CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

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  • #61
    Re: Is Canadian Chess Failing?

    Originally posted by Kevin Pacey View Post
    Originally Posted by Gary Ruben
    Why is chess in Canada failing?

    Noting what I've highlighted in the above quotations, if chess in Canada is not reaching its full potential for lack of vision as you claim Vlad, who is to provide the [nationwide?] vision if not the CFC, and those who would become involved with it, e.g. as governors?
    It would be wonderful if they could do that. They can't or at least haven't been able to show the capability to do so. The whole organization needs streamlining with fewer governors overall, all of whom actually want to be governors. I would take a look at what the USCF is doing as far as organization and try to imitate them (without the lawsuits). Give individual members a vote. Three of the last four CFC presidents have been high quality individuals who haven't been able to do all that much with the organization structured as it is. They have been making progress and making some rational decisions but that does not equal visionary leadership. Vision by committee is rarely successful.

    If you want to look to a Canadian chess organization which has a vision and seems to be able to implement its vision look no further than the proprietor of this discussion board and his organization.


    • #62
      Re: Is Canadian Chess Failing?

      Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
      It would be wonderful if they could do that. They can't or at least haven't been able to show the capability to do so. The whole organization needs streamlining with fewer governors overall, all of whom actually want to be governors. I would take a look at what the USCF is doing as far as organization and try to imitate them (without the lawsuits). Give individual members a vote.
      If all this happened then perhaps more people might want to be involved with the CFC, e.g. as Governors?!

      I think streamlining has been attempted in recent years, but failed. Perhaps even the normally inactive ones of the assembly of Governors didn't want to vote themselves out of office.

      Like I wrote earlier, tough changes are normally heavily resisted, at least within Canadian chess circles, even though the CFC apparently hasn't made much progress without making many of them. Perhaps the dogged persistence of the CCC or some such individuals will eventually win out. More likely a new generation will have to come along for there to be more hope for big change.

      Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
      Three of the last four CFC presidents have been high quality individuals who haven't been able to do all that much with the organization structured as it is. They have been making progress and making some rational decisions but that does not equal visionary leadership.
      After the CFC was basically gutted financially not so long ago, it is no wonder that any of the past four presidents haven't been able to do all that much with what they have to work with, barring raiding the Foundation, which apparently is one mighty sacred cow. One of those presidents didn't seem to do much at all, but at least his reign only seemed to cost the CFC a year of any sort of 'significant progress', rather than costing it much money (for example).

      Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
      Vision by committee is rarely successful.

      If you want to look to a Canadian chess organization which has a vision and seems to be able to implement its vision look no further than the proprietor of this discussion board and his organization.
      If you want to have vision, you need time to plan and implement it, and a CFC president can only count on being in office for a year. The same is true for a committee of CFC Governors, so your opinion about committees seems rather moot.

      Also, unlike the CMA, the CFC is a non-profit organization, which IMO reduces its chances of being ever as successful as say the CMA, as unlike the CFC Executive and Governors, the CMA staff are paid and thus likely are normally better motivated to 'produce'.
      Last edited by Kevin Pacey; Wednesday, 13th April, 2011, 11:39 PM. Reason: Spelling
      Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
      Murphy's law, by Edward A. Murphy Jr., USAF, Aerospace Engineer


      • #63
        Re: CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

        The day we have a CFC executive in which every member is dedicated to working with the CMA rather than treating it like a competitor is the day we may begin to make some headway in the Canadian chess community.


        • #64
          Re: CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

          Originally posted by Ken Craft View Post
          The day we have a CFC executive in which every member is dedicated to working with the CMA rather than treating it like a competitor is the day we may begin to make some headway in the Canadian chess community.
          That would be, perhaps, a tacit admission of failure on the CFC's part. The veterans of the CFC, like most people, may not wish to admit that they were ever dumb.

          In any case, the CFC would be in a position of great weakness going into any negotiations with the CMA. It would be like begging for favours.
          Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
          Murphy's law, by Edward A. Murphy Jr., USAF, Aerospace Engineer


          • #65
            Re: CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

            Originally posted by Kevin Pacey View Post
            That would be, perhaps, a tacit admission of failure on the CFC's part. The veterans of the CFC, like most people, may not wish to admit that they were ever dumb.

            In any case, the CFC would be in a position of great weakness going into any negotiations with the CMA. It would be like begging for favours.
            Perhaps. The CFC has some things the CMA does not have - the authorization from/connection to FIDE and Olympiads, the Foundation (as 'hands off' as it is).

            Since the focus of the CMA is primarily youth oriented and the CFC's efforts in that area are, shall we say, less focused than on adult membership - it is possible that a collaborative arrangement should be beneficial.

            A similar argument could apply to the relationship (or lack of) with FQE. It seems that CMA and FQE provide pieces to the National Chess scene that would be valuable to a National organization.
            ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


            • #66
              Re: CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

              Originally posted by Kerry Liles View Post
              Perhaps. The CFC has some things the CMA does not have - the authorization from/connection to FIDE and Olympiads, the Foundation (as 'hands off' as it is).

              Since the focus of the CMA is primarily youth oriented and the CFC's efforts in that area are, shall we say, less focused than on adult membership - it is possible that a collaborative arrangement should be beneficial.

              A similar argument could apply to the relationship (or lack of) with FQE. It seems that CMA and FQE provide pieces to the National Chess scene that would be valuable to a National organization.
              At the moment I can see how the CMA's focus could be used to greatly help the CFC in its aims, but not how the things that you mentioned that the CFC has could be used to greatly help the CMA in its aims. The CMA has at least occasionally helped young Canadian adult [titled] players, but that is not fulfulling any of its primary aims afaik.

              A similar analysis of the FQE's interests in relation to the CFC's can be made. Again, it seems that it is the CFC that has much more to gain.
              Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
              Murphy's law, by Edward A. Murphy Jr., USAF, Aerospace Engineer


              • #67
                Re: CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

                It's time to make peace. The war was over years ago.


                • #68
                  Re: CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

                  Originally posted by Ken Craft View Post
                  It's time to make peace. The war was over years ago.
                  Alas, they still have Civil War re-enactments in the US (that are enthusiastically embraced by a LOT of people - perhaps they don't realize it is just a re-enactment?)

                  It seems some people will not let go...
                  ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


                  • #69
                    Re: CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

                    Originally posted by Ken Craft View Post
                    It's time to make peace. The war was over years ago.
                    If whatever war you're refering to is over, then the status quo is one of virtually independent co-existence. What compelling reason is there for whatever parties you're refering to to combine in any sort of union?
                    Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
                    Murphy's law, by Edward A. Murphy Jr., USAF, Aerospace Engineer


                    • #70
                      Re: CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

                      The CFC is the national sporting federation. CMA has proven expertise with junior chess. It is the responsibility of the national sporting federation to support organizations working in said sport. Unfortunately, some who have been CFC Executive members, have and continue to, view the CMA as a competitor rather than a collaborator in the promotion of chess in Canada.


                      • #71

                        Hi Ken:

                        Do you advocate contracting out all CFC junior events to the CMA to run on behalf of the CFC?



                        • #72
                          Re: CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

                          I advocate talking, Bob.


                          • #73
                            Re: CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

                            Originally posted by Ken Craft View Post
                            I advocate talking, Bob.
                            About what?

                            OK, it's now not about war, it's about business. The CMA has little to gain from making a substantial arrangement with the CFC, afaik.
                            Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
                            Murphy's law, by Edward A. Murphy Jr., USAF, Aerospace Engineer


                            • #74
                              Re: CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

                              Originally posted by Kevin Pacey View Post
                              About what?

                              OK, it's now not about war, it's about business. The CMA has little to gain from making a substantial arrangement with the CFC, afaik.
                              That is likely something Larry should decide - if anyone ever asks him!!
                              ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


                              • #75
                                Re: CFC Executive - Candidates for 2011-12 ( July AGM Elections )

                                Originally Posted by Kevin Pacey
                                "About what?

                                OK, it's now not about war, it's about business. The CMA has little to gain from making a substantial arrangement with the CFC, afaik."

                                Originally Posted by Kerry Liles
                                "That is likely something Larry should decide - if anyone ever asks him!!"

                                I recall at least one attempt at an arrangement being made years ago. The deal fell through and, as is often the case in failed negotiations, both sides indicated either publicly or privately that the other side had caused the collapse.
                                Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
                                Murphy's law, by Edward A. Murphy Jr., USAF, Aerospace Engineer

