$260 fine for playing chess in Ottawa :-)

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  • #16
    Re: Re : Re: $260 fine for playing chess in Ottawa :-)

    Originally posted by Jack Maguire View Post
    This story by Jennifer Shahade might interest you, Hans. I bet you never played a game of chess for $50,000 with rook odds!

    Some gamblers have too much money - that was a sure win of $50000. Can you imagine a GM candidate (Greg Shadade) taking on someone he considered 1000 rated (who may know how the pieces move but probably doesnt always castle and has trouble coordinating pieces). Greg wouldnt need his rook. I think odds play could have an interesting celebrity (and gambling) future. I think it was GM Larry Kaufman who published an interesting article in Chess Life regarding what odds to give at what level. He had it broken down by rating level.


    • #17
      Re: $260 fine for playing chess in Ottawa :-)

      Originally posted by Jordan S. Berson View Post
      Most web blockers check translator portals as well now.
      That would be quite a trick (it would have to block access to the translation URL and that would be immediately obvious). Otherwise, it would somehow have to intercept the form submission and decide that a blockable URL is being submitted to "a site" and block that...)
      ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


      • #18
        Re: $260 fine for playing chess in Ottawa :-)

        Originally posted by Kerry Liles View Post
        That would be quite a trick (it would have to block access to the translation URL and that would be immediately obvious). Otherwise, it would somehow have to intercept the form submission and decide that a blockable URL is being submitted to "a site" and block that...)
        "(Gasp) Computers can DO that?!"
        - Homer Simpson
        Only the rushing is heard...
        Onward flies the bird.


        • #19
          Re: $260 fine for playing chess in Ottawa :-)

          Originally posted by Kerry Liles View Post
          That would be quite a trick (it would have to block access to the translation URL and that would be immediately obvious). Otherwise, it would somehow have to intercept the form submission and decide that a blockable URL is being submitted to "a site" and block that...)

          It's not a trick... certain websites brought up by translator portals are blocked at my office.

          No matter how big and bad you are, when a two-year-old hands you a toy phone, you answer it.


          • #20
            Re: $260 fine for playing chess in Ottawa :-)

            Originally posted by Jordan S. Berson View Post

            It's not a trick... certain websites brought up by translator portals are blocked at my office.

            Did you try the link, or did you just try to go to a forbidden site? I will try again tomorrow at my office (where there is a badly configured, brain dead proxy server that annoys the hell out of me...) Last time I tried it, the Bing Translator (the microsoft translator that Claude mentioned) worked perfectly to display the website that the proxy blocked.

            As I understand it, the translator server accesses the URL you provide (not you accessing it directly) and then the translator coughs up the html that you *would* see - translated in this case from English to English, thus providing purely a transport service). I'll let you know what I find, but I think blocking that might be harder than the average bear can manage...

            More: this morning at work I tried to access the site:


            (which is blocked for no good reason by our corporate proxy server) - if I go to the microsoft translator and put that URL in, the contents of the site are displayed (as I would expect) because the request for the web page is not coming from me (or via the proxy!) but is made on my behalf by the translator web site which is not itself blocked. The translator site returns the contents of the 'forbidden' site purely as web content.

            Of course, other networks certainly can implement things a lot differently - filtering by content is possible but fraught with potential for false positives etc. I hope you don't sit behind one of those!?
            Last edited by Kerry Liles; Tuesday, 25th September, 2012, 09:38 AM. Reason: follow-up
            ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.

