Simul by GM Vera at the RA Chess Club July 19

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  • Simul by GM Vera at the RA Chess Club July 19

    The RA Chess Club is welcoming GM Vera back to Canada after a long absence. To celibrate we have invited him to play against us. Please feel free to join us for an interesting evening at the RA Centre, 2451 Riverside Drive. The details are below:

    Simultaneous exhibition by GM Reinaldo Vera of Cuba at the RA Chess Club in Ottawa.

    July 19, 2012 at 7:30 PM.

    Cost $30, less $5 for RA members.

    Reinaldo Vera got his grandmaster title in 1988. He has won the Cuban Championship on two occasions. GM Vera was a member of the Cuban national chess team for more than two decades. GM Vera is a graduate of Havana University and has written for many chess magazines, including New in Chess, Jaque and Peon de Rey. He is also a FIDE Senior Trainer, and the coach to the Cuban national chess team.

    GM Vera is the author of two books in the Gambit Chess Explained series, (2007) The Meran Semi-Slav and (2008) The Nimzo-Indian.

  • #2
    Results of Simul by GM Vera at the RA Chess Club July 19

    We ran a clock simul on 10 boards. Both sides played with 90 min plus 30 seconds a move. Vera was +7, =3 and -0.

    Joey Qin, David Gordon and Halldor Palsson drew. Last game was Gordon-Vera, where Gordon was up two knights against Vera's king and lone pawn on g5. Gordon was looking for a mate but this is not something you find when you are down to playing on icrements!

    Thanks to all who played or came out to watch the action.

