Anthropogenic Negative Climate Change (ANCC)

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  • Sid:

    I am quite sorry about the phrase I used: "risking their lives". It was meant humourously for any other CT'er to want to weigh in.

    I was insensitive to the actions you are taking in opposing the covert power we both are concerned about. And you are much more vociferous, and knowledgable, on this than I am.

    I do not feel at all I am "risking my life" by being Anti-NWO.........but I should have realized others may be in fact, doing just that.

    I hope this straightens things out between us. You are an active and informed contributor here. And on the issue of NWO/GR we are somewhat unexpected allies, though we do differ on the details, and the strategies the covert power is using. I fear the covert power is stronger, and different, than what you may think it is, but to each his own.

    Bob A (Anthropogenicist)


    • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post

      I am quite sorry about the phrase I used: "risking their lives". It was meant humourously for any other CT'er to want to weigh in.

      I was insensitive to the actions you are taking in opposing the covert power we both are concerned about. And you are much more vociferous, and knowledgable, on this than I am.

      I do not feel at all I am "risking my life" by being Anti-NWO.........but I should have realized others may be in fact, doing just that.

      I hope this straightens things out between us. You are an active and informed contributor here. And on the issue of NWO/GR we are somewhat unexpected allies, though we do differ on the details, and the strategies the covert power is using. I fear the covert power is stronger, and different, than what you may think it is, but to each his own.

      Bob A (Anthropogenicist)
      Apology accepted!


      • Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post

        My wife's 2 kids suffered pathological anxiety after reading Dilip's unnecessarily alarmist post about the Libertarian position on posting.

        Dilip, you can pm me for directions where to send your compensation payment.

        Just to let reader know, Dilip has NOT responded with compensation payment arrangements.

        Therefore Dilip's posting that

        "The Libertarian position is that you are free to post what you like, but if your posting is unnecessarily alarmist which can lead to pathologic anxiety in several youngsters, either it should be widely accepted that considerable amounts of what you post is not to be believed (like Tucker Carlson's lawyers claimed in his defense, and what is likely true of chesstalk posts), or you have to compensate the ones harmed by your postings..."

        must be considered by all to be either completely false or else Dilip himself is a complete selfish politico who will not abide by his own libertarian pronouncements.


        • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post

          I am quite sorry about the phrase I used: "risking their lives". It was meant humourously for any other CT'er to want to weigh in.

          I was insensitive to the actions you are taking in opposing the covert power we both are concerned about. And you are much more vociferous, and knowledgable, on this than I am.

          I do not feel at all I am "risking my life" by being Anti-NWO.........but I should have realized others may be in fact, doing just that.

          I hope this straightens things out between us. You are an active and informed contributor here. And on the issue of NWO/GR we are somewhat unexpected allies, though we do differ on the details, and the strategies the covert power is using. I fear the covert power is stronger, and different, than what you may think it is, but to each his own.

          Bob A (Anthropogenicist)
          Hi Bob,
          What Sid says about personal retaliation by certain elements one exposes in public, is real...


          • Thanks Dilip.........perhaps my lack of experience in these things is hampering does not help that I do not fear death in any way at any time......part of my mental challenge. Though I have taken steps to avoid my death a few times......a paradox I have trouble with.

            Bob A


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              • Met Office Admits to Promoting U.K. Heat Records Despite Knowing They Could be Out by 2°C

                BY CHRIS MORRISON

                5 JULY 2023 7:00 AM

                The U.K. Met Office routinely claims heat records from thermometers that are so poorly sited the World Meteorological Society (WMO) attaches an error estimate stating they could be out by up to 2°C. This shock disclosure is contained in the reply to a recent Freedom of Information (FOI) request from the climate journalist Paul Homewood. One example is Porthmadog in North Wales that has provided a steady stream of Welsh records in recent years, and is sited in a vegetation sun trap near the North Wales coast.

                The WMO has five classes grading temperature-measurement suitability. There are strict requirements for class 1 to ensure accuracy while sources of corruption increase up to class 4, where the WMO states the temperature could be out by as much as 2°C. The fifth and last class has no requirements and an error estimate of 5°C. Homewood’s FOI request drew the information from the Met Office that Porthmadog’s surrounding vegetation led to a class 4 classification. “This classification is an acceptable rating for a temperature sensor, hence we will continue to quote from this site,” replied the Met Office.

                Far from being “acceptable”, this shocking admission reveals the site is completely unacceptable. The Met Office appears hell-bent on catastrophising British weather in the interest of promoting the collectivist Net Zero project. Temperature data corrupted to the extent allowed in WMO class 4 should never be used to make specific observations about the weather, let alone incorporated into long-term datasets. Homewood notes that he is “lost for words”. The Met Office is happy to use a class 4 site for climatological purposes, “even though that class is next to junk status”.

                At the end of May, NorthWalesLive reported that Porthmadog recorded the hottest day of the year so far – “and not for the first time”. The Met Office promoted the high on twitter, helpfully colouring the U.K. map orange, one step away from full blood red alert. NorthWalesLive reported that this was by no means a first for the Gwynedd town, “which is regularly Wales’s and sometimes the U.K.’s warmest spot”. There is no mention that the temperature is so high because of the sensor’s highly corrupted, sun-trapped location. Instead Met Office meteorologist Mark Wilson explained: “With the wind coming from the north-east, Porthmadog is getting a lot of shelter. Although it’s by the coast it’s not really getting a lot of breeze off the sea, meaning the temperatures keep rising and rising.”

                In fact it seems that the Porthmadog site is excellent value for all-year round records. Last November, the BBC reported, under a ‘climate change’ heading, that the U.K.’s warmest ever Remembrance Sunday had been recorded in the town. Temperatures soared to 21.2°C, beating the previous record, curiously by 2°C, set 33 years ago, also, less curiously, in Gwynedd.

                The admission that heat records are being promoted from class 4 sites that could have errors of up to 2°C is the latest signal to the Met Office that it must issue a full explanation to quell the rising doubts surrounding its relentless propagandising of so-called temperature records. Last week, the Daily Sceptic cast considerable further doubt on 2022’s 60-second 40.3°C U.K. record declared at RAF Coningsby on July 19th. Our FOI request found that at least three Typhoon fighter jets were landing at or around the same time the temperature briefly jumped to the new record. There are many airports feeding information into Met Office datasets, and they are unsuitable for accurately measuring purely weather and climatic conditions. Leaving aside any temporary heat distortions from passing jet traffic, they are often cauldrons of heat arising from runways and buildings. Of course none of this would matter very much if temperature readings were used for their original purpose to provide a rough guide to local weather conditions. Using these corrupted data as a primary ‘climate breakdown’ weapon to persuade entire human populations to drastically cut back on their lifestyles is another matter altogether.

                Paul Homewood has also raised questions about recent changes made by the Met Office to the Central England Record (CET), the oldest continuous surface temperature collection dating back to around 1660. He found that for most of the record up to 1970, the adjustments are small and have no obvious pattern, with ups and downs offsetting each other. Then, he notes, the years from 1970 to 2003 have been cooled quite markedly, and just as abruptly the temperatures over the last 20 years have been consistently adjusted up.

                The graph above plots the changes from the two versions. The cynical might note that the 1980s and 90s were strangely ‘overestimated’, while the last couple of decades were suddenly underestimated, for reasons that go unexplained. One effect noted by Homewood is that a 0.07°C cooling of the summer in 1995 now means it ties with 2022, instead of being hotter. In 2018, the summer was adjusted up by 0.13°C. Homewood concludes with the obvious point that changes to the CET are part of wider adjustments globally, “and the tampering is always one way, cooling the past and heating the present”.



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                    • Meanwhile, in Texas.

                      Workers being denied water breaks.



                      • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                        Meanwhile, in Texas.

                        Workers being denied water breaks.

                        The report is full of falsehoods. The highest recorded temperature in Houston was 41.7 degrees on September 4th, 2000. It has been close to that temp numerous times throughout the 20th century. The temp at the time of the video 36 degrees. Nowhere near a record temp! Nothing new under the sun (pun intended)

                        Pure Climate Fear Porn by WEF partner MSNBC!!!!


                        • Every Canadian should read this entire thread.


                          Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot 2023-07-18 at 11.40.43 PM.png Views:	0 Size:	972.1 KB ID:	227784


                          • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

                            The report is full of falsehoods. The highest recorded temperature in Houston was 41.7 degrees on September 4th, 2000. It has been close to that temp numerous times throughout the 20th century. The temp at the time of the video 36 degrees. Nowhere near a record temp! Nothing new under the sun (pun intended)

                            Pure Climate Fear Porn by WEF partner MSNBC!!!!
                            Ya, sure, whatever.
                            But what really caught my attention was the point I raised about Texas Governor Gregg Abbott passing a law that would countermand local laws requiring water breaks for construction workers. Austin for example passed an ordinance that outside construction workers must be given a 10 minute water break every 4 hours. wow, aren't they generous!

                            But too generous for Governor Abbott apparently. Seems crazy and very hard to believe that they would have to legislate employers to allow such breaks from a scorching heat work environment, but apparently that is the case. The water breaks since 2010 that Governor Abbott now wants to take away has reduced the death toll on workers significantly. Or is this another bullshit socialist story? or is it true?

                            If it is just all bullshit, I would like to know!

                            Here another video on the topic, help you in your research. :)



                            • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

                              Ya, sure, whatever.
                              But what really caught my attention was the point I raised about Texas Governor Gregg Abbott passing a law that would countermand local laws requiring water breaks for construction workers. Austin for example passed an ordinance that outside construction workers must be given a 10 minute water break every 4 hours. wow, aren't they generous!

                              But too generous for Governor Abbott apparently. Seems crazy and very hard to believe that they would have to legislate employers to allow such breaks from a scorching heat work environment, but apparently that is the case. The water breaks since 2010 that Governor Abbott now wants to take away has reduced the death toll on workers significantly. Or is this another bullshit socialist story? or is it true?

                              If it is just all bullshit, I would like to know!

                              Here another video on the topic, help you in your research. :)


                              Bob, the sooner you realize that this is not about politics the better off you and I can come to an understanding. I despise Governor Abbott and consider him yet another puppet politician of the genocidal WEF. I agree with you that denying workers water in severe heat conditions. is nothing short of attempted murder, period!

                              I have presented a massive amount of scientific evidence that has yet to be refuted that climate change is a scam to further the genocidal ambitions of the globalists. Not one chess-talker has provided a refutation to the scientific evidence I provided.
                              Brainlessly posting youtube videos that do not prove anything does not cut it. Please engage your brain and read what others post.
                              Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Wednesday, 19th July, 2023, 10:18 AM.


                              • I have been watching these threads with growing horror for some time!

                                I read somewhere a long time ago that 90% of what you read on the internet is B.S. and I believe it. Unfortunately amateur researchers like Sad Klutzberg seem unable to recognize this, and buy into whatever the latest conspiracy theory is promulgated on line. For me, I rely on my own experience, simple-minded though it may be.

                                I have lived in the same town for 50 plus years (how dull...not). Amongst other things, I have seen the tomato growing season go from 2.5 months to 4 months. For 35 years we lived without not so much. Them's two facts that suggest significant warming.

                                Now how much of that is due to the crap we throw into the environment I don't know, but I suspect our puny efforts on earth have always paled in comparison to nature. Another thing I don't know is why on earth such momentous discussions are limited to a little Canadian chess site? There's a whole lot of stuff I don't know, as some will surely tell me quite rudely, but if I want to know what the weather is like, I don't go on the internet...I look out of my window!
                                Last edited by Fred Harvey; Wednesday, 19th July, 2023, 07:54 PM.
                                Fred Harvey

