Corsi forfeits due to misunderstanding start time

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  • #16
    Re: Corsi forfeits due to misunderstanding start time

    Blue Jay games are televised and carried on radio. Probably 7:07 PM, rather than right on the hour, works best for them. The Jays would get revenue for allowing the broadcasts, I suppose.

    Fide got the zero tolerance out of the way early. First of many rounds of play. If some person is rushing to the playing board when play starts instead of being in place and the arbiter doesn't notice or figures it's close enough, the player waiting for the start can ask for his opponent to be forfeited and appeal a decision which does not give him that forfeit request. It's a double edged sword.
    Gary Ruben
    CC - IA and SIM


    • #17
      Re: Corsi forfeits due to misunderstanding start time

      "I think the problem is chess tournaments have been historically lax when it comes to starting the game"

      I have never played a tournament where there wasn't a clearly stated drop dead "you must show up by time X or be forfeited" rule. As well, FIDE has had the "you must show up on time or be forfeited" rule in place for years now; as well, from what I've read there was a substantial kerfuffle in round 1 about it. There is simply no way participants in this case weren't aware. For god's sake, the FIDE web site said he realized he was late when he logged on to the web site and saw people starting to play. Look, here on the web site:

      13 August
      Scandic Hotel

      Explain to me how you have language barriers reading that.

