"Inside Chess" collection available on DVD

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  • #16
    Re: "Inside Chess" collection available on DVD

    Originally posted by Wayne Komer View Post
    Perhaps I can help a bit with the Anand game you remember since I have the IC disk open on the screen in front of me.

    As white, Anand lost to Ivanchuk, as white, to Beliavsky, as black, to Salov, as white, to Gurevich and as black, to Gelfand but, as white, beat Kamsky. It would seem that the two candidates for the game you are trying to recollect are the ones with Beliavsky and Gurevich.

    In the Beliavsky game, Yasser, as annotator, says with frustration, “after Anand’s 34.Kc1? – I had to read the bulletin twice to believe that he played this lemon. Black is completely lost after the obvious 34.Qa5 intending nothing more than the simple Qa5xa7. (clip) What on earth does Kb2-c1 accomplish?”
    Wayne!!! That's the game, Anand-Beliavsky. This was far from Anand's prime :)
    No matter how big and bad you are, when a two-year-old hands you a toy phone, you answer it.


    • #17
      Re: "Inside Chess" collection available on DVD


      My Inside Chess DVDs arrived soon after my rant. I should have waited and checked my sources!



      • #18
        Re: "Inside Chess" collection available on DVD


        It strikes me that there are a lot of very difficult names in chess. Writing anything of length on chess can be a nightmare. Recently I have dealt with spelling Allgaier, Ilyumzhinov, Nimzowitsch, Spraggett and Lehikoinen and came a cropper with Biyiasas. Perhaps I should install all of them in my Word spell-checker.

        Inside Chess was a fine chess magazine. How long did the on-line version last after the print edition folded, I wonder?

        I had a very pleasant evening yesterday reading IC interviews with Larry Parr, John Nunn, Geza Fuster, Joel Benjamin, Lev Polugaevsky, Bent Larsen and Henrique Mecking on the disks.

        Read the obituaries of Reshevsky, Fine, Botvinnik, Geller and Tal. There were giants.



        • #19
          Re: "Inside Chess" collection available on DVD

          Originally posted by Dan Scoones View Post

          My Inside Chess DVDs arrived soon after my rant. I should have waited and checked my sources!

          Did you buy your copy from Chess Cafe (with their ridiculous shipping charges?) or did Larry start selling them?! I don't mind the overall price, but the shipping charges are stupid, yet typical from the U.S.
          ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


          • #20
            Re: "Inside Chess" collection available on DVD

            I pre-ordered from Chess Cafe. The 30% discount was wiped out by the shipping charges, so I guess it was a wash!


            • #21
              Re: "Inside Chess" collection available on DVD

              I did the same with the pre-order discount.

              I think Chess Café shipping charges must be based on the premise that each order will contain a mahogany chessboard! For a box of three disks weighing a couple of hundred grams, I was charged $25.20 for Shipping (Priority Mail International) & Handling.

              Media weighing more sent to me from Europe routinely costs one-third of that. South Chatham, Mass. is less than 1000 km from Toronto, as the crow flies.


              • #22
                Re: "Inside Chess" collection available on DVD

                Originally posted by Wayne Komer View Post
                It strikes me that there are a lot of very difficult names in chess. Writing anything of length on chess can be a nightmare. Recently I have dealt with spelling ...Spraggett...

                I remember Hugh Brodie telling me a story about Kevin Spraggett's brother Grant. Grant was giving his name to register for a tournament, so he said "Grant Spraggett - spelled with 2 G's and 2 T's."

                So Hugh spelled his name G-G-R-A-N-T-T :D

                No matter how big and bad you are, when a two-year-old hands you a toy phone, you answer it.


                • #23
                  Re: "Inside Chess" collection available on DVD

                  Originally posted by Wayne Komer View Post
                  I did the same with the pre-order discount.

                  I think Chess Café shipping charges must be based on the premise that each order will contain a mahogany chessboard! For a box of three disks weighing a couple of hundred grams, I was charged $25.20 for Shipping (Priority Mail International) & Handling.

                  Media weighing more sent to me from Europe routinely costs one-third of that. South Chatham, Mass. is less than 1000 km from Toronto, as the crow flies.
                  The "North American Chess Association" charged me only $10 for shipping.
                  The CD set arrived yesterday (one week after I ordered) from Chicago.

                  I bought only twice from C-Ca*é, the first time I was able to ship to a US address (for free!), the second time I paid more for the shipping than for the chess book (a Hard Cover!).

