Adjourned CFC games?

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  • Adjourned CFC games?

    Is it still possible to adjourn CFC rated games?

    I have decided that the games at our regular Friday night advanced class at Sobeys in the Tecumseh Mall will be CFC rated. The kids and parents prefer regular rated games and longer games vs. shorter. Normally we have a chess lecture at 6:30 until 7:00 pm and play a game with a time control of game in 30 plus a 15 second increment starting at 7:00 pm. The games are already played under CFC rules requiring recording of the moves and this will continue to be the case. After the game, we analyze the games with the children.

    We will change this format slightly and start at 6:00 pm with the lecture and start the game at 6:30. The time control will increase to game in 45 minutes plus a 30 second increment which should be a long enough time control for a regular CFC rating. A sixty move game might run to two and a half hours under this scenario. Most games will finish by nine o' clock and depending on the age of the child we should still be able to do an analysis with most of the children that finish early. Most of the kids also have chess coaches so if the game finishes too late for us to analyze the game then they should still be able to have their coaches analyze the games with them later.

    If the games last long after 9 pm we will probably go to an adjournment. Some of the kids stay up later and we might let the games go to as late as ten o'clock but we have to be aware that the room where we play along with the store closes sometime so we can't be having games that go much past 10 pm or so. There was a FIDE event that featured adjournments as recently as last year. I am familiar with what the rules for adjournments was when they were more common. Is there any problem to use them now in CFC events?

    Most of the kids have a 200 to 500 point gap between their CFC and USCF ratings. Most of the kids play more games in the U.S. than Canada because we live on the border of Detroit and no one has stepped into the gap since Denton Cockburn left Windsor and there was not very many CFC events organized and their ratings are seriously lagging their playing strength. John Coleman has tried running CFC tournaments but few adults participate. I am hoping that by CFC rating these games we will be able to start closing the gap between the two rating systems thanks to the recently introduced bonus point system. Even with the "inflated" USCF ratings relative to CFC the Michigan Class Championship saw about a dozen of our kids participate with three of them with established ratings gaining on the order of 100 rating points. Some provisionally rated players gained even more.

  • #2
    Re: Adjourned CFC games?

    I think you are doing all the right things and I see no reason not to adjourn games as required.

    Kids playing kids has been a challenge to the rating system. Even their provisional ratings tend to be low because they play under-rated opposition.

    Perhaps we could re-start the CFC ratings of your tournament players by making their CFC ratings equal to their USCF ratings. Just an idea for further discussion.
    Paul Leblanc
    Treasurer Chess Foundation of Canada


    • #3
      What Can Be Regular Rated??

      Hi Paul:

      I am not sure Vlad is correct that Game/45+30sec can be regular rated. The quick rating system as I understood it ran from Game/5 ( or Game/3+10sec ) to Game/59. I'm not sure you can play less than 60 min, and claim a regular rating by adding increments. Maybe also Fred can help out on this one.

      Bob A


      • #4
        Re: Adjourned CFC games?

        Yes it is. There are still guidelines for adjournment after appendix F . In the Draft 2013 Laws of Chess, those recommendations are back as a full appendix which means that they will become mandatory instead of a guideline.

        Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
        Is it still possible to adjourn CFC rated games?


        • #5
          Re: What Can Be Regular Rated??

          Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
          Hi Paul:

          I am not sure Vlad is correct that Game/45+30sec can be regular rated. The quick rating system as I understood it ran from Game/5 ( or Game/3+10sec ) to Game/59. I'm not sure you can play less than 60 min, and claim a regular rating by adding increments. Maybe also Fred can help out on this one.

          Bob A
          As long as the game will allow 60 minutes or more for the game for each player (if 60 moves are played in the game) it can be rated regular. At least that is the regulation that I recall, the last time I looked a couple of weeks ago. Getting the kids to use and make the most of their time is another challenge.
          Last edited by Vlad Drkulec; Friday, 25th January, 2013, 10:49 AM.


          • #6
            Re: Adjourned CFC games?

            Vlad is correct. The game must allow 60 minutes per player including increments based on 60 moves.
            Paul Leblanc
            Treasurer Chess Foundation of Canada


            • #7
              Re: Adjourned CFC games?

              Originally posted by Pierre Denommee View Post
              Yes it is. There are still guidelines for adjournment after appendix F . In the Draft 2013 Laws of Chess, those recommendations are back as a full appendix which means that they will become mandatory instead of a guideline.

              Thank you. I was having trouble finding the relevant section. I shall make sure that I have envelopes available. Hopefully there won't be many adjourned games.

