Ontario HS Champs - 133 entries - late entries still welcome

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  • Ontario HS Champs - 133 entries - late entries still welcome

    133 entries now and counting.
    New link at www.ohscc.on.ca/entries.php

    Teachers / parents who have registered can easily add more players:
    Use the school name and the teacher / parent email used in the initial registration. Then add player(s) in the appropriate section(s).
    Since you made your original registration by May 10, we won't even charge you a late fee.

    Late registrations at $75 per player can still be made at
    Start with the school name, address, phone number, teacher/coach name, teacher/coach email, number of players in each section, accommodation yes or no; then the details for each player: name, address, date of birth, grade, rating information if known
    Please email chris.field@bell.net if there is a reason why you should not have to pay the late fee.

    All registrations must be complete by Mon May 20. NO ENTRIES CAN BE MADE AT THE SITE. We wish to assure all registered players, teachers, and coaches that the tournament opening ceremony will begin sharp at 1:00 pm on Friday May 24.

    Please note: This is - mainly - a HIGH SCHOOL tournament.
    HIGH SCHOOL includes Grades 7 and 8 ("Junior High").
    Younger players who are ready to compete are also welcome.

    3 sections: Championship (CFC > 1500), Intermediate (CFC > 1100), and Beginner (CFC < 1100 AND with less than 2 years' tournament experience).
    There is an appropriate section for players at every level.

    We really need more players, especially in the Championship section.
    Last year, we reached 160. In 2000, we reached 200. In 2013, ?

    As noted below, we have extended the registration deadline at the regular entry fee to Friday May 10. Late entries may register from May 11-20.

    May 24-26 2013
    Tournament primarily for students in Grades 7 (Junior High) through 12
    Younger students ready to compete are also welcome.
    In Toronto again this year.
    Website: www.ohscc.on.ca for details
    http://www.ohscc.on.ca/entries.php see who have entered

    Register on line: http://www.ohscc.on.ca/form.html Pay on line with PayPal or send cheque to address given at on line form

    Contact: Mr Serguei Ianine sianine@utschools.ca for detailed form

    Initial entry deadline: Fri May 10 at $50 individual / $40 each for 3 or more from same school
    Late entries at $75 each May 11-20

    3 sections: Championship (CFC > 1500) , Intermediate (1100 - 1499) ,
    Beginner (< 1100 + less than 2 years' tournament experience)

    Team prizes as well as individual prizes:
    A team consists of the top 3 players from the same school in one section.
    A Combined team consists of the top player in each section from the same school.

    Prizes are awarded to the top girls in each section.

    Chris Field.

    Yes, round 1 will begin shortly after 1 pm, after welcome and opening announcements.
    2 rounds Friday; 3 rounds Saturday (2 for Championship); only 1 round Sunday

    This allows people to leave Sunday by 4:30 pm, after awards.
    If travelling a long way, this is much better than having to play 2 games on Sunday and leave at 8-8:30 pm after awards.

    It should not be a problem for students to miss classes on Friday afternoon, or all day on Friday if travelling a long way.

    Chris Field.

    As of 11:00 pm on Thurs May 9:

    117 entries, including 26 in the Championship.

    Higher-rated players - please join the Championship!

    All Players - please join your appropriate section.

    Please join the 46th Ontario High School Championship,
    May 24-26, 2013 at University of Toronto Schools.

    As of Friday May 10 morning:
    119 total, including 27 Championship, 45 Intermediate, 47 Beginner

    As of Friday May 10 5:50 pm:
    124 entries in total
    31 Championship, 46 Intermediate, 47 Beginner

    Please don't worry too much about ratings.
    This tournament is a great experience for kids at all levels.
    If a school has 3 or more players, there are team prizes available, depending on the sections their players enter.
    There are lots of individual prizes: 1st - 3rd overall in each section, plus 1st - 3rd in each school grade, in each section (depending on numbers), and top girl in each section.

    The tournament will be rated both CFC regular and CMA.

    If a player has an established CFC rating, that rating will determine the section.
    If a player has a provisional CFC rating (fewer than 25 games), we'll consider the CMA rating plus 200 points for section placement.

    Chris Field.

    127 entries and growing still
    127 entries:
    34 Championship, 49 Intermediate, 47 Beginner

    It takes our Webmaster a little while to update the entries page at

    If you need to enter an additional player or players for a school already entered, pleaee go to the home page at www.ohscc.on.ca
    There is a link there to the page for adding players; all you need is the school name and the teacher's email used for the original entry. Then just enter the information for your additional student or students.
    This will help speed up your entry, and speed up our processing, without duplicating information already entered.

    Chris Field.

    Late entries and additions still welcome till May 20
    As noted, a teacher / parent can still add players to a school's registration. You don't have to start all over and re-enter all players. Please visit
    http://www.ohscc.on.ca/return.php - use the school name and teacher email given in your original registration; then add player(s) in the appropriate sections.
    Since you made your original registration by May 10, we won't even charge you a late fee.