Anthropogenic Negative Climate Change (ANCC)

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  • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
    Mocking someone based on their name, particularly when it carries cultural or ethnic connotations only highlights your ignorant insinuations aimed at my name, my heritage, and my faith revealing a profound ignorance that can only be matched by your own lamentable existence. I can only pity your pathetic attempts at wit, for they merely serve to highlight the vacuity of your own soul.

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    Somehow I missed this editorial rebuff, but it is an excellent example of how folks can research the internet and come up with gibberish and conspiracies. Of course if you search with a Jewish word, you will come up with all the so-called support for racism. If, on the other hand, search with the word itself, you will find that the word "klutz" has now become a mainstream English word for clumsy. Not so complicated, unless you choose to wage false battles....
    Fred Harvey


    • Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post

      Do you get it after reading my responses to Bob G and Sid?
      I'm not sure, but thanks for trying! I think your simple math would require that within an overall constant climate, specific events are quite random? But there are many influences on specific climate events that surely render them non-random. So I have trouble accepting simple math as useful in this situation.

      And while I disagree with climate change deniers, based on my own observations, as opposed to faulty internet research, I do agree that our own contributions to the atmosphere are trivial in the overall picture. But I suppose every little bit helps......
      Fred Harvey


      • Originally posted by Fred Harvey View Post

        Somehow I missed this editorial rebuff, but it is an excellent example of how folks can research the internet and come up with gibberish and conspiracies. Of course if you search with a Jewish word, you will come up with all the so-called support for racism. If, on the other hand, search with the word itself, you will find that the word "klutz" has now become a mainstream English word for clumsy. Not so complicated, unless you choose to wage false battles....

        Ah, the plot thickens as you continue to dance around the truth, veiling your offensive remarks with flimsy arguments. It appears you have concocted an elaborate facade to absolve yourself of any wrongdoing, all while indulging in a dangerous game of semantics.

        Allow me to disentangle the web of deception you have spun. Your attempt to discredit well-founded research by labeling it as "gibberish and conspiracies" is a desperate tactic to undermine the legitimacy of the information at hand. The facts speak for themselves, and it is clear that "klutz" indeed has origins in Yiddish and German, carrying ethnic connotations that cannot be disregarded.

        Your claim that searching with a Jewish word (I did not) somehow distorts the information is nothing short of provably absurd. Simply search google for the "origin of the word Klutz" One cannot simply sweep away historical roots and etymology because they do not align with your own narrative. To dismiss such linguistic evidence as an attempt to promote racism is an insult to intelligence and reason.

        Furthermore, to assert that "klutz" has miraculously shed its ethnic connections to become a "mainstream English word for clumsy" is a disingenuous oversimplification. The reality remains that its origins remain firmly tied to Yiddish and German, and to overlook this fact is to perpetuate ignorance and disrespect.

        The audacity to accuse me of waging false battles merely highlights your own ignorance and unwillingness to engage in an honest conversation. The battle is not false when it concerns the truth, respect, and empathy for others' backgrounds and identities.

        I am not to be swayed by the hollow arguments of someone who seeks to evade accountability for their offensive remarks.

        This is the third poster who thinks he is so clever with cloaking his antisemitic tomes with plausible deniability. In the last several years the lamentable parade of disingenuous posters persists, each parroting the same worn-out tactics, believing themselves to be masters of subtlety and wit. Alas, their attempts at "plausible deniability" are nothing but a display of intellectual bankruptcy and cowardice.

        Behold, these pitiful souls, haphazardly stringing together fallacies and half-truths, as if they believe their deceptions to be the epitome of cunning. They errantly presume that by cloaking their true intent in veiled words, they might evade the repercussions of their offensive remarks.

        Yet, they underestimate the discerning minds that bear witness to their charade. We are not so easily beguiled by their feeble efforts to obscure their true motives. The origins of words and the weight of their implications cannot be discarded at will, for the evidence stands tall, unyielding to their deceitful whims.

        Their duplicitous games betray a profound lack of intellectual integrity, a stark testament to their paucity of character. To stoop so low as to wield ethnic connotations in the shadows, believing themselves to be the puppeteers of deceit, is to reveal the hollowness that lies within their own heart..

        I shall not be swayed by their masquerade, nor shall I yield to their attempts to undermine the principles of empathy and respect. Their delusions of cleverness crumble beneath the weight of truth, and their "plausible deniability" withers in the face of righteous rebuke.

        Let them be known for what they are—purveyors of darkness, clad in the robes of deception. Their words, like rotten fruit, betray the rot within their hearts. In the realm of genuine discourse, they shall find no sanctuary for their disingenuous machinations.

        In the realm of Canada, where the tendrils of law seek to curtail the promotion of animosity towards identifiable groups, I must remind you, my dear Fred et al, that your cunningly concealed invective will not find shelter amidst the cloak of deception. It is a delicate dance you weave, believing your words to be shrouded in subtle artifice, but beware, for such intricacies shall not escape the discerning gaze of justice.

        Let us not be fooled by your guise of cleverness, for the law stands vigilant, its watchful eye poised to uncover the seeds of hatred sown beneath the veil of your words. Like a puzzle unraveling, the truth shall emerge, revealing the venom concealed within your rhetoric.

        So, if indeed you dare to persist in your attempts at subterfuge, be prepared to face the consequences of your actions. The courtroom shall be the stage where your charade meets its denouement, and there, before the judge, your veiled intentions will be laid bare.

        As the law guards against the seeds of hatred, it is not merely the judge who shall pass judgment, but the collective conscience of society that shall bear witness to your words. Let this serve as a warning—an admonition to cast aside such dark inclinations and embrace the path of empathy, respect, and understanding.

        Yours sincerely, with a vigilant eye,

        Sid Belzberg

        Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Monday, 24th July, 2023, 10:58 PM.


        • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

          In the realm of Canada, where the tendrils of law seek to curtail the promotion of animosity towards identifiable groups, I must remind you, my dear Fred et al, that your cunningly concealed invective will not find shelter amidst the cloak of deception. It is a delicate dance you weave, believing your words to be shrouded in subtle artifice, but beware, for such intricacies shall not escape the discerning gaze of justice.

          Let us not be fooled by your guise of cleverness, for the law stands vigilant, its watchful eye poised to uncover the seeds of hatred sown beneath the veil of your words. Like a puzzle unraveling, the truth shall emerge, revealing the venom concealed within your rhetoric.

          So, if indeed you dare to persist in your attempts at subterfuge, be prepared to face the consequences of your actions. The courtroom shall be the stage where your charade meets its denouement, and there, before the judge, your veiled intentions will be laid bare.

          As the law guards against the seeds of hatred, it is not merely the judge who shall pass judgment, but the collective conscience of society that shall bear witness to your words. Let this serve as a warning—an admonition to cast aside such dark inclinations and embrace the path of empathy, respect, and understanding.

          Yours sincerely, with a vigilant eye,

          Sid Belzberg
          Aha! Didn't we just all know that eventually our amateur internet lawyer would swoop! I was expecting this. I think you are totally unhinged, but you're allowed to be unhinged in Canada. Otherwise I suggest you just f**k off...
          Last edited by Fred Harvey; Tuesday, 25th July, 2023, 08:29 AM. Reason: edited for clarity
          Fred Harvey


          • Originally posted by Fred Harvey View Post

            Aha! Didn't we just all know that eventually our amateur internet lawyer would swoop! I was expecting this. I think you are totally unhinged, but you're allowed to be in Canada. Otherwise I suggest you just f**k off...
            You label me an "amateur internet lawyer" in a futile attempt to diminish the validity of my words, yet it is you who cling desperately to the fragile shroud of your false wit. Your disdain for truth and civility reveals the depths of your own unhinged nature, a state in which reason and decorum have been abandoned. While it may amuse you to castigate those who object to ad hominem attacks laced with ethnic connotations, you have yet to provide anything of substance to this conversation other than your astute observation that the weather is warmer in your estimation.

            Your audacious invitation for me to "f**k off" is a stark reflection of your own limited intellect and lack of substantive retort. Please, by all means, do continue your ethnically charged ad hominem attacks.
            Originally posted by Fred Harvey
            But you're allowed to be in Canada
            You, in your self-proclaimed magnanimity, bestow upon me the "allowance" to reside in my own native land, Canada. How generous indeed, to permit a citizen of this great nation to inhabit the very soil from which I sprang.

            Yet, let me remind you that my right to be here is not a matter of your benevolence but a fundamental birthright enshrined in law. Your attempt to belittle my presence in my own homeland reeks of arrogance and entitlement, displaying a flagrant disregard for the principles of equality and justice.

            Oh, how generous of you that a native-born Canadian citizen is "allowed to be in Canada'. I am sorry to disappoint you that the practice of ethnic cleansing violates international law. Thank you for clearly revealing what you are about. Let it be known that your despicable remarks will not go unchallenged.
            Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Tuesday, 25th July, 2023, 07:30 AM.


            • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg
              Your claim that searching with a Jewish word (I did not) somehow distorts the information is nothing short of provably absurd. Simply search google for the "origin of the word Klutz" One cannot simply sweep away historical roots and etymology because they do not align with your own narrative. To dismiss such linguistic evidence as an attempt to promote racism is an insult to intelligence and reason.

              Furthermore, to assert that "klutz" has miraculously shed its ethnic connections to become a "mainstream English word for clumsy" is a disingenuous oversimplification. The reality remains that its origins remain firmly tied to Yiddish and German, and to overlook this fact is to perpetuate ignorance and disrespect.


              Let us not be fooled by your guise of cleverness, for the law stands vigilant, its watchful eye poised to uncover the seeds of hatred sown beneath the veil of your words. Like a puzzle unraveling, the truth shall emerge, revealing the venom concealed within your rhetoric.

              So, if indeed you dare to persist in your attempts at subterfuge, be prepared to face the consequences of your actions. The courtroom shall be the stage where your charade meets its denouement, and there, before the judge, your veiled intentions will be laid bare.

              Originally posted by Fred Harvey View Post

              Aha! Didn't we just all know that eventually our amateur internet lawyer would swoop! I was expecting this. I think you are totally unhinged, but you're allowed to be in Canada. Otherwise I suggest you just f**k off...

              Sid, may I say something without incurring your wrath? I've used the word "klutz" before and I had NO IDEA of its origins and history. I agree with Fred that klutz has entered the mainstream as a word for "clumsy oaf".

              I think it's a bit unreasonable to ask posters here to search the history of every word they use. And I don't think any court of law is going to convict anyone of any -ism based on the use of a single mainstream word, regardless of that word's history. Why resort to these tactics? It does make you seem extreme, even if you don't think it should be the case.

              On a separate topic, Sid, regarding all your arguments about record-setting temps and how they compare to temps in previous centuries ....

              As valid as your arguments may be, which I don't contest, there is something more important to consider.

              It is population density.

              I think the current population density of the world has reached such a level that these temp extremes (both cold and hot) are causing unprecedented damage. And that is what we have to consider.

              Of great note, various insurance companies in North America are starting to withdraw from the market in some weather-sensitive regions. State Farm, Allstate, and most recently Travelers and Farmers. They are losing billions on the damages being done to infrastructure, homes, businesses, crops.

              This is perhaps the most critical aspect of what is going on. Because once no one can get insurance, all losses are put squarely on the entity that WOULD HAVE had an insurance policy but is now without one. And once that happens, all economic activity in the affected regions is in peril. Basically all normal economic activity in these regions will SCREECH TO A HALT.

              I believe this is the coming tsunami that will ensure that in fact we WILL SEE drastic and unprecedented climate-based regulations. We are in for some very very extreme changes in the North American economy. And it is likely the same in Europe, in Asia.

              It all comes down to money, Sid. Not historical weather data. Money!

              Because of population density combined with what is going on with the climate (whether man-caused or not), I believe unprecedented changes are in store. You will be against them, as might many of us myself included, but it is coming regardless Money talks louder than anything else.

              I still hold to my belief that as this all unfolds, a second U.S. civil war might be unavoidable. Not sure about Canada.

              Last edited by Pargat Perrer; Tuesday, 25th July, 2023, 07:22 AM.


              • Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post

                Don't be so simple as not to understand variability... by your logic, if less than 100 cities have a new daily high on a particular day, the earth would be cooling!
                Good, excellent. I do understand variability, which was going to be next argument.
                We can agree then that a single datapoint would be insufficient to form a conclusion, right?
                How many days do you propose would be sufficient?

                Or would it be better to look instead at it on a yearly basis?
                Perhaps global average temperatures, compare year by year. What do you think?


                • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

                  Good, excellent. I do understand variability, which was going to be next argument.
                  We can agree then that a single datapoint would be insufficient to form a conclusion, right?
                  How many days do you propose would be sufficient?

                  Or would it be better to look instead at it on a yearly basis?
                  Perhaps global average temperatures, compare year by year. What do you think?
                  You are right. The only point is: don't let CNN's obsession with 'broken day records' make you anxious...
                  Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Tuesday, 25th July, 2023, 08:14 AM.


                  • Originally posted by Fred Harvey View Post

                    you're allowed to be in Canada. Otherwise I suggest you just f**k off...
                    That is as racist as it gets. Who are you to decide who is allowed to stay in Canada?


                    • Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post

                      That is as racist as it gets. Who are you to decide who is allowed to stay in Canada?
                      I was not clear! What I meant was that he is allowed to be unhinged in much wheel-spinning and righteous indignation going on!
                      Fred Harvey


                      • Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post
                        Originally posted by Sid Belzberg
                        Your claim that searching with a Jewish word (I did not) somehow distorts the information is nothing short of provably absurd. Simply search google for the "origin of the word Klutz" One cannot simply sweep away historical roots and etymology because they do not align with your own narrative. To dismiss such linguistic evidence as an attempt to promote racism is an insult to intelligence and reason.

                        Furthermore, to assert that "klutz" has miraculously shed its ethnic connections to become a "mainstream English word for clumsy" is a disingenuous oversimplification. The reality remains that its origins remain firmly tied to Yiddish and German, and to overlook this fact is to perpetuate ignorance and disrespect.


                        Let us not be fooled by your guise of cleverness, for the law stands vigilant, its watchful eye poised to uncover the seeds of hatred sown beneath the veil of your words. Like a puzzle unraveling, the truth shall emerge, revealing the venom concealed within your rhetoric.

                        So, if indeed you dare to persist in your attempts at subterfuge, be prepared to face the consequences of your actions. The courtroom shall be the stage where your charade meets its denouement, and there, before the judge, your veiled intentions wi

                        Sid, may I say something without incurring your wrath? I've used the word "klutz" before and I had NO IDEA of its origins and history. I agree with Fred that klutz has entered the mainstream as a word for "clumsy oaf".

                        I think it's a bit unreasonable to ask posters here to search the history of every word they use. And I don't think any court of law is going to convict anyone of any -ism based on the use of a single mainstream word, regardless of that word's history. Why resort to these tactics? It does make you seem extreme, even if you don't think it should be the case.

                        On a separate topic, Sid, regarding all your arguments about record-setting temps and how they compare to temps in previous centuries ....

                        As valid as your arguments may be, which I don't contest, there is something more important to consider.

                        It is population density.

                        I think the current population density of the world has reached such a level that these temp extremes (both cold and hot) are causing unprecedented damage. And that is what we have to consider.

                        Of great note, various insurance companies in North America are starting to withdraw from the market in some weather-sensitive regions. State Farm, Allstate, and most recently Travelers and Farmers. They are losing billions on the damages being done to infrastructure, homes, businesses, crops.

                        This is perhaps the most critical aspect of what is going on. Because once no one can get insurance, all losses are put squarely on the entity that WOULD HAVE had an insurance policy but is now without one. And once that happens, all economic activity in the affected regions is in peril. Basically all normal economic activity in these regions will SCREECH TO A HALT.

                        I believe this is the coming tsunami that will ensure that in fact we WILL SEE drastic and unprecedented climate-based regulations. We are in for some very very extreme changes in the North American economy. And it is likely the same in Europe, in Asia.

                        It all comes down to money, Sid. Not historical weather data. Money!

                        Because of population density combined with what is going on with the climate (whether man-caused or not), I believe unprecedented changes are in store. You will be against them, as might many of us myself included, but it is coming regardless Money talks louder than anything else.

                        I still hold to my belief that as this all unfolds, a second U.S. civil war might be unavoidable. Not sure about Canada.

                        Originally posted by Pargat Perrer
                        Sid, may I say something without incurring your wrath? I've used the word "klutz" before and I had NO IDEA of its origins and history. I agree with Fred that klutz has entered the mainstream as a word for "clumsy oaf".

                        I think it's a bit unreasonable to ask posters here to search the history of every word they use.
                        It is not the use of the word Klutz I object to par see. and agree with your statement. The issue here is that he mocked my name, and the word he incorporated is a well-known Yiddish word; Could that be a coincidence? Is it a coincidence that three people on this forum who mock my name always seem to have strangw words laced with ethnic connotations? ie "Zhyd".

                        That being said, Fred's most recent commentary has outed who he is and what he is about, as I replied to in the previous post.

                        Originally posted by Pargat Perrer
                        I think the current population density of the world has reached such a level that these temp extremes (both cold and hot) are causing unprecedented damage.
                        The death shots have significantly decreased birth rates worldwide (except in the few countries that rejected these shots), and stillborns have gone through the roof. This is nothing new, in Kenya in the late 90s and early 2000s, the WHO and its main benefactor, the Bill, and Melinda Gates Foundation, funded and distributed a so-called Tetanus Vaccine with the hidden objective of sterilizing women in that country.
                        A huge scandal erupted as women were not informed that they risked sterilization. But, I digress.

                        Your second statement implies something unusual about the weather patterns when that is provably false. However, I agree with you that this false assumption is leading to economically devastating regulations that very well could end in civil war.

                        Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Tuesday, 25th July, 2023, 09:23 AM.


                        • Originally posted by Fred Harvey View Post

                          I was not clear! What I meant was that he is allowed to be unhinged in much wheel-spinning and righteous indignation going on!
                          How amusing it is to witness your feeble attempt at backpedaling, desperately seeking refuge in a veil of supposed ambiguity. Alas, your disingenuous claim that you referred to my state of mind rather than my presence in Canada only serves to accentuate the depths of your deceit.

                          Notwithstanding that, who are you to decide who is "unhinged" hence who can be in Canada? It is a chilling reminder of the T4 Euthanasia program in 1938 Nazi Germany where they decided who was "unhinged and unworthy" and gassed them. They were the first groups to be systematically. murdered
                          Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Tuesday, 25th July, 2023, 09:46 AM.


                          • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

                            How amusing it is to witness your feeble attempt at backpedaling, desperately seeking refuge in a veil of supposed ambiguity. Alas, your disingenuous claim that you referred to my state of mind rather than my presence in Canada only serves to accentuate the depths of your deceit.
                            You're a real piece of work, aren't you!
                            Fred Harvey


                            • Originally posted by Fred Harvey View Post

                              You're a real piece of work, aren't you!
                              My father fought in Word War 2 against the likes of you. You have not seen anything yet!


                              • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

                                My father fought in Word War 2 against the likes of you. You have not seen anything yet!
                                "I'll set my dad on your dad...nyeh nyeh nyeh!"

                                For pities sake try and grow up! I'm outta here.....
                                Fred Harvey

