McGill Open Championship ($3000 in prizes)

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  • McGill Open Championship ($3000 in prizes)

    The McGill Open Championship will be held from May 3-5 2013.

    Why participating?

    - The tournament is open to all.

    - A competitive first section (2000+) CFC and FIDE rated.

    - Registration fees starting at $45 ($30 for junior players).

    - A discount for McGill alumni!

    -Lots of different hotels and restaurants nearby the tournament site, which is directly between downtown and the Mount Royal.

    - $3000 in prizes (including class prizes and a prize for the best win).

    - A great opportunity to encourage the university that won (and organized) the 2013 Universities Championship.

    -The month of May is the best month to visit Montreal or take a walk on the Mount Royal and still, the hotels are cheaper at that time of the year!

    Note : The online payment system should be working within a week.

  • #2
    Re : McGill Open Championship ($3000 in prizes)

    Also, do not forget that if you live outside of Quebec, no FQE membership is required. You only need to be a member of the CFC or to purchase a tournament passport on-site.


    • #3
      Re: McGill Open Championship ($3000 in prizes)

      Hello Everyone!

      Online Registration is now available at

      Shao Hang
      VP External/Event
      McGill Chess Club


      • #4
        Re : McGill Open Championship ($3000 in prizes)

        Please note the time control is 90 minutes for the game (+30 secs for each move). This way, people from outside Montreal will have more time to visit the city!

        Also, there's only one week remaining before the entry fees go up, so register online now!


        • #5
          Re : McGill Open Championship ($3000 in prizes)

          A few masters just registered :

          FM Michael Kleinman
          NM Keith MacKinnon
          NM Olivier Kenta Chiku-Ratté
          NM Charles Filion (Canadian junior champion in 1997)

          The first section (2000+ ; FIDE rated) would definitely be a nice challenge for those who still hesitate to register :)


          • #6
            Re: McGill Open Championship ($3000 in prizes)


            Notice is on the CCN blog.

            Like your updated site-cool!


            • #7
              Re : McGill Open Championship ($3000 in prizes)

              Name	Section	
              Michael Kleinman Open MF
              Olivier Kenta Chiku-Ratté NM
              Charles  Filion	open	NM
              Keith MacKinnon	open	NM	
              Sankalp Modwal	open	NM	
              Thierry Libersan	open	
              ROBERT GIROUX	U2000
              Oscar Sprumont U2000	
              Qiuyu Huang	U1500	
              Ouimet Alain	 U1500   (FQE : 103475)
              Denis Pilon	U1500	
              Gheorghe Raduica	U1500
              Jean-Simon Robert-Ouimet	U1500	
              Yvon Bond	U1500	
              Shawn Rodrigue-Lemieux (U1500)
              Alain D. Ouimet U1500
              Olivier Ouimet U1500
              Alan  Morimoto	U1500	*	
              Didier Bonneville-Roussy	 U2000	*
              Sam Selmani	U2000	*
              * Payment necessary
              Already five masters in the Open section! You only have two days left to take advantage of the $10 discount!

