CFC Survey: Paying for Content

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  • #16
    Re: CFC Survey: Paying for Content

    While businesses giving questionaires to [potential] customers, and then basing at least some of their decisions on them, is hardly a novel or laughable thing, there do seem to have been a few too many (informal) polls of late.

    I don't know how feasible it would have been to send a link to some sort of a (preferably none too lengthy) questionaire to CFC members with known email addresses (along with the usual link to CCN on the CFC website), but in theory that would have been my prefered way to go, as far as trying to get feedback from many CFC members, at least.
    Last edited by Kevin Pacey; Friday, 2nd November, 2012, 06:58 AM. Reason: Spelling
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    Murphy's law, by Edward A. Murphy Jr., USAF, Aerospace Engineer

