My 61 Memorable Games

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  • #31
    Re: My 61 Memorable Games

    Originally posted by Lawrence Day View Post
    I've had it for a week. It's hard to put down.
    If I wanted to buy a copy, where would I have to go or who would I have to see? What is the cost?
    Gary Ruben
    CC - IA and SIM


    • #32
      Re: My 61 Memorable Games

      Originally posted by Gary Ruben View Post
      If I wanted to buy a copy, where would I have to go or who would I have to see? What is the cost?
      I connected through Joshka whose email address is in his profile. A friendly fellow, he sent an order form pdf with the address to which I sent a cheque.
      The book arrived in the mail a couple of weeks later.

      Obviously some people thought I was just going to get sucked into a con but as a journalist the cost was a deductible expense, and besides, my intuition said not to worry, that Fischer wouldn't do anything the normal way.
      (My ISP did slot Joshka's first email in the SPAM file right beside the Robert Mueller FBI wants your bank data joke!)

      I believe the current cost is $225 but remember, this is the second printing not the first edition collector's item. I just wanted the content.

      At the Skopje Olympiad 1972 I bought a cheap paperback "Chess Meets of the Century" supposedly by Bjelica and Fischer but F's only contribution was the game scores and brief commentary from the Blitz supertournament. He objected to that book and it was withdrawn making already sold copies valuable. Eventually in 1999 I sold mine for about 50 times what I paid for it. Now with the net those Fischer blitz comments are all preserved on the Fischer page at chessgames anyway.


      • #33
        Re: My 61 Memorable Games

        Thanks for the information, Lawrence.

        Considering the economic problems in Iceland and that the book is being published there, I'm surprised someone is not trying to mass market it at a reasonable price.

        I think the an American dollar will currently get you around 114 Iceland Krona. A year ago it would only get around 65.

        I currently have an opponent in Iceland but can't ask him anything. Don't know if he understands English. We are playing on the ICCF server which allows exchange of comments but he has never written anything. Not even the normal bio introduction. Some opponents are chatty and we discuss everything except the game.
        Gary Ruben
        CC - IA and SIM


        • #34
          Re: My 61 Memorable Games

          From: Yasser Seirawan
          Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 11:04 AM
          To: 'Edward Labate'; ‘Malcolm Pein’; 'Jeremy Silman'; ‘John Donaldson’
          Cc: ‘John Watson’; 'Anthony Saidy'
          Subject: RE: Need a little help here? Do you gentleman believe that Bobby Fischer wrote My 61 Memorable Games??? Why or Why not???

          Dear Edward,

          No. I do not believe that RJF was the author of “My 61 Memorable Games.”

          My reasons are several-fold. When I met RJF in 1992 during the Sveti Stephan match I got the distinct impression that RJF built walls around himself. That is he was very distrustful of others. He most definitely feared that folks would take advantage of his fame and status. We spoke about his project to write a book about how the K-K matches were all fixed. That every move of every game was scripted in advance. Of course RJF explained that he would have to be author and publisher as well. In short, he certainly would not hand over his manuscript to others.

          Secondly, over the past few years, RJF has explained about his disenchantment with chess and he wanted to promote Fischer Random only. A work that did not promote his variant would be at odds with his stated goal of advancing Fischer Random.

          Lastly, if there was a standard publisher/author agreement, the publisher would have come forth and trumpeted the fact that such an agreement was signed, that monies had been advanced, that checks had been cashed and so forth. Such facts are missing in this case.




          • #35
            Re: My 61 Memorable Games

            So does anyone here own My 61 Memorable Games or have seen it? Even if it is fake, it is 753 pages of analysis, corrections, pictures, and anecdotes. Some people claim it was really written by Bobby Fischer, including the 12-page foreward and a preface supposedly by Fischer dated Nov 9, 2007, but most claim it is a fake, and not written by Fischer, but by Ed Trice. Icelandic papers reported that Fischer angrily denied writing it. The highest rated player who believes it was the work of Fischer before he died is International Master Lawrence Day of Canada. GM Larry Evans thought is was authentic, but changed his mind, and may not have seen or read the book. The book is supposed to correct dozens of typos and mistakes from the original My 60 Memorable Games (I still have my hard copy I purchased in 1969). There are 15 pages of detail surrounding why Fischer left the Sousse Interzonal in 1967. Larry Evans wrote an article on it on Feb 1, 2008 for the US Chess Federation Chess Life Online. The cost of this book is supposed to be $24.95, but some people are selling their copies for as much as $800 on Craig's List. The book was offered on eBay in December, 2007 by a lady in Ottawa and the bid got up to $3,050 (over 1,000 peopled bidded on this sale) before eBay pulled the plug on it (actually, it was a set of 50 books). In 1972, a Russian edition of My 60 Memorable games appeared. without Fischer's permission and without regard for copyright laws.In 1995, My 60 Memorable Games was printed by Batsford in algebraic notation, edited by GM John Nunn. It had hundreds of errors and typos. A 2008 edition has now been printed that corrects the earlier Batsford edition. Evans followed up the article on April 10, 2008. In that article, Evans concluded that that book supposedly authored by Fischer was a hoax. He thinks a strong player with Fritz did a lot of work updating the manuscript, but that Fischer had nothing to do with it. The 2nd edition of this book says it is printed in Iceland, but no publisher or editor listed. I have not seen a review of the book, and I'll write one as soon as I get a copy. I believe IM Day is doing a review of it.

            Last edited by Dan Mackie; Wednesday, 4th March, 2009, 02:14 AM.


            • #36
              Re: My 61 Memorable Games

              It seems clear that this book does now exist, but that it is a vanity press printing. There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that Ed Trice wrote this book and paid to have it published. I am one of dozens of people that Trice has crossed over the years and I have followed his career closely, from the claims that his Gothic Chess tournaments were attracting thousands of participants (, then trying to sell land on Mars ( and finally to this laughable pastiche of Fischer's classic work.

              It seems astonishing to me that anyone can take this book seriously and it pains me to think that Lawrence Day seemingly believes it is Fischer's work as this will undoubtedly convince some other mugs to fork out huge sums of money for it, which will line the pockets of Ed Trice.

              Look at the diagrams in "61 Memorable Games"
              and compare them with the ones Trice uses on his Gothic Chess site:

              Do they seem at all similar to you? I'm no expert on chess fonts and perhaps this is a common one, but they look weird to me. The dodgy book and the Gothic Chess site are the only places I've seen diagrams like that. What's with those knights facing right? - another thing I don't think I've ever seen anywhere else.

              The Craig's List advertisements were so obviously fake that they are hardly worth commenting on. Trice is trying to use the same technique for this book that he used for Gothic Chess - use fake accounts and outright lies to pretend there is lots of interest in something and hope that some genuine interest will be drummed up by it.

              Unfortunately for Trice it is now all too easy to refute his outrageous lies - when he claimed that a Gothic Chess tournament with 4000 participants took place in Bartle Hall, Kansas in 2005, it took just a few minutes to find out the names of the people who run ordinary chess tournaments in Kansas, contact them, and confirm that no such Gothic Chess tournament took place, in that year or any other (there is no way that a tournament of that size could take place in "their" city without them knowing about it!).

              Returning to "61 Memorable Games". This quote from the book was posted by Lawrence Day:

              "...I notified them that I would be leaving for Tunis. This agitated them even more than the initial withdrawal. I was approached by everyone and their brother now, so it seemed. I feigned disgust over this ordeal, but inwardly they fed my need for something I had not recognized inside myself. After causing the prior set of turbulence, the strange sense of euphoria that I would experience after a crushing victory became attached to me without any of the turmoil of the struggle. The "fuss" became a mild form of "high", but, at the time, I did not recognize what this 'process' was, nor did I even have a faint understanding of it."

              Now come on, does this sound like Fischer to you? These are not the words of Fischer - they are overblown pompous nonsense, just the sort of thing that Trice endlessly spouts. If you haven't seen it before, take a gander at his interview on youtube:
              Can't you just imagine the buffoon in that interview writing the garbage in the proceding paragraph?

              Please, people, if there is any doubt whatsoever in your mind about who wrote My 61 Memorable Games, or if you think there is even the slightest chance that Ed Trice is a worthwhile human being, contact me, contact Edward Labate or just Google "Ed Trice" and look at the mayhem and ill-feeling he creates wherever he goes.
              Last edited by Jon D'Souza-Eva; Wednesday, 4th March, 2009, 08:21 PM.


              • #37
                Re: My 61 Memorable Games

                From: ]
                Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 1:23 AM
                To: undisclosed-recipients:
                Subject: Labate Lies, He Is "JonDSouzaEva" on


                Sorry to email this again to the 112 people on my email distribution
                list about Ed Labate. But here he is online "forgetting" that he
                logged in as "Ed Labate", and he signed his name "Jon".

                OK Ed, let's hear your explanation. I'm sure someone who always tells
                the truth has a very good explanation

                Looks like Ed and Jon are the same, two can play Ed Trice's games?At least he's traveled to Rejk.What happened to Art Hamilton, too?


                • #38
                  Re: My 61 Memorable Games

                  List of players by name

                  Ref * * * *Name * *Sex * * Age * * Club(s) Category * * * *Grade * Last Year * * * Cat * * Rapid * Last Year
                  D'Souza-Eva, Daniel * * * *M * * * 8 * * * Oxford High School * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *A * * * 27 * * *15
                  D'Souza-Eva, Jon * M * * * * * * * Cowley *C * * * 173 * * 173 * * E * * * 158 * * 158

                  2 Record(s) Found

                  So ‘I’ wrote to Edward and should sign ‘Edward’??? *So it should look
                  like this to make any sense???

                  Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 6:08 PM
                  To: Edward Labate
                  Subject: Trice arrested!

                  Hi Edward,

                  I can't make head or tail of this one:

                  It's definitely "our" Ed Trice. If I read it correctly, he was
                  arrested for harassment of some kind, appealed, and was found not

                  Best wishes,


                  Please note:

                  To: *Edward
                  Hi * Edward
                  Best Wishes, Edward!!

                  Nice work COLOMBO!! *Yep, makes a lot sense Trice.

                  Here’s the original email that I simply copied and pasted, and removed
                  Jon’s name from the public posting:

                  From: Jon D'Souza-Eva ]
                  Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 6:08 PM
                  To: Edward Labate
                  Subject: Trice arrested!

                  Hi Edward,

                  I can't make head or tail of this one:

                  It's definitely "our" Ed Trice. If I read it correctly, he was
                  arrested for harassment of some kind, appealed, and was found not

                  Best wishes,


                  No you moron, all I did was copy and paste an email Jon DSouzaEva sent
                  to me without commentary. *Your inability to comprehend appears to be
                  worse than your inability to play chess, Mr. 1352!!

                  Regarding coming to your website to post, I’ve already seen you
                  embellish, edit and remove other posts…remember Greg Strong!!! *You’d
                  have me confessing to poisoning Bobby Fischer if I ever came near your
                  post. *I’ll just wait for the depositions, discoveries and your
                  witness stand performances. *I’m a patience man, especially when the
                  payoff is your total demise!!

                  You and I both know along with Frank Camaratta, Dan Heisman, Bruce
                  Towell, Cathy Purdy and various others that you were the ASSHOLE
                  behind the ‘My 61 Memorable Games’ Scam.

                  Here you are, you know the whole truth and yet, you are astoundingly
                  relentless on your bull ****!! *You are the lowest of lows, the
                  slimest life force I’ve ever had the misfortune of dealing with.

                  Don’t you have a lawsuit to answer?? *And Trice, I won’t settle out of
                  court. *I want to bury you once and for all…and a settlement will
                  allow you to return one day.

                  Edward Labate

                  P.S. *NICE PICTURE Mr. GQ … ‘Can you say Discipline?’

                  From: ]
                  Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 1:23 AM
                  To: undisclosed-recipients:
                  Subject: Labate Lies, He Is "JonDSouzaEva" on


                  Sorry to email this again to the 112 people on my email distribution
                  list about Ed Labate. But here he is online "forgetting" that he
                  logged in as "Ed Labate", and he signed his name "Jon".

                  OK Ed, let's hear your explanation. I'm sure someone who always tells
                  the truth has a very good explanation

                  Ed, everyone knows YOU ARE JonDSouzaEva.

                  So you are claiming an English person that I never met, never
                  interacted with, never heard of, never even encountered, is somehow
                  brainwashed enough to believe you?

                  Wow. What a Godlike creature you must be to COMMAND a drone who will
                  post whatever you want, whenever you want, in support of you.

                  As for your "21 million dollar lawsuit."

                  I AM LAUGHING MY ASS OFF.

                  1. You sent a "demand letter" to a Mail Boxes Etc. at a place that was
                  vacated by the Gothic Chess Association in 2002.

                  But let me guess "armchair attorney Eddie Labate" counts that as
                  "personal service" that is valid, correct?

                  BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Wrong answer "slow Eddie", Eddie "La Master" Bate.

                  2. A demand letter ain't **** unless it's properly addressed. You can
                  send a letter to Santa Clause at 1735 Market Street, Suite A-456 and
                  you'd get some Mail Boxes etc. clown to "sign for it."

                  It ain't my signature. I know nothing about it, except you made some
                  claim on the internet somewhere.

                  3. I know you did not speak to an attorney about this, BECAUSE EVERY
                  DISCUSSION. Unless you are a product of a brother and sister's butt
                  ****, you should have the mental capacity to figure this one out.

                  I would like to point out a quote of yours:

                  "I’m a patience man"

                  Don't you mean "patient", MORON.

                  I am laughing my ass off at you, AGAIN.

                  Eddie "La Master" Bate!

                  Ed Trice

                  If you want to read more of the above, please go to, and make up your own mind if this is current news;) $ and fame make it interesting, mainly due to American acculturation. Iceland would be a bargain of a visit, as the Nick used to say.Does this make no sense? Then that would be the 'nobrainer' non-point of this thread, esp. if one has nothing new to say(J-D'souz-- i am ref to you) years later. Why don't u move onto yhe Aussie chat line , now -- thk u very much.



                  • #39
                    Re: My 61 Memorable Games

                    Anyone who has any doubts about Trice's involvement in "My 61 Memorable Games" should read the e-mails that Edward Labate has just put on his website:

                    From: Einar S Einarsson
                    Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 11:39 AM
                    To: 'Edward Labate'
                    Cc: YASSER SEIRAWAN
                    Subject: RE: Were you, or anyone that was in contact with Bobby his last two years aware of...

                    Good morning to you Mr. Labate

                    As you are probably already aware I sent my comments about the big fake scandal reg My 61 Memorable Games to Yasser earlier today and a copy to you for information.

                    But there were other questions or items in your message which you wanted some inside info about.

                    It is absolutly absurd theory or assertion that Bobby Fischer had been working on a classical chess project or writing or revising his book of My 60 Mem. Games, after he settle down in Iceland in the spring of 2005, after being given an Icelandic citizenship and released from his kidnap detention in Japan. Still he was eager to show us, his confidant friends, some alleged pre-arranged games from his collection of games between Russian grandmasters. He had fully given up on and was not interested in classical chess, the old chess, as he used to call it, which he deemed to be finished for professional chessmaster because e.g. of its computerization.

                    Only once he sat down with me opened his travel chess set and studied for a while a game which I had pointed out to him, from NIC 2005/4, between the US Champion Hikaru Nakamura and Krishnan Sasikiran, played in Copenhagen 2005, 1.e4 e5, 2 Qh5 !? a move which he found hilarious and a good example of how frustrated professional chessplayers of today had become, allowing themselves to break all traditonal theories and tactics in chess in their severe search for new moves, a clear witness of that the classical chess was emtied or finished.

                    Although I was not personally involved, but GM Fridrik Olafsson, former President of FIDE who acted as a mediator. I followed Ed Trice attempt to get in touch with Bobby Fischer and he sent me a copy of his proposed deal. Mr. Trice never saw or got in personal contact with Bobby, although he was willing to pay a fee of first 10.000 then 25000 dollars for a meeting with him. All these talks or attempts came to nothing, Bobby was not interested at all and had a feeling of mistrust in the gentelman.

                    I am truly amazed to see and read about all these speculations and gossip which has been written about Bobby lately, mostly in the States, some writers apparently trying to fool the chess world at the same time. It is about time to give him and this a break ...

                    With best wishes

                    Einar S. Einarsson

                    former chairman of

                    The RJF Campaign and Support Group.

                    PS. I have written a long article: “Freeing Bobby Fischer”, about our campaign for his release and providing him an Icelandic Citizenship and his life in Iceland, which has already been published partly in Russian 64 Squire Magazine, but I am considering to print the English version as a small booklet with related many photos of mine. It has not been published on the Internet, so perhaps you would be interested to introduce it or sell it on your website, it could still be mailed from me in Iceland. What do you think about that? I attach photos of two commemorative cards we had made for Bobby´s memorial service last year . Enjoy.

                    From: Einar S Einarsson
                    Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 8:44 AM
                    To: YASSER SEIRAWAN
                    Cc: Edward Labate; 'Gardar Sverrisson'
                    Subject: Comment on: My Sixty One Memorable Games

                    Dear Yasser,

                    What a nice surprise to get in personal contact with you again. I tried to track you down in Seattle some 4 years ago just to find out that you were not there anymore but in Holland.

                    I and some other chess fans (perhaps fanatics is the right word) were following closely with excitement the games in the match Anand vs Kramnik and your fine programme direct from Bonn last October We gathered for every game at “Gallery Skak”, a nice quarters of ours, as you can see from the attached photos. I even sent you a message which you commented on in the air to our enjoyment, but didn't get my name in as the message space was too limited, so you were not aware who was on the line.

                    Now to the subject:

                    We at the former RJF Campaign and Support Group are surprised to find and hear about these absurd speculations that our protégée Bobby Fischer had been involved in writing this new and changed publication of his famous book, now called “My 61 Memorable Games”, as it ought to have been quite obvious and absolutely clear to everybody that it was a fake and a big scam from the very start. Already in December 2007 both Gardar Sverrisson, Fischer´s closest and most loyal friend, and I stated in a short news interview with Morgunbladid here in Reykjavik that Mr. Fischer “had nothing at all to do with it”.

                    When this news broke in the middle of December 2007, that a book with that naming had been listed on eBay, it made Bobby more sad than angry to hear about it. At that time his health was deteriorating, he had just recently returned home after spending some 7 weeks in hospital due to his fatal illness. Learning about that there were still some conmen out there prepared to violate his personal rights so brutally once again with this elaborate hoax made him really sad but he was not surprised. Still he didn't want to dignify that rumour with a public comment. That he had supposedly written 12 pages foreword and preface dated Nov 9. 2007, while suffering in hospital is preposterous. It is therefore completely clear, beyond any doubt, the full truth and nothing but the truth, that Bobby Fischer had nothing at all to do with this outrageous publication. It is obscene hoax.

                    Furthermore I can personally verify who is behind and at least involved with this scam, although it is already clear to most people, as a gentleman named Ed Trice approached me Nov 8 2007 and asked “for some recent photos of Fischer with some other things that nobody else is aware of since he has been in Iceland” As Mr. Trice had been in touch with me earlier on reg. the possibility of a Gothic Chess Match between Karpov and Fischer and his visit to Iceland and possible second visit with Pal Benko and Susan Polgar, although I have never met with the guy, I was foolish enough to trust him and sent him as a friendly favour “confidentially and for his eyes only” a recent photo of mine of Bobby Fischer, which I took with his consent at a famous fish restaurant, 3 Frakkar, downtown Reykjavik and later proved to be the last portrait of the deceased. (Attached) Just a month later this very photo appeared on the cover of this obscenity scam publication.

                    The last couple of days I have been speaking at length with my pal Gardar Sverrisson about this and Fischers last months and days, as Gardar and his family was taking care of him a lot. Gardar is willing to take a phone call from you if needed for further prove that this book is a scandalous fake. He would very much like to know if somebody has ever seen a copy of it in print. Gardar´s phone number is : +354 ### #### or ### #### (mobile)

                    I hope this explains and casts some light on this delicate matter.

                    With best wishes


                    +354 ### #### or ### #### mobile

