Class A certificate

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  • Class A certificate

    Hi I am a 1750 player working with the aspirations of achieving my class A certificate. According to CFC I need to achieve an 1800 + rating as well as obtain 1900+ performance in atleast 3 tournaments. I play alot of standard rated matches with a friend of similar rating to mine. I was wondering why matches containing 5 games are not considered eligible for the 1900+ performance requirement. Another thing I dont understand is why you are capped off to only being able to receive 50 points maximum for match play. I have played matches in the past where I was winning by a big margin only to have my opponent than play wild openings against me as he was not scared of losing another game as he could only lose 50 points maximum. However wins for him would reduce how many points I would get in the match. Doesnt capping off match play to 50 maximum points lead to deflating and inflating players ratings.

  • #2
    Re: Class A certificate

    Capping off match play rating gain or loss to 50 points keeps people from manipulating ratings by agreeing to match results. Most tournaments have a TD/arbiter. That is not always the case for matches. That is the logic that I saw floated for the limitation on rating gain and loss in match play. Of course you could play multiple shorter matches to get around this restriction. Match play could be a very convenient way for some people to sandbag.


    • #3
      Re: Class A certificate

      I guess that makes some sense. Sandbagging would be more of an issue in match play. I did not even think of this as a possibility as everyone I know including myself want our ratings to indicate our true playing strength. Where is the glory in getting a high rating that you know you did not earn. Likewise no one I know would be willing to sandbag their hard earned rating points. I guess if you knew someone who was exiting serious tournament competition they might be willing to sandbag their rating points to you. It would be cool if we lived in a world where everyone was honest and noble. That way you would not have to make rules and regulations to ensure fair play. I like matches because I feel there is not enough tournaments in my area that I can participate in too keep my game sharp.


      • #4
        Re: Class A certificate

        Some people want to lose rating points so they can clean up the big prize in a lower rating category. Some want to gain rating points so they can strut around as a somebody saying "I'm an Expert" or whatever. This is why a match ought to be limited as to its effect on ratings.

