on the clock at this stage of a game. "Charge forward" as you say, based on well-known general engame principles. In this example I would think of "Passed pawns must be pushed" (i.e. push the b pawn) and "advance your king to the centre".

