Aman Hambleton joins Chessdom team

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  • Aman Hambleton joins Chessdom team

    just saw this article:

  • #2
    Re: Aman Hambleton joins Chessdom team

    It's true! And you can read more about it on my website here.

    Live commentary will start at 7:30AM on the chessdom server, and my two main games to cover are Carlsen - Caruana and Anand - Nakamura (wow)!


    • #3
      Re: Aman Hambleton joins Chessdom team

      Originally posted by Aman Hambleton View Post
      It's true! And you can read more about it on my website here.

      Live commentary will start at 7:30AM on the chessdom server, and my two main games to cover are Carlsen - Caruana and Anand - Nakamura (wow)!
      Excellent Commentaries during the Carlsen vs. Caruana Game.
      5 STARS and Cheers!


      • #4
        Re: Aman Hambleton joins Chessdom team

        Hey Aman, just wanted to say your commentary was some of the best live commentary I have seen in a while. Keep up the good work!


        • #5
          Re: Aman Hambleton joins Chessdom team

          Originally posted by Ferdinand Supsup View Post
          Excellent Commentaries during the Carlsen vs. Caruana Game.
          5 STARS and Cheers!
          Originally posted by Tyler Longo View Post
          Hey Aman, just wanted to say your commentary was some of the best live commentary I have seen in a while. Keep up the good work!
          Thanks to you both! It's really nice to hear feedback from anyone who was watching. It's my first time commenting on a top-level game like this, so I had no idea what to expect. As it turns out I didn't find it difficult to speak about the positions, even ones unfamiliar to my repertoire. It was a valuable experience and I can't wait to do it again. My upcoming commentary days will be Jan. 15th, 22nd, 23rd, 25th, 29th... stay tuned! :)


          • #6
            Re: Aman Hambleton joins Chessdom team

            Aman, you are an AWESOME source of Canadian chess fun! For those of you outside Ottawa, I can tell you he often plays at the RA club, and is a real class act! This past Thursday, he was playing a youngster rated over 500 points less than him. And after winning, Aman was so nice to the youngster as they went over the game. You could tell Aman was genuinely enjoying the interaction with a relatively shy youngster, who was also enjoying how nice and helpful Aman was being. A great credit to Canadian chess!


            • #7
              Re: Aman Hambleton joins Chessdom team

              I also made comments on the second half of the intense battle Nakamura - Sokolov here (go to Tata Steel 2013, game Nakamura - Sokolov). It was a really interesting endgame where Sokolov had a Rook and a pawn against Nakamura's Bishop and 2 pawns. There was a winning plan but unfortunately Sokolov didn't find it and ended up in too much time pressure near the end.

              Thrilling game!

