Conspicuous by their absence

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  • #31
    Re: Conspicuous by their absence

    Originally posted by David Ottosen View Post
    Common courtesy? Your opponent has shown up to start the game, and you should as well. How about this - tell Anand that the 2pm round starts at 1pm, and that he can show up any time in the first hour, with no penalty on his clock! Is his life magically better now?

    I know when I play, if my opponent is half an hour late (without advance explanation or warning), I'm sitting there for 30 minutes wondering if they are going to show up, or if I've wasted my time showing up to celebrate the amazing excitement of a forfeit win.
    Was it the last Olympiad where they forfeited someone who was a) in the room already and b) had already been to the board before briefly leaving for a good reason? (Pregnant or nursing or something like that?)

    A great example of why black-and-white rules are bad. Perhaps an hour is too long, but I don't see what would be so bad about 5 minutes of leeway. Things happen, not always in the control of the person affected, and you can't plan in advance for everything or you'll never actually accomplish anything.
    Christopher Mallon
    FIDE Arbiter


    • #32
      Re: Conspicuous by their absence

      Originally posted by Keith MacKinnon View Post
      Anand played at the Turin Olympiad in 2006... I know this for a fact as I saw him there :)
      Did you go to the olympiad as a spectator?


      • #33
        Re: Conspicuous by their absence

        Originally posted by Aman Hambleton View Post
        100 euros only? In that case I would like to sponsor Eric Hansen to play board 2.
        Once board order is set it can be hard to make changes and still keep the players happy.
        Gary Ruben
        CC - IA and SIM


        • #34
          Re: Conspicuous by their absence

          yeah, I was on vacation with my family in the south of France and drove to Turin to go watch.


          • #35
            Re : Re: Conspicuous by their absence

            Originally posted by Keith MacKinnon View Post
            Anand played at the Turin Olympiad in 2006... I know this for a fact as I saw him there :)
            You're absolutely correct. Anand won his first game against an FM, then did not win a single game against fellow GMs, drawing 7 consecutive games before losing in R12 to Canada's own Pascal Charbonneau.

            He lost 19.2 FIDE points for his 4.5/9 effort and hasn't played in another Olympiad since.


            • #36
              Re : Conspicuous by their absence

              I should add that that was the Olympiad that Pascal Charbonneau played the 1 board for Canada and Mark Bluvshtein the 2 board.


              • #37
                Re : Conspicuous by their absence

                That same Olympiad Pascal Charbonneau lost with the White pieces in R4 to Viktor Korchnoi. Of course, Viktor was a young man of 75 six years ago (:


                • #38
                  Re: Re : Conspicuous by their absence

                  According to Wikipedia, Korchnoi was a 10-time Candidate for the World Championship. Perhaps one of the strongest ever to not win the championship?

                  Anyway beating future champion Anand probably made up for losing to Korchnoi. :)
                  Christopher Mallon
                  FIDE Arbiter


                  • #39
                    Re : Conspicuous by their absence

                    It's truly lamentable that neither of our top 2 boards from the 37th Chess Olympiad in Turin, GMs Pascal Charbonneau and Mark Bluvshtein, are still active in the chess world.
                    On a more optimistic note, both are still very young men, 29 and 24 respectively, and have plenty of time to return to the game they both so excelled at.


                    • #40
                      Re: Re : Conspicuous by their absence

                      Originally posted by Jack Maguire View Post
                      It's truly lamentable that neither of our top 2 boards from the 37th Chess Olympiad in Turin, GMs Pascal Charbonneau and Mark Bluvshtein, are still active in the chess world.
                      On a more optimistic note, both are still very young men, 29 and 24 respectively, and have plenty of time to return to the game they both so excelled at.
                      They chose a Kasparov's way - if you can not beat them 100%, no point to play anymore :p
                      Of course there is the Korchnoi's way too - play till you can move pieces.


                      • #41
                        Re : Conspicuous by their absence

                        Have we 'lost' all three of our young Canadian GMs? I haven't seen the name of Thomas Roussel Roozmon appear for some time. Thomas is the same age (24) as Mark Bluvshtein and put together a rather remarkable Olympiad performance the past three Olympiads, scoring 20.5/28. I believe he earned his last GM norm at the 2010 Olympiad. FIDE no longer lists him as one of Canada's top 100 (Pascal Charbonneau has also disappeared but Mark Bluvshtein's name is still there as our #2)


                        • #42
                          Re: Re : Conspicuous by their absence

                          Thomas has played 4 CFC rated games since 2009, which was his last major period of activity...

                          It's too bad, really, for a number of reasons. For example, if we could just have 3+ GMs at our Zonal, GM norms would be possible for other players!
                          Christopher Mallon
                          FIDE Arbiter


                          • #43
                            Re: Re : Conspicuous by their absence

                            Originally posted by Christopher Mallon View Post
                            if we could just have 3+ GMs at our Zonal


                            • #44
                              Re: Offensive post

                              Originally posted by Normand Arsenault View Post
                              My apologies Andrei if you took my post in the wrong way. I was simply stating that because your daughter and Liza are roughly the same age as Mr.Hansen they would be cheering each other on and would most probably be "hanging-out" together throughout the event.

                              I am not sure how you took my comment.

                              You've posted negative ideas concerning female Canadian Olympiad candidates/players on at least three occasions. Eric Hansen himself has also posted less then positive ideas on this topic. The CFC itself has on many occasions presented the female Olympiad team as an afterthought as a matter of policy.

                              Truth is the program "as is" doesn't encourage young women to pursue chess to anywhere near the extent it should. Truth is if most of the top women players were still active and interested then Canada would have one of its strongest women's teams ever. The CFC has been unable to develop a supportive environment which encourages the top women to want to play and work as a team to high goals. Hence its often a revolving door of highly talented yet relatively inexperienced players trying to do their country proud. There has been no shortage of strong WYCC calibre female players in Canada, but it hasn't translated into a cohesive project when they get older.

                              On your post, if we were to present the idea that Eric Hansen was at the event to chase skirts and cheer on the women's team it would be absurd. Yet this is exactly the sexist bs approach you posted on this board concerning the women. Whether you meant it or not, these kind of ideas have to be challenged and condemned for what they are.


                              • #45
                                Re: Conspicuous by their absence

                                Read my earlier comments before you post baleful comments about me.

                                As I mentioned to Mr.Andrei:

                                My apologies Andrei if you took my post in the wrong way. I was simply stating that because your daughter and Liza are roughly the same age as Mr.Hansen they would be cheering each other on and would most probably be "hanging-out" together throughout the event.

                                I am not sure how you took my comment.


