Guelph Spring Pro-Am April 6-7

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  • #16
    Re: 3rd round pairings

    It's about time Canada started using chess-results more frequently. We should use it for almost all tournaments. Thx Mr.Preotu for the upload


    • #17
      4th round pairings

      Nikolay beat Bator, Jackie Peng sent Sapozhnikov home. Sergey Noritsyn still undefeated!

      Pairings for Round 4. guelph spring pro-am: Pro Section
      Bd Res White Res Black
      1 IM Nikolay Noritsyn (2585 : W : 3.0) IM Artiom Samsonkin (2564 : B : 2.5)
      2 Razvan Preotu (2445 : W : 2.5) IM Bindi Cheng (2517 : w : 2.5)
      3 FM Victor Plotkin (2390 : W : 2.0) GM Bator Sambuev (2696 : B : 1.5)
      4 FM Jura Ochkoos (2301 : WW : 1.5) WFM Jackie Peng (2194 : b : 2.0)
      5 Sergey Noritsyn (2043 : W : 1.5) Mike Ivanov (2258 : BB : 1.5)
      6 Guannan Terry Song (2077 : B : 1.5) Vladimir Birarov (2242 : B : 1.5)
      7 FM Michael Dougherty (2292 : w : 1.0) Mark Plotkin (2193 : BB : 1.0)
      8 David Filipovich (2228 : W : 1.0) Gordon Olheiser (2184 : B : 1.0)
      9 Joey Zhong (2027 : WW : 1.0) Eric Zechen Wang (1905 : BB : 0.5)
      10 Yinshi Li (2100 : W : 0.5) Nikola Brajkovic (2114 : w : 0.5)
      ½ Ilia Bluvshtein (2211 : B : 2.0) BYE

      Pairings for Round 4. guelph spring pro-am: U2000 Section
      Bd Res White Res Black
      14 Alexandre Michelashvili (1741 : W : 3.0) Jeffrey Xu (1949 : B : 3.0)
      15 Michael von Keitz (1839 : B : 2.0) Richard Chen (1866 : BB : 2.5)
      16 Mario Piccinin (1811 : B : 2.0) Zeljko Kitich (1680 : B : 2.5)
      17 Derick Aghamalian (1764 : W : 2.0) Richard Guo (1536 : B : 2.0)
      18 Constance Wang (1556 : B : 2.0) Mate Milinkovic (1744 : B : 2.0)
      19 Hanyuan Ye (1690 : W : 2.0) Jason Cai (1741 : B : 2.0)
      20 Wenlu Yu (1584 : W : 2.0) Louay Sakka (1694 : W : 1.5)
      21 Fernando Echavarria-Hidalgo (1694 : WW : 1.5) Daniel Liu (1621 : B : 1.5)
      22 Tim Knechtel (1679 : W : 1.5) Janet Peng (1538 : w : 1.5)
      23 Hikmet Bosnac (1813 : W : 1.0) Benito Surya (1514 : b : 1.5)
      24 Robert Gillanders (1729 : W : 1.0) Doug Gillis (1598 : W : 1.0)
      25 Benjamin Lin (1539 : W : 1.0) Eugene Hua (1711 : w : 1.0)
      26 Thomas Guo (1614 : W : 1.0) Shafkat Ali (1612 : B : 1.0)
      27 Brian Clarke (1646 : W : 0.5) Immanuel Huang (1506 : B : 1.0)
      28 Kevin Yi-Xiao Yie (1658 : W : 0.0) Harmony Zhu (1652 : B : 0.0)

      Pairings for Round 4. guelph spring pro-am: U1600 Section
      Bd Res White Res Black
      29 Daniel Denbok (1465 : W : 3.0) Radu Lupan (1375 : W : 2.5)
      30 Giuseppe Del Duca (1459 : W : 2.0) Nicholas Vettese (1276 : BB : 2.5)
      31 Jeannie Zhang (1282 : B : 2.0) Graeme Knight (1404 : B : 2.0)
      32 Taylor Zhang (1206 : W : 2.0) Sophie Wang (1314 : B : 2.0)
      33 Bruce Hurst (1293 : W : 2.0) Kai Gauer (1236 : B : 2.0)
      34 Kylie Tan (1164 : W : 2.0) Ethan Zheng (1216 : w : 1.5)
      35 Nicole Birarov (1220 : W : 1.0) Manxuan [Rebecca] Zhang (1113 : B : 1.0)
      36 Haotong Hazel Guo (924 : B : 1.0) Peter Downie (1204 : B : 1.0)
      37 James Williamson (1116 : W : 1.0) Dee Wu (999 : b : 1.0)
      1 Jake Vaz (1014 : B : 0.0) BYE
      ½ Nicholas Wu (1074 : W : 0.0) BYE
      ½ Alexander Wu (614 : w : 1.0) BYE


      • #18
        Re: Guelph Spring Pro-Am April 6-7

        Hi Hal,
        For all of us players who forgot to look at when the next round starts, when is it?


        • #19
          Re: Guelph Spring Pro-Am April 6-7

          Originally posted by Mike Ivanov View Post
          Hi Hal,
          For all of us players who forgot to look at when the next round starts, when is it?
          the morning round starts at ten am:)


          • #20
            Re: Guelph Spring Pro-Am April 6-7




            • #21
              Re: Guelph Spring Pro-Am April 6-7

              Thanks guys :)


              • #22
                round 5 pairings

                Razvan upset Bindi, Bator was held to a draw by Plotkin. Nikolay made it 4-0 with a win against Artiom.

                Pairings for Round 5. guelph spring pro-am: Pro Section
                Bd Res White Res Black
                1 Razvan Preotu (2445 : b : 3.5) IM Nikolay Noritsyn (2585 : b : 4.0)
                2 IM Artiom Samsonkin (2564 : w : 2.5) Vladimir Birarov (2242 : w : 2.5)
                3 IM Bindi Cheng (2517 : WW : 2.5) FM Jura Ochkoos (2301 : b : 2.5)
                4 Mike Ivanov (2258 : w : 2.5) FM Victor Plotkin (2390 : b : 2.5)
                5 GM Bator Sambuev (2696 : w : 2.0) Ilia Bluvshtein (2211 : B : 2.5)
                6 WFM Jackie Peng (2194 : W : 2.0) FM Michael Dougherty (2292 : B : 2.0)
                7 Joey Zhong (2027 : b : 2.0) David Filipovich (2228 : BB : 1.5)
                8 Gordon Olheiser (2184 : w : 1.5) Sergey Noritsyn (2043 : b : 1.5)
                9 Mark Plotkin (2193 : w : 1.0) Yinshi Li (2100 : b : 1.0)
                10 Nikola Brajkovic (2114 : WW : 1.0) Eric Zechen Wang (1905 : w : 0.5)
                ½ Guannan Terry Song (2077 : BB : 1.5) BYE

                Pairings for Round 5. guelph spring pro-am: U2000 Section
                Bd Res White Res Black
                14 Jeffrey Xu (1949 : w : 4.0) Richard Chen (1866 : w : 3.0)
                15 Zeljko Kitich (1680 : w : 3.0) Alexandre Michelashvili (1741 : b : 3.0)
                16 Jason Cai (1741 : w : 3.0) Constance Wang (1556 : BB : 3.0)
                17 Richard Guo (1536 : w : 3.0) Michael von Keitz (1839 : BB : 2.5)
                18 Louay Sakka (1694 : WW : 2.5) Mario Piccinin (1811 : BB : 2.5)
                19 Hanyuan Ye (1690 : b : 2.0) Derick Aghamalian (1764 : b : 2.0)
                20 Mate Milinkovic (1744 : w : 2.0) Tim Knechtel (1679 : b : 2.0)
                21 Daniel Liu (1621 : w : 2.0) Robert Gillanders (1729 : b : 2.0)
                22 Eugene Hua (1711 : WW : 2.0) Wenlu Yu (1584 : b : 2.0)
                23 Janet Peng (1538 : WW : 2.0) Fernando Echavarria-Hidalgo (1694 : b : 2.0)
                24 Benito Surya (1514 : W : 2.0) Thomas Guo (1614 : b : 1.5)
                25 Shafkat Ali (1612 : w : 1.5) Hikmet Bosnac (1813 : b : 1.5)
                26 Immanuel Huang (1506 : w : 1.5) Kevin Yi-Xiao Yie (1658 : b : 1.0)
                27 Doug Gillis (1598 : WW : 1.0) Brian Clarke (1646 : b : 1.0)
                28 Harmony Zhu (1652 : w : 0.0) Benjamin Lin (1539 : b : 1.0)

                Pairings for Round 5. guelph spring pro-am: U1600 Section
                Bd Res White Res Black
                29 Nicholas Vettese (1276 : w : 3.0) Daniel Denbok (1465 : b : 3.5)
                30 Radu Lupan (1375 : WW : 3.0) Kylie Tan (1164 : b : 3.0)
                31 Sophie Wang (1314 : w : 3.0) Giuseppe Del Duca (1459 : b : 2.5)
                32 Graeme Knight (1404 : w : 2.5) Bruce Hurst (1293 : b : 2.5)
                33 Kai Gauer (1236 : w : 2.5) Jeannie Zhang (1282 : BB : 2.5)
                34 James Williamson (1116 : b : 2.0) Taylor Zhang (1206 : b : 2.0)
                35 Peter Downie (1204 : w : 2.0) Manxuan [Rebecca] Zhang (1113 : w : 2.0)
                36 Ethan Zheng (1216 : WW : 1.5) Alexander Wu (614 : w : 1.5)
                37 Dee Wu (999 : W : 1.0) Nicole Birarov (1220 : b : 1.0)
                38 Jake Vaz (1014 : B : 1.0) Haotong Hazel Guo (924 : BB : 1.0)
                1 Nicholas Wu (1074 : W : 0.5) BYE


                • #23
                  Final Standings

                  This was a fun tournament to organize. Thanks to all who attended and congratulations to our winners.

                  Standings. guelph spring pro-am: Pro Section
                  # Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot
                  1 IM Nikolay Noritsyn 2585 W8 W21 W6 W4 D2 4.5
                  2 Razvan Preotu 2445 W11 D6 W14 W3 D1 4.0
                  3 IM Bindi Cheng 2517 H--- W13 W9 L2 W10 3.5
                  4 IM Artiom Samsonkin 2564 W19 D9 W10 L1 W13 3.5
                  5 FM Victor Plotkin 2390 D14 D15 W11 D6 W9 3.5
                  6 GM Bator Sambuev 2696 W12 D2 L1 D5 W8 3.0
                  7 FM Michael Dougherty 2292 H--- L14 D12 W19 W15 3.0
                  8 Ilia Bluvshtein 2211 L1 W20 W16 H--- L6 2.5
                  9 Mike Ivanov 2258 W16 D4 L3 W18 L5 2.5
                  10 FM Jura Ochkoos 2301 D18 W17 L4 W15 L3 2.5
                  11 Gordon Olheiser 2184 L2 W22 L5 D12 W18 2.5
                  12 David Filipovich 2228 L6 D18 D7 D11 W16 2.5
                  13 Vladimir Birarov 2242 W22 L3 D18 W14 L4 2.5
                  14 Guannan Terry Song 2077 D5 W7 L2 L13 H--- 2.0
                  15 WFM Jackie Peng 2194 H--- D5 W21 L10 L7 2.0
                  16 Joey Zhong 2027 L9 W19 L8 W22 L12 2.0
                  17 Nikola Brajkovic 2114 H--- L10 L19 D20 W22 2.0
                  18 Sergey Noritsyn 2043 D10 D12 D13 L9 L11 1.5
                  19 Mark Plotkin 2193 L4 L16 W17 L7 D20 1.5
                  20 Yinshi Li 2100 L21 L8 D22 D17 D19 1.5
                  21 FM Roman Sapozhnikov 2411 W20 L1 L15 U--- U--- 1.0
                  22 Eric Zechen Wang 1905 L13 L11 D20 L16 L17 0.5

                  Standings. guelph spring pro-am: U2000 Section
                  # Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot
                  1 Jeffrey Xu 1949 W28 W14 W13 W2 D3 4.5
                  2 Alexandre Michelashvili 1741 W31 W23 W4 L1 W8 4.0
                  3 Richard Chen 1866 W29 D8 W9 D4 D1 3.5
                  4 Michael von Keitz 1839 W25 W24 L2 D3 W10 3.5
                  5 Jason Cai 1741 L9 W25 W30 W14 D7 3.5
                  6 Mario Piccinin 1811 L24 W19 W27 D8 W15 3.5
                  7 Constance Wang 1556 W21 L13 W20 W22 D5 3.5
                  8 Zeljko Kitich 1680 W17 D3 W16 D6 L2 3.0
                  9 Wenlu Yu 1584 W5 W22 L3 L15 W20 3.0
                  10 Richard Guo 1536 L14 W28 W21 W13 L4 3.0
                  11 Tim Knechtel 1679 L23 W31 D12 D19 W22 3.0
                  12 Daniel Liu 1621 D16 D20 D11 D18 W21 3.0
                  13 Derick Aghamalian 1764 W26 W7 L1 L10 D14 2.5
                  14 Hanyuan Ye 1690 W10 L1 W23 L5 D13 2.5
                  15 Louay Sakka 1694 H--- D30 H--- W9 L6 2.5
                  16 Hikmet Bosnac 1813 D12 D18 L8 D17 W26 2.5
                  17 Benito Surya 1514 L8 B--- D18 D16 D24 2.5
                  18 Fernando Echavarria-Hidalgo 1694 D30 D16 D17 D12 D19 2.5
                  19 Janet Peng 1538 H--- L6 W29 D11 D18 2.5
                  20 Eugene Hua 1711 H--- D12 L7 W30 L9 2.0
                  21 Robert Gillanders 1729 L7 W26 L10 W27 L12 2.0
                  22 Mate Milinkovic 1744 W27 L9 W24 L7 L11 2.0
                  23 Immanuel Huang 1506 W11 L2 L14 D25 D28 2.0
                  24 Thomas Guo 1614 W6 L4 L22 D26 D17 2.0
                  25 Brian Clarke 1646 L4 L5 D31 D23 D27 1.5
                  26 Shafkat Ali 1612 L13 L21 W28 D24 L16 1.5
                  27 Doug Gillis 1598 L22 W29 L6 L21 D25 1.5
                  28 Kevin Yi-Xiao Yie 1658 L1 L10 L26 W29 D23 1.5
                  29 Harmony Zhu 1652 L3 L27 L19 L28 W30 1.0
                  30 Benjamin Lin 1539 D18 D15 L5 L20 L29 1.0
                  31 Mathanhe Kaneshalingam 1596 L2 L11 D25 U--- U--- 0.5

                  Standings. guelph spring pro-am: U1600 Section
                  # Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot
                  1 Daniel Denbok 1465 W11 W10 W6 D2 W7 4.5
                  2 Radu Lupan 1375 W13 W5 D7 D1 W8 4.0
                  3 Bruce Hurst 1293 W14 H--- H--- D5 W9 3.5
                  4 Giuseppe Del Duca 1459 H--- W18 H--- D7 W6 3.5
                  5 Kai Gauer 1236 W21 L2 W18 D3 W10 3.5
                  6 Sophie Wang 1314 W15 W16 L1 W12 L4 3.0
                  7 Nicholas Vettese 1276 W20 W9 D2 D4 L1 3.0
                  8 Kylie Tan 1164 H--- W17 H--- W11 L2 3.0
                  9 Graeme Knight 1404 W12 L7 W15 D10 L3 2.5
                  10 Jeannie Zhang 1282 W19 L1 W16 D9 L5 2.5
                  11 Ethan Zheng 1216 L1 W19 H--- L8 W18 2.5
                  12 Taylor Zhang 1206 L9 W14 W13 L6 D15 2.5
                  13 Peter Downie 1204 L2 W21 L12 W16 D14 2.5
                  14 Manxuan [Rebecca] Zhang 1113 L3 L12 W19 W17 D13 2.5
                  15 James Williamson 1116 L6 W20 L9 W21 D12 2.5
                  16 Haotong Hazel Guo 924 W17 L6 L10 L13 W20 2.0
                  17 Nicole Birarov 1220 L16 L8 W20 L14 W21 2.0
                  18 Alexander Wu 614 B--- L4 L5 H--- L11 1.5
                  19 Nicholas Wu 1074 L10 L11 L14 H--- B--- 1.5
                  20 Jake Vaz 1014 L7 L15 L17 B--- L16 1.0
                  21 Dee Wu 999 L5 L13 B--- L15 L17 1.0


                  • #24
                    Re : Guelph Spring Pro-Am April 6-7

                    Another awesome performance for Razvan!


                    • #25
                      Re: Guelph Spring Pro-Am April 6-7

                      And Razvan's rating and strength continue to sky-rocket. He must be nearly 2500 CFC after this tournament. Very impressive! Looks like it was an awesome turn out hopefully I can come to the next one.
                      University and Chess, a difficult mix.


                      • #26
                        Re: Guelph Spring Pro-Am April 6-7

                        Why is University and Chess a difficult mix?


                        • #27
                          Re : Re: Guelph Spring Pro-Am April 6-7

                          Originally posted by Andy Shaw View Post
                          Why is University and Chess a difficult mix?
                          It's hard to play chess when you spent 70+ hours every week studying :)


                          • #28
                            Re: Guelph Spring Pro-Am April 6-7

                            Originally posted by Andy Shaw View Post
                            Why is University and Chess a difficult mix?
                            Girls Andy, girls.
                            Shameless self-promotion on display here


                            • #29
                              Re: Guelph Spring Pro-Am April 6-7

                              Pictures and a few games

                              I was unable to attend the Guelph tournament so I asked James Williamson to take a few pictures and forward them to me. I just finished placing some pictures on my blog: [go to the bottom of the page] and I will be putting in a few games that came my way.



                              • #30
                                Re: Guelph Spring Pro-Am April 6-7

                                What did happen to Harmony? Not impressive start.

