Who should be barred from ChessTalk (poll)

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  • #16
    Re: Who should be barred from ChessTalk (poll)

    Originally posted by Bruce Harper View Post
    But it's no longer a place where you can discuss chess, much less anything serious.
    Are we saying that chess is not serious? If so, I suppose we'll have to discuss more cerebral things like who was eliminated this week on Dancing With The Stars.
    Only the rushing is heard...
    Onward flies the bird.


    • #17
      Re: Who should be barred from ChessTalk (poll)

      Originally posted by Gary Ruben View Post
      Being old isn't bad. It's better than the alternative.
      Oh my.... this looks like the beginning of a long and interesting thread!
      Only the rushing is heard...
      Onward flies the bird.


      • #18
        Re: Who should be barred from ChessTalk (poll)

        Originally posted by Bruce Harper View Post
        But I will happily delete this site's URL from my computer.
        It will only reappear at your next login.

        To add insult to injury, it will make itself your default home page.

        Further attempts to delete it will add all of Gary Ruben's Chesstalk postings to your Favourites list.

        And if you DARE to take any further steps to eradicate Chesstalk, you will find yourself with a screensaver that pops up every second and displays full screen photos of Gary Ruben, Ben Daswani, and Lucas Davies, shaking hands and smiling at the camera (actually, Gary's eyes will be closed -- Ben and Lucas took the photos when Gary was having his afternoon nap, or as some people would call it, making his next correspondence chess move).
        Only the rushing is heard...
        Onward flies the bird.


        • #19
          Re: Who should be barred from ChessTalk (poll)

          Originally posted by Gary Ruben View Post
          Being old isn't bad. It's better than the alternative.

          Being old is better than being young?
          ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


          • #20
            This thread is no more.

            This thread sucks. If someone is serious about banning someone from here then they should actually contact the Moderator (that's me) or an Administrator (Chris, Yves or Larry) and go from there. I apologize for not being on top of this - I have been moving over the last weeks.

            This thread will be closed. You guys are welcome to kvetch and squawk about my arbitrary and authoritarian moderating style. I might even join in and denounce myself. That should get a few laughs.
            Dogs will bark, but the caravan of chess moves on.

