Collapse of Civilization

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  • Dilip Panjwani
    Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

    I am glad we all agree that GDP (as currently calculated) is a very flawed measurement of economic growth. The problem is that it is the most widely used statistic quoted by politicians and media types. Not only flawed, but measuring the wrong metric. We need to develop a new metric for a sustainable economy and convince the politicians and media to give it priority over GDP.

    Here is another excellent video I hope you enjoy.

    Hi Bob G.,
    GDP simply measures what we all produce. And what we produce is what we can consume. It is everyone's personal choice regarding what he/she wishes to consume, and obviously businesses will produce only what they can sell to the consumers. So the problem does not lie with the measurement of GDP, which reflects our capacity to produce, and is in that sense a good thing, but it lies with how we decide to consume... do not criticize the producers... criticize the consumers if you want to blame someone. And this guy in the video you just posted foolishly believes that everyone will be happier if production falls while we continue to consume... instead of understanding that it would just lead us down the miserable path taken by Allende's Chile or by Chavez & Maduro's Venezuela...

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  • Bob Gillanders
    Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post

    Distorting the meaning of GDP in order to criticize it is a waste of everyone's time.
    GDP is simply a measure of the fiscal productiveness demonstrated. What that production was used for is not what it measures, nor does any economist claim that it is a measure of betterment of society.
    I am glad we all agree that GDP (as currently calculated) is a very flawed measurement of economic growth. The problem is that it is the most widely used statistic quoted by politicians and media types. Not only flawed, but measuring the wrong metric. We need to develop a new metric for a sustainable economy and convince the politicians and media to give it priority over GDP.

    Here is another excellent video I hope you enjoy.


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  • Dilip Panjwani
    Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
    Thanks Bob A.

    I think you will like this video.

    Distorting the meaning of GDP in order to criticize it is a waste of everyone's time.
    GDP is simply a measure of the fiscal productiveness demonstrated. What that production was used for is not what it measures, nor does any economist claim that it is a measure of betterment of society.

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  • Pargat Perrer
    Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
    Thanks Bob A.

    I think you will like this video.

    GDP = God Damn Politicians

    I've been saying for years that GDP is flawed as a measure of growth. Hurricane Katrina contributed millions of $ to US GDP .... to rebuild what was already there.

    Keep your eyes on the effects of global warming on the critical insurance industry....

    Ron DeSantis and Florida are both going UNDERWATER......

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  • Bob Armstrong

    a. – A Decreasing Population?

    - after reaching 8 billion in Nov. 2022, soon the population, due to natural causes, will start to decrease:

    b. Climate Change Contribution & Population


    Bob A

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  • Bob Armstrong
    Click image for larger version  Name:	Earth1.jpg Views:	0 Size:	17.4 KB ID:	230110

    Bob G:

    Your video is excellent.

    As you well know, I've been harping on the theme of Earth Sustainability for some is an issue that cuts across all human activity on the planet. The planet must come first.

    I've been particularly applying it to political power amassed by our largest nations on the planet, and particularly military might. Our large Nation States (vs Earth as a Collection of Villages/Small City-States) put the sustainability of the human race at risk.

    Might it be possible to have a civil, and informative, "discussion" on CT (As opposed to the same old, same old flame wars)?

    Bob A

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  • Bob Gillanders
    Thanks Bob A.

    I think you will like this video.

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  • Bob Armstrong
    From the CT Negative Climate Change Thread

    Hi Bob G:

    I guess the last post [Post # 1822] answers your question .

    But I'll try anyway...........

    I haven't watched MSNBC yet (Your channel -

    But I know for years, vegetarians have answered the issue of overpopulation/food security, with the simple solution of: eliminate carnivore-oriented farming; morph into grain/rice/lentil/etc. oriented farming. All modelling shows that the amount of food produced on current farmland will easily feed the growing Earth population (Both Human & Extra-terrestrial ) for some time.

    Since you raised the concept of "Collapse of Civilization" (Much broader than this narrow "Negative Climate Change" thread), and in CT we hate people "hi-jacking" threads (!), I have started a new thread with your topic, and re-posted our two posts there, to start the ball rolling.

    Bob A

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  • Bob Armstrong
    started a topic Collapse of Civilization

    Collapse of Civilization

    23/10/29, 05:34 PM (Post from the Negative Climate Change Thread)

    Hey Bob A,

    - my youtube viewing strayed into the topic of collapse of civilization. This is an even wider canvas where climate change is one of several crisis that could bring down our civilization.
    In fact, climate change can really be considered a symptom of a greater cause, that of ecological overshoot. By that, we mean there are too many people consuming the planetary resources faster than the planet can regenerate. We currently have 8 billion people and climbing, but the planet can only support 3 billion (estimates vary) based on current capacity.

    I was wondering what you thought. I found a great channel on the topic, here is a sample.

    At the risk of sounding naive, I was wondering if we could have a thoughtful conversation / debate on chesstalk.


    Bob G
