CFC Web Site Use Survey

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  • #16
    Re: CFC Web Site Use Survey

    Originally posted by Fred McKim View Post
    At one time .... maybe 10 years ago or so, most tournament organizers submitted a short report on their report and these would go in the magazine.

    These could now go up on the web site, weekly (for example), but we have a shortage of people submitting reports right now. This is one of the things that I think people want to see, and we are trying to address in our CCN Committee.
    I like the approach of the Edmonton CC. They sign you up for a newsletter right away on the homepage(which I did) and they have another online-member immediately to follow what they are up to.


    • #17
      Re: Local Tournament Reports

      Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
      Whenever I see a local tournament report, I try to get it into the next CFC " News " Forum post
      imho, you are doing better with Toronto newsletters :D I did similar things when maintained personal chess site: keep a close contact with TDs.
      Canadian chess is not overpopulated with TDs thus not very long list. More or less major weekenders are announced here at chesstalks. Get into contact with them before the tournament to get a report after the tournament ;)

      The same matters go to titled players. Good relationships with them lead to a knowledge of their travel paths >> more resources about tournaments.


      • #18
        Re: CFC Web Site Use Survey

        Originally posted by Michael Yip View Post
        I like the approach of the Edmonton CC. They sign you up for a newsletter right away on the homepage(which I did) and they have another online-member immediately to follow what they are up to.
        Michael: When we first set up the website you sent a comrehensive list of suggestions. While it was appreciated, the fact is that we have a limited number of people who actually update anything on the webpage, and nobody is getting paid for this. There is als oa limit as to what things are "locked" down and what we can change.

        If you could suggest 3 or 4 things that would give us the most bang for the buck, what would they be ?

