New World Order (NWO), sometimes called the Great Reset

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  • Pargat Perrer
    Get ready for a world of CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency):

    Biden administration is quietly planning for a future where you don’t own money

    "...because a CBDC would be digital and programmable, rules could be imposed that limit spending on approved activities. So, if the federal government or Federal Reserve were to determine that Americans are buying too much gasoline, for example, it could stop people from using CBDCs at gas stations with a few clicks on a computer.

    Perhaps most disturbing of all, however, is that under most of the CBDC designs discussed by the Biden administration and Federal Reserve, nearly all forms of ownership of CBDC money would also be strictly limited. Only large institutions such as banks, the federal government, and/or the Federal Reserve would actually have ownership of CBDCs. Everyone else would be prevented from having absolute control over their digital money."

    About 20 years ago, Sandra Bullock starred in a movie called The Net which was ahead of its time in warning us just what can happen to individuals in an all-digital world.

    And yet we still embraced smartphones, and even encourage our kids to use them. We are the authors of our own misfortune, it seems.

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  • Bob Armstrong
    Is the World Economic Forum (WEF) Path Forward being Rejected?

    "The Washington consensus is dead

    Europe, China and the US have all rejected free trade and globalisation. Protectionism is back".

    Bob A (T-S/P)

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  • Sid Belzberg
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    NWO & COVID-19

    "BILL GATES CRIMES: U.S. patents show CDC ownership of Coronavirus. Both China and the U.S. involved in the creation of Wuhan SARS-CoV-2. Gates and CCP controlled WHO appoints criminal Tedros. CDC, FDA, CIA, NIH, Gates, Fauci, Baric, Rockefeller are all involved in Federal Crimes."

    What is CT'ers take on this one?

    ~ Bob A (T-S/P)
    Bob, this same tweeter, posted this about the former British Health Ministers Matt Hancock's leaked whats App messages published in The Telegram, much to Hancock's chagrin.
    "Matt Hancock - “When do we deploy the new variant?” Admission of guilt of a planned pandemic. This evidence is undeniable and coincident with all the other evidence we have to put them all away for life or worse."

    The rest now goes from a planned depopulation "conspiracy theory" to "conspiracy fact" He is absolutely right on the money. Below are the Great Reset goals (currently in full force in China, replete with depopulation genocide.)
    Canada's involvement is well known, with Justin Trudeau being a young global leader and Cynthia Freeland being the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and deputy director of the Word Economic Forum. Ironically, even factions within the Israeli Government got entangled with this grotesque organization.

    Here is something not so well known Canada's Level 4 Winnipeg bioweapons Lab was very much involved with the Wuhan lab in China and Labs in the United States in creating the Sarscov2 bioweapon virus.\

    The last link shows Canada's involvement was not about being a victim of espionage but about collaboration actively being suppressed by the Trudeau Government.
    You may have read in the last few weeks about Chnia's interference in Canada's election in favor of liberal candidates. It is not a coincidence.

    • Investigative journalist Whitney Webb reveals the inner workings of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the driving force behind The Great Reset
    • Beneath WEF’s benevolent surface, it becomes clear that corporatism and, more aptly, fascism, are its modus operandi
    • WEF’s Board of Trustees is packed with powerful and prominent representatives from government and multinational corporations like BlackRock, Salesforce and Nestlé
    • WEF supports the “merging of man and machine,” or transhumanism, and its Fourth Industrial Revolution aims to use wearable and implantable technology to surveil your thoughts and launch a digital dictatorship
    • Once implemented, a digital dictator ship will be almost impossible to escape from; one way to stop it is to not comply or utilize these technologie
    Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Sunday, 5th March, 2023, 01:28 PM.

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  • Bob Armstrong
    NWO & COVID-19

    "BILL GATES CRIMES: U.S. patents show CDC ownership of Coronavirus. Both China and the U.S. involved in the creation of Wuhan SARS-CoV-2. Gates and CCP controlled WHO appoints criminal Tedros. CDC, FDA, CIA, NIH, Gates, Fauci, Baric, Rockefeller are all involved in Federal Crimes."

    What is CT'ers take on this one?

    ~ Bob A (T-S/P)

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  • Bob Armstrong
    New World Order (NWO)

    The "15-Minute City"

    Americas - USA

    "The increasingly popular urban planning concept known as the “15-minute city” has revived the abiding idea that they should operate at human scale, envisioning a city where every resident can reach essential resources by foot, bicycle or public transport within a quarter of an hour."

    Subscribers Only

    ~ Bob A (T-S/P)

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  • Bob Armstrong

    New World Order (NWO) (The Great Reset: Term often used by the Right) Thread

    (Started: 22/12/5)

    Click image for larger version  Name:	Number 7.jpg Views:	3 Size:	7.1 KB ID:	225088

    Week # 8 (23/2/20 – 23/2/26: 7 days)

    (Sometimes Adjusted for no. of days)

    Weekly Stats:
    .....................................................2023 Average..........................................................2023 Average
    Last Week's......Prior Week's........Views/Day..........Last Week's.....Prior Week's......Responses/Day
    Views/Day........Views/Day.............(7 wks.)............Responses/Day....Resp./Day......... (7 wks.).

    …5.........................14........................11..........................0........................ 1....................1.........

    Analysis of Last Week's Stats

    Last week's stats languished......but there were no new responses... there do seem to be fewer new articles on the topic, than in the more recent past.......we'll see what we can do about ferreting them out.

    Also, the stats do confirm that we have a core group of CT'ers following this thread......toss in a post when you see one. The topic of human governance is one of the most important in our human future! Do you want a global autocratic totalitarian government?

    NWO Thread “Responses”

    There are some new articles out there from time to time on NWO, called the Great Reset by the Right. The articles come in different forms: on globalization on many fronts, world free-trade, and higher governments stomping on the wishes of the local residents, and their local governments, etc..

    This thread encourages CT'ers on all sides to re-post here, as responses, the NWO posts of interest they see elsewhere.


    1. The goal of this thread is not to woodshed an opposing view into submission. Every position is entitled to post as it sees fit, regardless of the kind of, and amount of, postings by other positions. What is wanted is serious consideration of all posts........then you decide.

    2. I personally, as the thread originator, am trying to post a new response at least twice per week, but admit my busy schedule means I am sometimes falling short on this. So it is going to be necessary that a number of other CT'ers are posting responses here somewhat regularly.

    The Time Line

    There is much disagreement whether the New World Order project actually exists. There are those who simply relegate it to the realm of “conspiracy theories, such as QAnon.

    But there are others, including myself, who assert that already a covert group of much influence is directing government law and policy, in nations across the globe, and incrementally implementing the pieces of an eventual one-world government. We fear this centralization is not good in the long run.

    A Proposal (Possible; not Utopian)

    1. Nations dissolve themselves, and, in the process, devolve power down to Local Political Units (LPU's).
    2. Eventually the world will become a “collection of villages”.
    3. The goal is to significantly lessen the power of all governments, so as to make any geopolitical conflicts less dangerous for the globe as a whole.
    4. It will not get rid of corruption, abuse of power, or tin-pot dictators.......but will limit the damage they can do.

    We invite CT'ers to consider this position and to post here, their thoughts on it.

    Future of this Thread

    Given that articles on this topic are not so plentiful now, I will just let this thread move down the scroll, and come back up when an article is posted. I will no longer keep daily stats.

    ~ Bob (T-S/P)
    Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Tuesday, 28th February, 2023, 09:30 AM.

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  • Bob Armstrong

    New World Order (NWO) (The Great Reset: Term often used by the Right) Thread

    (Started: 22/12/5)

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Number 7.jpg
Views:	133
Size:	7.1 KB
ID:	224964

    Week # 7 (23/2/13 – 23/2/19: 7 days)

    (Sometimes Adjusted for no. of days)

    Weekly Stats:
    .....................................................2023 Average..........................................................2023 Average
    Last Week's......Prior Week's........Views/Day..........Last Week's.....Prior Week's......Responses/Day
    Views/Day........Views/Day.............(7 wks.)............Responses/Day....Resp./Day......... (7 wks.).

    …14.........................2.........................11..........................1......................... 0.....................1.........

    Analysis of Last Week's Stats

    Last week's stats bounced back to the 2023 average to date......... but there does seem to be fewer new articles on the topic, than in the more recent past.......we'll see what we can do about ferreting them out.

    Also, the stats do confirm that we have a core group of CT'ers following this thread......toss in a post when you see one. The topic of human governance is one of the most important in our human future!

    NWO Thread “Responses”

    There are some new articles out there from time to time on NWO, called the Great Reset by the Right. The articles come in different forms: on globalization on many fronts, world free-trade, and higher governments stomping on the wishes of the local residents, and their local governments, etc..

    This thread encourages CT'ers on all sides to re-post here, as responses, the NWO posts of interest they see elsewhere.


    1. The goal of this thread is not to woodshed an opposing view into submission. Every position is entitled to post as it sees fit, regardless of the kind of, and amount of, postings by other positions. What is wanted is serious consideration of all posts........then you decide.

    2. I personally, as the thread originator, am trying to post a new response at least twice per week, but admit my busy schedule means I am sometimes falling short on this. So it is going to be necessary that a number of other CT'ers are posting responses here somewhat regularly.

    The Time Line

    There is much disagreement whether the New World Order project actually exists. There are those who simply relegate it to the realm of “conspiracy theories, such as QAnon.

    But there are others, including myself, who assert that already a covert group of much influence is directing government law and policy, in nations across the globe, and incrementally implementing the pieces of an eventual one-world government. We fear this centralization is not good in the long run.

    A Proposal (Possible; not Utopian)

    1. Nations dissolve themselves, and, in the process, devolve power down to Local Political Units (LPU's).
    2. Eventually the world will become a “collection of villages”.
    3. The goal is to significantly lessen the power of all governments, so as to make any geopolitical conflicts less dangerous for the globe as a whole.
    4. It will not get rid of corruption, abuse of power, or tin-pot dictators.......but will limit the damage they can do.

    We invite CT'ers to consider this position and to post here, their thoughts on it.

    ~ Bob (T-S/P)

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  • Dilip Panjwani
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    Hi Dilip:

    Yup! Let the party that wins the hearts and minds of the majority represent them in government. Capitalism must be kicked out at the ballot box.......much preferable to on-the-street revolution which is quite messy.

    Democratic Marxism has to explain itself in a straightforward and reasonable way.....that is its job.

    After that, it is up to the elector to decide.......Marx fully believed in this.

    It is USSR-style Communism that bastardized Marx, and 1. banned multi-party elections; 2. breached the human rights of the workers; and 3. turned the revolutionary gun back against the worker, because it feared it could not keep the support of the worker, democratically. This is the greatest disservice to Karl Marx ever, because it tainted, in the mind of the public, all of the good work of he, and this theorist friend, Friedrich Engels. The enemies of Democratic Marxism have been able to execute one of the greatest smear campaigns ever.........

    "Look at what Marxists do when they get power!" - not looking at DM's at all; solely focusing on USSR-style Communism.

    This is NOT what Democratic Marxists will do when they get power through the ballot box.

    As you and I have previously discussed, one needs to look at Chile under the Presidency of Dr. Salvador Allende from 1971-3 to get an early preview of how Democratic Marxists wish to come to power, and what they will do with it. The Unity Government was not perfect, but it brought many progressive reforms. And it was a huge target of the USA, and the Chilean Business Class, which wanted it to fail........and eventually recruited General Augusto Pinochet to carry out a coup against Allende's democratically-elected government.

    ~ Bob A (T-S/P)
    Dem. Marxism and Capitalism are opposite sides of the same coin:
    The latter enables the rich to hurt the not-so-rich by exploiting them; the former enables the not-so-hard & smart working to hurt the hard & smart working by stealing from them. Neither leads to a harmonious society...
    The latter leads to wealth concentration in the hands of a select few; the former leads to 'forced upon' wealth redistribution. Neither leads to fair and abundant wealth creation...
    Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Wednesday, 22nd February, 2023, 07:47 PM.

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  • Bob Armstrong
    Hi Dilip:

    Yup! Let the party that wins the hearts and minds of the majority represent them in government. Capitalism must be kicked out at the ballot box.......much preferable to on-the-street revolution which is quite messy.

    Democratic Marxism has to explain itself in a straightforward and reasonable way.....that is its job.

    After that, it is up to the elector to decide.......Marx fully believed in this.

    It is USSR-style Communism that bastardized Marx, and 1. banned multi-party elections; 2. breached the human rights of the workers; and 3. turned the revolutionary gun back against the worker, because it feared it could not keep the support of the worker, democratically. This is the greatest disservice to Karl Marx ever, because it tainted, in the mind of the public, all of the good work of he, and this theorist friend, Friedrich Engels. The enemies of Democratic Marxism have been able to execute one of the greatest smear campaigns ever.........

    "Look at what Marxists do when they get power!" - not looking at DM's at all; solely focusing on USSR-style Communism.

    This is NOT what Democratic Marxists will do when they get power through the ballot box.

    As you and I have previously discussed, one needs to look at Chile under the Presidency of Dr. Salvador Allende from 1971-3 to get an early preview of how Democratic Marxists wish to come to power, and what they will do with it. The Unity Government was not perfect, but it brought many progressive reforms. And it was a huge target of the USA, and the Chilean Business Class, which wanted it to fail........and eventually recruited General Augusto Pinochet to carry out a coup against Allende's democratically-elected government.

    ~ Bob A (T-S/P)
    Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Friday, 17th February, 2023, 05:05 AM.

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  • Dilip Panjwani
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    Hi Dilip:

    Democracy, in terms of multi-party elections, are a bedrock of Democratic Marxism. We must be elected; and we can also be thrown out after being elected.

    But your Libertarian Party will have no realistic chance of election unless it does better marketing than what it has done to date......just my humble opinion.

    Bob A
    So you would be okay if all the LPUs elected capitalist governments?

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  • Bob Armstrong
    Hi Dilip:

    Democracy, in terms of multi-party elections, are a bedrock of Democratic Marxism. We must be elected; and we can also be thrown out after being elected.

    But your Libertarian Party will have no realistic chance of election unless it does better marketing than what it has done to date......just my humble opinion.

    Bob A

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  • Dilip Panjwani
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post

    A Proposal (Possible; not Utopian)

    1. Nations dissolve themselves, and, in the process, devolve power down to Local Political Units (LPU's).
    2. Eventually the world will become a “collection of villages”.
    3. The goal is to significantly lessen the power of all governments, so as to make any geopolitical conflicts less dangerous for the globe as a whole.
    4. It will not get rid of corruption, abuse of power, or tin-pot dictators.......but will limit the damage they can do. We invite CT'ers to consider this position and to post here, their thoughts on it.

    ~ Bob (T-S/P)
    Hi Bob,
    Would your proposal allow some LPUs to be Marxist and others to be Libertarian?

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  • Bob Armstrong
    New World Order (NWO)

    The Future?

    The 15-Minute City

    Backlash Grows Against 15-Minute Cities Amid Fears of Curtailed Movement

    ~ Bob A (T-S/P)

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  • Bob Armstrong

    New World Order (NWO) (The Great Reset: Term often used by the Right) Thread

    (Started: 22/12/5)

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Number 7.jpg
Views:	88
Size:	7.1 KB
ID:	224735

    Week # 6 (23/2/6 – 23/2/12: 7 days)

    (Sometimes Adjusted for no. of days)

    Weekly Stats:
    .....................................................2023 Average..........................................................2023 Average
    Last Week's......Prior Week's........Views/Day..........Last Week's.....Prior Week's......Responses/Day
    Views/Day........Views/Day.............(6 wks.)............Responses/Day....Resp./Day......... (6 wks.).

    …2..........................10.........................10..........................0......................... 1.....................1.........

    Analysis of Last Week's Stats

    Last week's stats languished......... there were almost no new posts.......we'll see if we can come up with a few posts this week.

    But we do have a core group of CT'ers following this thread......toss in a post when you see one. The topic of human governance is one of the most important in our human future!

    NWO Thread “Responses”

    There are articles out there on NWO, called the Great Reset by the Right. The articles come in different forms: on globalization on many fronts, world free-trade, and higher governments stomping on the wishes of the local residents, and their local governments, etc..

    This thread encourages CT'ers on all sides to re-post here, as responses, the NWO posts of interest they see elsewhere.


    1. The goal of this thread is not to woodshed an opposing view into submission. Every position is entitled to post as it sees fit, regardless of the kind of, and amount of, postings by other positions. What is wanted is serious consideration of all posts........then you decide.

    2. I personally, as the thread originator, am trying to post a new response at least twice per week, but admit my busy schedule means I am sometimes falling short on this. So it is going to be necessary that a number of other CT'ers are posting responses here somewhat regularly.

    The Time Line

    There is much disagreement whether the New World Order project actually exists. There are those who simply relegate it to the realm of “conspiracy theories, such as QAnon.

    But there are others, including myself, who assert that already a covert group of much influence is directing government law and policy, in nations across the globe, and incrementally implementing the pieces of an eventual one-world government. We fear this centralization is not good in the long run.

    A Proposal (Possible; not Utopian)

    1. Nations dissolve themselves, and, in the process, devolve power down to Local Political Units (LPU's).
    2. Eventually the world will become a “collection of villages”.
    3. The goal is to significantly lessen the power of all governments, so as to make any geopolitical conflicts less dangerous for the globe as a whole.
    4. It will not get rid of corruption, abuse of power, or tin-pot dictators.......but will limit the damage they can do. We invite CT'ers to consider this position and to post here, their thoughts on it.

    ~ Bob (T-S/P)
    Attached Files

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  • Bob Armstrong

    New World Order (NWO) (The Great Reset: Term often used by the Right) Thread

    (Started: 22/12/5)

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Number 7.jpg
Views:	83
Size:	7.1 KB
ID:	224555

    Week # 5 (23/1/30 – 23/2/5: 7 days)

    (Sometimes Adjusted for no. of days)

    Weekly Stats:
    .....................................................2023 Average..........................................................2023 Average
    Last Week's......Prior Week's........Views/Day..........Last Week's.....Prior Week's......Responses/Day
    Views/Day........Views/Day.............(5 wks.)............Responses/Day....Resp./Day......... (5 wks.).

    …10..........................4..........................13..........................1......................... 0.....................1.........

    Analysis of Last Week's Stats

    Last week's stats are back up close to the 2023 average so far. But there do seem to be a few less posts associated with this topic recently......we'll see if we can keep up the rate of “Responses” per week.

    But we do have a core group of CT'ers following this thread. The topic is one of the most important in terms of our human future!

    NWO Thread “Responses”

    There are articles out there on NWO, called the Great Reset by the Right. The articles are on globalization on many fronts, world free-trade, and higher governments stomping on the wishes of the local residents, and their local governments.

    This thread encourages CT'ers on all sides to re-post here, as responses, the NWO posts of interest they see elsewhere.


    1. The goal of this thread is not to woodshed an opposing view into submission. Every position is entitled to post as it sees fit, regardless of the kind of, and amount of, postings by other positions. What is wanted is serious consideration of all posts........then you decide.

    2. I personally, as the thread originator, am trying to post a new response at least twice per week, but admit my busy schedule means I am sometimes falling short on this. So it is going to be necessary that a number of other CT'ers are posting responses here somewhat regularly.

    The Time Line

    There is much disagreement whether the New World Order project actually exists. There are those who simply relegate it to the realm of “conspiracy theories, such as QAnon.

    But there are others, including myself, who assert that already a covert group of much influence is directing government law and policy, in nations across the globe, and incrementally implementing the pieces of an eventual one-world government. We fear this centralization is not good in the long run.

    A Proposal (Possible; not Utopian)

    1. Nations dissolve themselves, and, in the process, devolve power down to Local Political Units (LPU's).
    2. Eventually the world will become a “collection of villages”.
    3. The goal is to significantly lessen the power of all governments, so as to make any geopolitical conflicts less dangerous for the globe as a whole.
    4. It will not get rid of corruption, abuse of power, or tin-pot dictators.......but will limit the damage they can do.

    We invite CT'ers to consider this position and to post here, their thoughts on it.

    ~ Bob (T-S/P)

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