Trump: Set to declare 2024 presidential bid tonight; will indictments follow soon?

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  • Pargat Perrer
    Originally posted by Frank Dixon View Post
    We hear a lot of talk about the 'Greatest Of All Time', in various contexts.

    I've got a new one: GLOAT. Donald Trump is the 'GLOAT', the Greatest Liar Of All Time!

    Love it, Frank, very clever! GLOAT could also mean "Greatest Loser Of All Time", and that would fit Trump also!

    As long as we are mentioning worst politicians of all time, how about mentioning a few of the most decent ones?

    My top vote for that goes to John McCain. Just too bad he was Republican, but still, a totally decent man. The Republicans would be wise to start a new McCain wing of the party and hold all members to the standard that John McCain upheld.

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  • Brad Thomson
    Originally posted by Frank Dixon View Post
    We hear a lot of talk about the 'Greatest Of All Time', in various contexts.I've got a new one: GLOAT. Donald Trump is the 'GLOAT', the Greatest Liar Of All Time!
    Agreed Frank, and the meaning of the word gloat fits right in too. The astonishing thing about Trump is that he lies so compulsively that he does so at times when he does not need to. Even when the truth would be just as good, he cannot seem to avoid/resist telling another lie. All right Neil, tell us that Hunter Biden is a liar too and once again mistake me/us for lefties just because I/we attack a psychopath from the right. I cannot speak for Frank, but do you honestly think that I like Mumbles Biden, or that I liked Pervert Liar Clinton? :)

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  • Brad Thomson
    Originally posted by Neil Frarey View Post
    Obama too ... even AFTER he Biden put all those “kids in cages”, ha!
    Obama was one of the worst presidents of all time.

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  • Frank Dixon
    We hear a lot of talk about the 'Greatest Of All Time', in various contexts.

    I've got a new one: GLOAT. Donald Trump is the 'GLOAT', the Greatest Liar Of All Time!

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  • Neil Frarey
    Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post

    Why not? They gave Yasser Arafat one AFTER he assassinated the Israeli Olympic team.
    Obama too ... even AFTER he Biden put all those “kids in cages”, ha!

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  • Brad Thomson
    Originally posted by Neil Frarey View Post
    Give the guy a Nobel Peace Prize.
    Why not? They gave Yasser Arafat one AFTER he assassinated the Israeli Olympic team.

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  • Neil Frarey
    No new war.
    No begging for oil.
    No crushing inflation.
    Operation Warp Speed.
    First Step Act.

    Etc., etc., ... f'n etc..

    No big deal ... Trump believes in America 1st.

    Give the guy a Nobel Peace Prize.

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  • Brad Thomson
    First of all, Trump is pure evil. It is not human. This thing must be exterminated.

    But I suspect that the damage has already been irrevocably done. The Republic Party are no longer believers in democracy, they are fascists. There are many states that are so gerrymandered by the Republicans that they lose the popular vote and yet obtain a super-majority of "elected" representatives. In the next election for President, in 2024, all of these states will send their own slate of electors, not a slate based upon the votes, unless of course they happen to win the popular vote in their particular state. The Supreme Court will side with the fascists. This will lead to a civil war, which Trump and the fascists will foment. The military will have no choice but to step in and declare "temporary" martial law. But the power will feel good to them, and they will never relinquish it. Canada will cease to be a democracy shortly thereafter, and all democracies will fall into fascism. The world will continue to be divided between communist dictatorships and fascist dictatorships. Someone will shoot off the nukes and the other side will retaliate. Then either a miracle saves us, or we all go off.

    The sucker sycophants, like the Proud Boys and their likes, and everyone who thinks like them are very much against the corrupt government that they now have. But they have not thought past their distaste for this corruption and seem to think that if only they can rid themselves of this corruption, then they will be totally free. They do not understand that a fascist dictatorship will replace the corruption, and then they will long for the freedom they once had, but it will be too late to ever recover it. The current corrupt system gives them due process in courts of law. The fascists will simply shoot them on site.

    The only hope for America to survive is for such a huge landslide wherein the corrupt Republican led states that change their slates of electors to suit themselves are still outnumbered. But even then, Trump and his fascist sycophants will foment violence and civil war. I suspect that by then Trump will either be in jail or dead, but he will simply be replaced by those currently hoping to ride on his coattails until such time as they can replace him as dictator themselves.

    America implodes, it is falling apart, it is rotten to the core with corruption and fascist inclinations. The Supreme Court is a sickening mess.

    I hope I am wrong about all of this.

    I still think that Trump will not allow himself to suffer the indignity of jail, especially if they try him for treason for selling documents to Saudia Arabia in return for golf tournaments and there are calls for the death penalty if he is convicted, which he surely will be. He will take the easy way out. I also think it is possible that his wife will shoot him dead and claim he tried to rape her and that he beat her and that it was self-defense. Someone is going to get this bastard. But again, it may be too late, the damage may already be sufficiently done.
    Last edited by Brad Thomson; Friday, 5th May, 2023, 02:51 AM.

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  • Pargat Perrer
    Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
    It is now being suggested that Trump traded some of those classified documents that he stole and lied about to the Saudis in return for their holding LIV golf tournaments on his courses. We shall wait for more evidence and legal demonstration, but if proven we have another case of treason for which this vomit creature should be shot in public. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for similar reasons back in 1953. Trump is more than shitting in his pants now, he is thinking of a way out, and suicide is his only option. He is far too great a coward to face the music and end up in jail, or on the scaffold. Good riddance you fucking puke.

    Brad, I think you and Peter McKillop should go to a bar and have a beer together. You can talk about Trump, and Peter will talk about Putin.

    Oh, the obscenities! LOL

    Neil could be there too and talk about Biden and Hillary.

    I think that if Trump really feels that his chances of returning to the Presidency are going bye-bye, he will try and start a civil war. Suicide? Not in his vocabulary.
    Last edited by Pargat Perrer; Friday, 5th May, 2023, 01:58 AM.

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  • Brad Thomson
    It is now being suggested that Trump traded some of those classified documents that he stole and lied about to the Saudis in return for their holding LIV golf tournaments on his courses. We shall wait for more evidence and legal demonstration, but if proven we have another case of treason for which this vomit creature should be shot in public. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for similar reasons back in 1953. Trump is more than shitting in his pants now, he is thinking of a way out, and suicide is his only option. He is far too great a coward to face the music and end up in jail, or on the scaffold. Good riddance you fucking puke.

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  • Brad Thomson
    Trump supporters just got convicted of Seditious Conspiracy, and other very serious crimes which will lead to long sentences. When Biden supporters get this kind of treatment and more, then I will agree with your "optics". Trump just shit is pants again, and there will be no end to this until he is either in jail, or dead. This sick lunatic is washed up, they are going to get him. It is only a matter of time.

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  • Neil Frarey
    Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post

    Trump supporters are far more dangerous than Joe's.

    Optics may say so.

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  • Brad Thomson
    Originally posted by Neil Frarey View Post
    Who's the monster now???
    Fair enough, I am willing to concede that they both are. But Trump is far more dangerous because he is still conscious, he still has his marbles while Joe has at best one synapse left firing on a semi-regular basis. Further, Trump supporters are far more dangerous than Joe's.

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  • Neil Frarey
    Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post

    While quite possibly true, this is a deflection from the main point. Biden does not threaten democracy,...
    Crooked Joe Biden under Obama with Obama's blessing as Biden threaten Ukraine's democracy ...

    Biden said. "I'm telling you, you are not getting $1 billion. I said you're not getting $1 billion and I am going to be leaving here in six hours and if the prosecutor is not fired you are not getting the money. Well, son of a b**** ... he got fired."


    Who's the monster now???

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  • Brad Thomson
    Watching what is happening in America is astonishing and frightening, and it must be said that our own future as Canadians in an independent country stands in the balance. If the fascists win and America becomes a right-wing military dictatorship, how long do you think we will last as a democracy? Supporting Trump initially was understandable, but to continue to support him and his kind at this stage is profoundly shortsighted and just plain bloody fucking stupid. These monsters must be stopped, but it is unclear whether America will stop them or fall prey to them. This is very serious. Enjoy Canada while you can.

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