Trump: Set to declare 2024 presidential bid tonight; will indictments follow soon?

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  • Brad Thomson
    I have not had as much fun watching America since Nixon resigned. I hope everyone (with the exception of Neil) is enjoying watching Numb-Nuts get his day in court, the first of many. He is not able to fake bravado, he looks like a child who can no longer get his way, so he pouts. I am looking forward to the more serious cases that are coming up soon. This pathetic excuse for a man is finished, and he knows it.

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  • Peter McKillop
    Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post

    There is nothing absurd or fantastical about the situation Trump finds himself in. So the reference to Kafka is irrelevant. Trump is in a legal quagmire not due to external absurdities, but to his own behavior.

    As I posted previously, let the trial(s) take place, THEN post about absurdities. Trying to taint the whole legal system, and especially characterizing a jury that hasn't been chosen yet, as being "democratic", only makes you seem fanatical. The U.S. legal system is not like a banana republic, unless you have some EVIDENCE to the contrary.
    Agree 100%.

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  • Brad Thomson
    Neil, you are sounding more and more like Trump all of the time.

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  • Pargat Perrer
    Originally posted by Neil Frarey View Post
    Justice Weaponized!


    You think global warming, lab created virus ... is a problem?

    Think again!

    Strip away the rights of the Individual. Each and every Citizen! Fabricate laws to enforce the rape.

    Rape it all away.

    Simply do it ... by force!

    Make it ... fake it ... to look legal. We love legal ... right???

    Kafka wrote a book on this ... didn't he?

    There is nothing absurd or fantastical about the situation Trump finds himself in. So the reference to Kafka is irrelevant. Trump is in a legal quagmire not due to external absurdities, but to his own behavior.

    As I posted previously, let the trial(s) take place, THEN post about absurdities. Trying to taint the whole legal system, and especially characterizing a jury that hasn't been chosen yet, as being "democratic", only makes you seem fanatical. The U.S. legal system is not like a banana republic, unless you have some EVIDENCE to the contrary.

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  • Neil Frarey
    Justice Weaponized!


    You think global warming, lab created virus ... is a problem?

    Think again!

    Strip away the rights of the Individual. Each and every Citizen! Fabricate laws to enforce the rape.

    Rape it all away.

    Simply do it ... by force!

    Make it ... fake it ... to look legal. We love legal ... right???

    Kafka wrote a book on this ... didn't he?

    Last edited by Neil Frarey; Tuesday, 4th April, 2023, 04:28 AM.

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  • Neil Frarey
    Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
    Neil, Trump has attacked in public the wife of the District Attorney that is prosecuting his case. Do you still support Trump?
    She (Jamila Ponton) came out on Twitter and proudly claimed that her Soros-bought-and-paid-for husband "has Trump nailed on felonies". Seriously, just like that.

    Why would she be allowed to rile you up with that comment? What does she know, anyways?

    This isn't a game. But you're getting played anyway.

    So, should we expect fair play here, Brad? Impartial democrat Judge? Impartial democrat Jury? Impartial democrat DA? Should we?

    But what are you all fed instead? DA Bragg has his wife post on Twitter ... "has Trump nailed on felonies".

    Crazy stuff!!

    So what do you Brad, expect from Trump?

    Laugh it off?


    This isn't funny!

    Just think about all the Republican DAs around the country just chomping at the bit to drag Hillary ... drag the Bidens ... et. al ... into their district courts on trumped up charges ... over and over and over again ... in ALL the strong hold Republican districts!! Including Florida, ha!

    Of course Trump replied to her Twitter post!!!

    Hope you would too.

    Last edited by Neil Frarey; Tuesday, 4th April, 2023, 04:10 AM.

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  • Brad Thomson
    Neil, Trump has attacked in public the wife of the District Attorney that is prosecuting his case. Do you still support Trump?

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  • Brad Thomson
    Neil, I think you underestimate the charges that we will find out about on Tuesday, assuming Trump shows up. If he declared the monies paid to Cohen as legal expenses, then this may well lead to tax evasion charges. This is how they got Al Capone. Now, I do think that these charges are the least of Trump's problems. If he is indicted for inciting insurrection, for the attempts to manipulate results in Georgia and/or for the theft and concealment of classified documents, then Trump has bigger problems. And his own recorded/filmed words clearly convict him on all of these possible charges. This man is finished, he is simply trying to take as much of America down with him as he goes. He is a pathetic coward. If he is sentenced to jail, I suspect he will kill himself instead of serving humiliating time.

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  • Neil Frarey
    Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post

    Firstly, there is nothing wrong with making law. It happens around the world every year.

    Secondly, if you are right that it is as you call it "political lynching", then let it happen as a trial and pick apart the actual trial. Don't ask to not even HAVE the trial, because THAT would be making precedent in which if SOMEONE arbitrarily decides it is a political lynching, it can't even go to trial.

    Do you want a world in which there are no trials that someone, somewhere, arbritrarily deems "political lynching"?



    This local DA is using a wayyy past expired 'issue' with some 'hooker' lawyer's expense. Wayyy past the statute of limitations by about two years! 2 years!

    He needed to pull that trick off in order to upscale a charge to a Federal charge of using campaign monies as lawyer's payment.


    Using something 2 year past expiry that has ZERO legitimacy in order to prosecute a Federal change. This DA is local DA not a Federal DA ... he has ZERO legitimacy to enforce Federal change.

    DA Bragg is a democrat, the Judge is a democrat, the Jury which is pooled from a district which votes 85% democratic ... is, well, you get the point ... democrat Jury!

    ZERO legitimacy.

    If this political lynching is allowed to happen just because a DA thinks it can get away with it!!

    Just imagine Pargat, if Justice was blind.


    So ya, we are witnessing a POLITICAL LYNCHING!

    I only hope that across America this political lynching by the democrats doesn't turn into a tit for tat ... Hillary will be next to suffer. You thought America has divided before this local DA's political lynching?

    Think again, ha!

    Last edited by Neil Frarey; Sunday, 2nd April, 2023, 06:09 PM.

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  • Brad Thomson
    Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post
    Brad, You may be using this language as hyperbole, but talking of assassinating someone is not acceptable even as hyperbole. Decent societies around the world have even abolished the death penalty.
    Agreed. Many American states still have the death penalty and treason is such an offence. This is essentially an American problem, we must hope that it does not spill over into Canada.
    Last edited by Brad Thomson; Sunday, 2nd April, 2023, 09:05 AM.

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  • Pargat Perrer
    Originally posted by Neil Frarey View Post

    Yes, I am comparing it to what must felt like witnessing a horrifying lynching!

    Just in a different setting, Brad.

    Democratic DA, democratic Judge, democratic Jury ... you really think that this is going to be a fair trail? Seriously, do you?

    And in comparison ... from horrible times past ...

    White DA, white Judge, white Jury. Yes ... we are witnessing a political lynching ... sigh.

    What's worse than that, if possible? Why not just fabricate a law?

    Simply make one up ... why not? It's Trump after all. Just make up a law. The DA is a democrat, the judge is a democrat, the jury will be most all democrats ... seriously, just simply make up a law ... this the real danger.

    And that is exactly what this DA has done, ha!


    Firstly, there is nothing wrong with making law. It happens around the world every year.

    Secondly, if you are right that it is as you call it "political lynching", then let it happen as a trial and pick apart the actual trial. Don't ask to not even HAVE the trial, because THAT would be making precedent in which if SOMEONE arbitrarily decides it is a political lynching, it can't even go to trial.

    Do you want a world in which there are no trials that someone, somewhere, arbritrarily deems "political lynching"?




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  • Dilip Panjwani
    Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post

    I would go farther and assassinate the bastard.
    Brad, You may be using this language as hyperbole, but talking of assassinating someone is not acceptable even as hyperbole. Decent societies around the world have even abolished the death penalty.

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  • Brad Thomson
    Originally posted by Neil Frarey View Post
    Why not just fabricate a law?... Simply make one up ... why not? It's Trump after all. Just make up a law.
    I would go farther and assassinate the bastard.

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  • Neil Frarey
    Originally posted by Brad Thomson View Post
    Not to worry Neil...

    I do not think you should use the word "lynching", it sounds racist (though having known you I do not believe that you are), as are the words "Nazi" and "Gestapo" when Trump and his sycophants use them (they ARE racists).
    Yes, I am comparing it to what must felt like witnessing a horrifying lynching!

    Just in a different setting, Brad.

    Democratic DA, democratic Judge, democratic Jury ... you really think that this is going to be a fair trail? Seriously, do you?

    And in comparison ... from horrible times past ...

    White DA, white Judge, white Jury. Yes ... we are witnessing a political lynching ... sigh.

    What's worse than that, if possible? Why not just fabricate a law?

    Simply make one up ... why not? It's Trump after all. Just make up a law. The DA is a democrat, the judge is a democrat, the jury will be most all democrats ... seriously, just simply make up a law ... this the real danger.

    And that is exactly what this DA has done, ha!

    Last edited by Neil Frarey; Friday, 31st March, 2023, 08:33 PM.

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  • Brad Thomson
    Based upon what the media has stated repeatedly in recent months I have suggested that if Trump is convicted of a felony, he will be disqualified from running for President again. It seems that this was mis- if not dis-information and I apologize for not checking my facts. GO TRUMP GO (to jail and then to the oval office remotely from your cell).
    Can a Convicted Felon Run for President? - Recording Law

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