General Observations ...

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  • #16
    Politics - the art of the possible........unfortunately, too zealous an approach to "high principles" gets in the way of negotiated, horse-trading "progress".

    As well, politics is a somewhat mean game........not a lot of loyalty.........a lot of people looking to move up the ladder.........but it is our chosen system of government as humans, and so it affects all our lives. Thus, it must be accorded due priority.

    I've been in the campaign trenches since about 1965 - done most of the volunteer jobs (scrutineer, cold calls, pull votes, be advance for the candidate out door-knocking, etc.). So my view is developed from the bottom.........always considered politics as an option, but it just never really materialized, and the motivation was not strong enough I guess.

    But in old age, I'm more involved than I have been from the writing policy papers for the Democratic Marxist Global Institute, etc. But in this stage in life, my stuff may just eventually sink below the waves.........but fun to be involved in the ways I now can.

    My 2 cents of general observations on "politics".

    Bob A
    Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Thursday, 9th February, 2023, 10:12 AM.


    • #17
      I'm afraid to look now. I posted this from the top. I need a few drinks. I shall return


      • #18
        Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
        Politics - the art of the possible........unfortunately, too zealous an approach to "high principles" gets in the way of negotiated, horse-trading "progress".

        As well, politics is a somewhat mean game........not a lot of loyalty.........a lot of people looking to move up the ladder.........but it is our chosen system of government as humans, and so it affects all our lives. Thus, it must be accorded due priority.

        I've been in the campaign trenches since about 1965 - done most of the volunteer jobs (scrutineer, cold calls, pull votes, be advance for the candidate out door-knocking, etc.). So my view is developed from the bottom.........always considered politics as an option, but it just never really materialized, and the motivation was not strong enough I guess.

        But in old age, I'm more involved than I have been from the writing policy papers for the Democratic Marxist Global Institute, etc. But in this stage in life, my stuff may just eventually sink below the waves.........but fun to be involved in the ways I now can.

        My 2 cents of general observations on "politics".

        Bob A
        OK, well, we've been through this enough times. You know my view on "politics" is a little different than yours. And I expect you know what party I would choose, but choose not to say. Thank-you for that. I just want to at least try and put my money where my mouth is, and do it my way. If people like what I have to say, great. If they don't well at least tried. And I won't be changing my tune to get elected.I know this must sound crazy to some, but I refuse tp sell myself short. If I do decide, this is the song I will take with me..,,.


        • #19
          We should talk Mr Bevand into switching the chesstalk board software back to the old format. Bruce Harper was right.


          • #20
            Woke up this morning with a case of sleep paralysis that lasted about five minutes. I was sleeping on my roll-up in a dark corner of a park in the west end. It is a rare condition, that can best be described as being conscious but having absolutely no muscle control, as if your brain is awake but your body is still asleep. No talk, No blink, unable to move even a finger. At first I thought a dog was on top of me, but having suffered it several times about ten years ago, I soon knew what was happening and was not concerned, because it not dangerous. It has been linked to diet, and various "mental health" issues, and also stress, which I had in spades yesterday. The first time it happened years ago I was terrified, in bed and trying mightily but unable to move a muscle. But now that I know what to do (try to wiggle your little finger first), it was fascinating.


            p.s. I am very impressed by this National Library of Medicine website. Very current and scholarly, on a wide variety of mental/physical issues). They also call it the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
            Last edited by Fred Henderson; Saturday, 12th August, 2023, 11:48 AM.


            • #21
              Sorry to bore you with something you already know, but this board software is crap. Sooo primitive, and visually unappealing. And no-one seems to care. Oh well.


              • #22
                Today, I decided to see if there was an email service I hadn't used before, and I found one I really like, so far. It is . Clean and spare much in the style of

                Definitely worth checking out, imo.


                • #23
                  As you likely know, McDonald's has a ticket system, whereby you get a ticket from the cashier, the number appears on a screen, and you wait for your number to be called. Anyways, this morning I place my order, then I notice that the number above mine on the screen is 666. Seriously. I point it out to the guy standing next to me, and he show's me the winning ticket. We trade a few jokes. "I wonder if they will call out that number", that sort of thing. Anyways, when they get to his order, sure enough the kid behind the counter can't bring himself to call out the number. A little nervous, he just mumbles something and hands the guy his breakfast.



                  • #24
                    Fred's Law of Inverse Sullen Servitude.

                    The more customers a restaurant serves, the less they pay their employees, So many of them ( you know who) seem to hate their jobs. Fuck you McDonald's, Tim Horton's, and especially A&W.


                    • #25
                      Watching the summer Olympics....

                      Synchronized swimming scores go to 4 DECIMAL PLACES!!!!!!

                      Someone batted an eye out of sync .... minus .0001 point!!!! LOL LOL


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post
                        Watching the summer Olympics....

                        Synchronized swimming scores go to 4 DECIMAL PLACES!!!!!!

                        Someone batted an eye out of sync .... minus .0001 point!!!! LOL LOL
                        Oh my god, break dancing is in the Olympics. We should then have every single artistic activity ... painting, sculpture, music performance ....

                        Taylor Swift USA vs U2 Ireland for the Gold medal!!! LOL

                        Personally I detest any sport that relies on judges. Yes, rhythmic gymnastics is entertaining to watch, but no, it should not be judged by biased humans.

                        Even Supreme Courts are biased.....


                        • #27
                          Ok, it's Labo(u)r Day weekend, no one wants to think of heavy topics. I posted here recently a few light- hearted criticisms of the summer Olympics, now here's something positive.

                          The Paralympics are going on right now. I happen to be in France right now, have been for almost 2 months, not because of Olympics. I am here exploring the countryside of France, most specifically Normandy. And simultaneously I am exploring the French business environment for possibly setting up my online business with France as headquarters. Coincidentally we have France in a controversy over security and privacy with the Dubov / Telegram ongoings. So that is quite interesting, not sure yet what to make of it.

                          Now here's the positive thing. The Paralympics has handicapped volleyball. Have you any idea about this? I didn't until suddenly there it was on the France national channel 2. And guess what? The players are sitting on the floor, out of their wheelchairs. The net might only be 2 feet high. It was the most eye-opening thing I've seen in a long time. These athletes are not going to get multi-million Euro contracts when the Paralympics ends. They are playing out of pure love for sport, for competition, for physical activity!

                          Kudos to these athletes!!! The games were exciting to watch!!! Try to catch it if you can.

                          p.s. other than arriving at the airport, I have not seen any of Paris. I am staying in the many small towns and villages of the vast French countryside. I am meeting people of many different cultures, and have connected well with people from Madagascar, a former French colony. Absolutely awesome, they are such good-hearted people, I can almost forget about the anti-human right wing politics going on worldwide.....
                          Last edited by Pargat Perrer; Monday, 2nd September, 2024, 03:47 AM.

