Who will score the IM title at the 2011 Zonal?

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  • #16
    Re: Who will score the IM title at the 2011 Zonal?

    Hi Stuart

    Exceptions to the 2200 floor are subject to Executive approval. Matthew Nicholson is our NOCL rep. Most of the players you cite have been 2200 or were 2200 when they registered.


    • #17
      Re: Who will score the IM title at the 2011 Zonal?

      Originally posted by Hal Bond View Post
      16 Morgon Mills
      Don't count out Newfoundland's only representative, and the first NL player to play in the Closed in many years (if ever?). Morgon Mills won the NL Provincial Championships last year in fine style... he'll be a handful for quite a few of the players!!!
      No matter how big and bad you are, when a two-year-old hands you a toy phone, you answer it.


      • #18
        Re: Who will score the IM title at the 2011 Zonal?

        Thanks for the support, Jordan! The only thing I can promise is that if I play poorly, it won't be for lack of preparation...

        Speaking of which, I'll be in St. John's tomorrow through early Friday morning for work, and I plan to attend the MUN club meeting tomorrow night. Alick mentioned setting up a simul with the NL representatives to the Chess Challenge in Victoria, so hopefully that'll be on the cards, but either way, if you're around, I'm definitely up for a chat or blitz or whatever later on.

        And Stu, I don't know where you're located these days, but I'm flying to Toronto from St. John's on Friday to spend the week in advance of the Closed, and I hope to make the Hart House club meeting that afternoon as well. Maybe I can squeeze out a few trade secrets you guys have developed over the past years?! See you then!

        (If nothing else, the Closed will mark the first time I've played at three different universities within eleven days!!)


        • #19
          Re: Who will score the IM title at the 2011 Zonal?

          Originally posted by Morgon Mills View Post

          And Stu, I don't know where you're located these days, but I'm flying to Toronto from St. John's on Friday to spend the week in advance of the Closed, and I hope to make the Hart House club meeting that afternoon as well. Maybe I can squeeze out a few trade secrets you guys have developed over the past years?! See you then!
          Yeaaaaaaah !


          • #20
            Re: Who will score the IM title at the 2011 Zonal?

            Originally posted by Morgon Mills View Post
            Speaking of which, I'll be in St. John's tomorrow through early Friday morning for work, and I plan to attend the MUN club meeting tomorrow night. Alick mentioned setting up a simul with the NL representatives to the Chess Challenge in Victoria, so hopefully that'll be on the cards, but either way, if you're around, I'm definitely up for a chat or blitz or whatever later on.
            Tomorrow night may be a bit of a challenge. Ask Anthony to text me when you get there... if I'm able to slip away for an hour or to, I'll come out. I'm moving in a week and I still have a mountain of receipts to go through for my taxes.

            I think next year I'll hire an accountant lol

            No matter how big and bad you are, when a two-year-old hands you a toy phone, you answer it.


            • #21
              Re: Who will score the IM title at the 2011 Zonal?

              Hey Morgon,

              I probably won't be making it to Hart House this weekend, however I'll likely be playing in the Guelph spring Pro-Am, so I'll see you there.


              • #22
                Re: Who will score the IM title at the 2011 Zonal?

                That's OK, Stu... I'm glad to hear that you're planning on coming to Guelph!

                For the curious, last night's meeting at the MUN Chess Club in St. John's was a great success. I gave a simul to a few club members and to a number of kids who will represent NL in Victoria at the Chess Challenge next month, and also to Jordan Berson, who gamely joined in a little later to boost the home team!

                I lost my game with Jordan, but otherwise scored 10.5/11, drawing with Jeffrey Dawson, NL's Grade 12 champ. Jeffrey played quite an interesting middlegame, and lured me into a bit of over-optimism with my tactics, allowing me to snare a knight but vacuuming up four pawns in a complicated position with open kings on both sides. Jeffrey finally settled for a perpetual, but may even have had the better of things by that time. Well done!

                The Dawson family has quite a few promising players, I understand, including Grade 11 champ Michael! Several other kids also showed great potential in the simul games, including the youngest player, Norman Chen, who is only in Grade 1, but already has the patience and tenacity of an adult. I'm not sure of the names of most of the other simul participants, but I remember several interesting games, including a few tactical melees that I had to be quite cautious with.

                On the whole, I was quite impressed with Newfoundland's young players, and greatly appreciated the opportunity to meet them all. My thanks to Alick, who organized the event, and to Chris of the NLSCA, who supplied the equipment, as well as to the good sports of the MUN Chess Club, who rounded out the field and gave me tough challenges too.

                To the kids: keep on playing!

