My 61 Memorable Games

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  • My 61 Memorable Games

    Remember that ebay auction way back when, by the lady in Ottawa? It appears the book was real. Check out this review: Looks like a really interesting read. There's also a Craigslisting out of Atlanta selling copies for $400 a piece.

    Oh and a bit of funny: that picture on the book cover sure looks like Smoky the Bear, doesn't it?
    Last edited by Alan Baljeu; Tuesday, 30th December, 2008, 03:14 AM.

  • #2
    Re: My 61 Memorable Games

    notice that the knights in the diagrams are reversed?

    The reviewer seems to think figurine notation is an invention of Fischer.


    • #3
      Re: My 61 Memorable Games

      Originally posted by Alan Baljeu View Post
      Remember that ebay auction way back when, by the lady in Ottawa? It appears the book was real. Check out this review: Looks like a really interesting read. There's also a Craigslisting out of Atlanta selling copies for $400 a piece.

      Oh and a bit of funny: that picture on the book cover sure looks like Smoky the Bear, doesn't it?
      Way back when, I saw a bunch of the original books on the remainder shelves at Coles book store. I bought a bunch of them for the correspondence club. Can't remember how many. They were hard cover and cost either 1 dollar an change or 2 dollars and change. Remember, it was decades ago and the exact details are a fading memory.

      We sold them all. They went fast because all that was added on was postage and packaging.

      Too bad he didn't hang around long enough to have games to do his 100 best games.
      Gary Ruben
      CC - IA and SIM


      • #4
        My 61 Memorable Games

        I am still from Missouri (mentally, anyway!). Who is the reviewer? Did I miss that?


        • #5
          Re: My 61 Memorable Games

          I did some more investigating (way too much, actually). What I found:
          • The book is real. Consensus is it was published by Ed Trice.
          • The various pages I've seen exhibit a very poor quality control. (How exactly do you get a backwards knight anyway? And that's just one example.)
          • Ed is the guy who patented Gothic Chess, which is really just Capablanca's chess with two pieces swapped.
          • Ed is widely believed to be a scam artist.
          • I guess Ed wrote the book, borrowing heavily from Fischer's previous book. My guess is he used chess engines to pad the analysis.
          • The reviewer of the article is an anonymous "F.I.D.E. member". Quite possibly this is Ed himself.


          • #6
            Re : My 61 Memorable Games

            Originally posted by Alan Baljeu View Post
            Remember that ebay auction way back when, by the lady in Ottawa? It appears the book was real. Check out this review: Looks like a really interesting read. There's also a Craigslisting out of Atlanta selling copies for $400 a piece.
            This is a large-scaled scam. Soon after the "ebay auction by the lady in Ottawa", I exchanged several emails with her, but even though she happened to have several hundreds copies of the book and I was ready to buy 30 of them at $100 each, and even go to Ottawa to get them, I was unable to get any. Why? Because the lady (?) insisted to get the money first, and mail the books only after. The address she gave was a post office box, but she also gave her home address, advising me not to ring at her door because as a lonely lady she was afraid to meet anybody in person regarding such a rare and expensive book. However, I checked with the postal code of her house, and it happens to be a shopping mall. Scam!

            Quite understandly, I was not willing to send $3000 by mail without any guarantee. However, she was not interested to meet me and prove that the books are real... even for $3000. Which proves to me that the book is nonexistent.

            Another proof: on the USCF website, Larry Evans wrote a long article on this book. He was also in touch with the lady and tried very hard to get a copy... to no avail.

            Even more: not so long ago I received another email from the "lady", giving the url of the "review"... another bait from this large-scaled scam to get money for nothing. And now you tell me that some guy sell a copy for $400? BEWARE! If you send $400 you might never get anything in return.

            Final proof: according to the ebay auction, the ISBN (international standard book number) of the book is 0966667301. But if you look at and enter this isbn, no title is given... which means (again) that the book is nonexistent, because always give a title for any isbn in print.


            • #7
              Re: My 61 Memorable Games

              Hello everyone.

              The popular consensus about the nature of this book seems to be "greatly exaggerated", in the words of the great Mark Twain. I have 2 copies of this book. I was involved in a debate over this in another online place. People asked me to post my picture online showing a copy of "today's newspaper" while holding the book in the other hand. Just because the arguments were so heated, I decided to go through with it.


              Harsh words have been spoken about this book in other posts here. I agree with some, don't with some others. I wanted to add that I too thought this book was a fake, but I responded to one of the Craig's List ads that just so happened to be in my own neighborhood.

              I was also asked to send money in the mail and I said "No way!" The person finally agreed to meet me in some diner out of the way. Once I saw the book in person, my jaw was wide open.

              I liked the book, flipped through it for a few minutes, then shelled out the money. I can tell you now, this book was written by Fischer. It sounds like him all the way. The stories about what really happened behind the scenes are very interesting, some of them even funny! There are pictures in just about every chapter of the 61 games, some have more than one photo per chapter. I thought I saw every photo ever published by Fischer. In this book there are some I've seen nowhere else.

              Before you attack me, think about what you write. I'll answer any questions that are reasonable.


              • #8
                Re: My 61 Memorable Games

                Originally posted by Roger Patterson View Post
                notice that the knights in the diagrams are reversed?

                The reviewer seems to think figurine notation is an invention of Fischer.
                I think the reviewer was speaking about the dual-colour notation. Usually FAN is just white pieces, correct? The FAN in this book has white pieces for the white moves and black pieces for the black moves. And the word I saw was "Fischer innovation" not "Fischer invention."

                Bobby has been known to make a few interesting things, like the Fischer clock and Fischer Random Chess. Don't know if he was the first, but I like FFAN (Fischer Figurine Alebraic Notation).


                • #9
                  Re: Re : My 61 Memorable Games

                  Originally posted by Louis Morin View Post
                  Quite understandly, I was not willing to send $3000 by mail without any guarantee. However, she was not interested to meet me and prove that the books are real... even for $3000. Which proves to me that the book is nonexistent.
                  Louis, if you said you'd bring $3000 to me in person for chess book, I'd think you were a policeman. Maybe you scared her off. Why didn't you just agree to buy 1 in person?

                  Like I said, I have 2 copies of the book, it's real all right.


                  • #10
                    Who is Art Hamilton?

                    And who is Art Hamilton who just joined today and immediately posted a bunch of posts in the past hour? Is he for real, from Canada or another shill for this fake book? Fake, at least as far as Fischer writing it!

                    I am still from Missouri!


                    • #11
                      Re: My 61 Memorable Games

                      I have yet to see a review of this book by any of the reputable newspaper chess columnists - nor on any reputable chess site. Larry - arrange to get a "reviewer's copy" and post something here.


                      • #12
                        Re: Re : My 61 Memorable Games

                        Originally posted by Art Hamilton View Post
                        Louis, if you said you'd bring $3000 to me in person for chess book, I'd think you were a policeman. Maybe you scared her off. Why didn't you just agree to buy 1 in person?

                        Like I said, I have 2 copies of the book, it's real all right.
                        Hi Art,

                        Can I purchase a copy from you?

                        What is the cost?



                        • #13
                          Re: My 61 Memorable Games

                          Originally posted by Hugh Brodie View Post
                          I have yet to see a review of this book by any of the reputable newspaper chess columnists - nor on any reputable chess site. Larry - arrange to get a "reviewer's copy" and post something here.

                          Even Bobby did not have the rights to this book. Remember he also wasn't allowed to play Spassky in 1992, but he did this anyway too! Nobody knows for sure how many copies of the book are out there. The guy I bought it from was nervous when I met him at the diner. Everyone seems to think that carrying it around is like carry around 2 kilos of cocaine.


                          • #14
                            Re: Re : My 61 Memorable Games

                            Originally posted by Larry Bevand View Post
                            Hi Art,

                            Can I purchase a copy from you?

                            What is the cost?

                            Hi Larry,

                            I could maybe loan you a copy if you put a security deposit down on it but I don't want to sell it right now. But I read on here that someone was actually talking to the girl who was selling them originally? Why not talk to her?


                            • #15
                              The Dance Goes On!

                              10 characters

