Collapse of Civilization

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  • Pargat Perrer
    Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
    Guys, please stay on topic. No more idiotic squabbling about Libertarianism and Natural Law.
    Also, please Bob A, no weekly wrap up stats.

    Here is an interesting video. Poses some interesting questions: lost ancient civilizations, myth or reality?

    Are we next, will anyone survive to remember us?

    I watched the video and while I would note it offers nothing new under the sun, there is a reason to think that things would go differently this time -- meaning if another Earth-shattering cataclysm occurs.

    That something different is what I mentioned above, the survival bunkers being built around the world for the ultra-wealthy to escape to. The people of Atlantis or any other past great civilization did not apparently think to build such things.

    So while Graham Hancock says that possibly only the hunter-gatherers in the Amazon or the Saharan or Namibian deserts would survive us, this time it might not be the case. It depends on how severe the cataclysm were to be. Most of these bunkers offer 2- or 3-year shelter and supplies .... if that were enough that the ultra-wealthy could come back outside after that time had elapsed, then they and their families would be the true survivors. The hunter-gatherers would continue to just be as they are, because they are not built or organized for progress. The ultra-wealthy would start the next great human civilization, if they indeed can walk out of their bunkers after 2 or 3 years and restart everything.

    What dost thou think, Bob G.? Are we the first great civilization to ensure our survival by means of these bunkers?

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  • Bob Armstrong
    But Bob G......

    I love stats!!!

    Bob A

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  • Dilip Panjwani
    Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

    No more idiotic squabbling...

    Nothing is more idiotic than Democratic Marxism... one has to clarify that the way to prevent collapse of civilization by Marxists, corrupt Capitalists and corrupt politicians is with Libertarianism and the Natural Law! Get it, Bob G?
    Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Tuesday, 7th November, 2023, 08:38 AM.

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  • Bob Gillanders
    Guys, please stay on topic. No more idiotic squabbling about Libertarianism and Natural Law.
    Also, please Bob A, no weekly wrap up stats.

    Here is an interesting video. Poses some interesting questions: lost ancient civilizations, myth or reality?

    Are we next, will anyone survive to remember us?


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  • Dilip Panjwani
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post

    Multiplicity of Litigation - one of the indicia of the collapse of civilization?

    Bob A (Inactive Member of the Law Society of Ontario)
    That is what is happening now with the myriad of confusing and contradictory laws leading to courts very frequently going against the verdicts of their fellow courts, and 'laws' becoming indistinguishable from political vendetta...

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  • Dilip Panjwani
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post

    a law which no one understood, or knew how to apply.

    Bob A (Inactive Member of the Law Society of Ontario)
    Only the marxists who feel threatened by Libertarianism pretend not to understand the law. The top lawyers have stated otherwise: Clarence Thomas of the Supreme Court of USA and some of his colleagues are on record having stated that their supreme guiding law is the Natural Law!

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  • Bob Armstrong
    Indicia of Collapse of a Civilization

    It does not happen overnight.......there is a long, continuous, slow deterioration, as values decline generally on all fronts.

    Then the the caterpillar to the butterfly.....not (In reverse!). We get either Dystopia, or, like the Phoenix from the ashes, a new Ruler/Empire appears (Often worse than the prior one)!

    Post your view of the current indicia of the decline of our world civilization; we will add them here/to our "weekly overview" of the thread!

    [Note: a re-post of part of an earlier post; thought it needed its own post.]

    Bob A

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  • Bob Armstrong
    It would have been a nightmare for me as a civil litigation lawyer to have to interpret and apply the "one shoe fits all" Natural Law..........the judges would have been especially cranky to deal with.

    I've been in the Ontario Court of Appeal and the Federal Court of Appeal (Among many others).......I would have spent a lot more time there than I did.......yes......good for me; no.....not good for society to have a law which no one understood, or knew how to apply.

    Multiplicity of Litigation - one of the indicia of the collapse of civilization?

    Bob A (Inactive Member of the Law Society of Ontario)
    Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Tuesday, 7th November, 2023, 01:13 AM.

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  • Dilip Panjwani
    Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post

    You say "some are able to use the corrupt politicians....."

    Did it occur to you that these "some" are the very people who should be pushing for Libertarianism? i.e. the ultra-wealthy?

    Who influences politicians most? The ultra-wealthy! And their corporations! Their lobbyists!

    Do they really want Libertarianism? mostly NO!

    I mentioned already about the survival bunkers they are purchasing in droves, you yourself either have one or want one.

    So if they buy these bunkers and are preparing for the day of moving into them, do you not think they WANT our economy to collapse, they WANT society to collapse? YOU BET THEY DO. Then they and their seed spent 2 years in hibernation, and come out to take over what's left of the world, and everything is theirs for the taking. They have to wait the 2 years for the survivors who don't have bunkers to kill each other off in pursuit of food and water, like The Walking Dead except it's not zombies getting killed, it's other surviving people.

    So guess what, they are LOBBYING for more government restrictions, more laws, more lawyers! Even the USA, with their love of freedom individual liberty, cannot come close to overcoming the lobbyists for the ultra-wealthy.... the ones who SHOULD BE in support of Libertarianism, from the idealistic viewpoint at least.

    Wake up and smell the coffee.

    And you STILL haven't explained how the Natural Law gets interpreted .... not by lawyers or judges, you insist.

    Which can only mean .... A DICTATOR.
    The ultra-rich who do not deserve their obscene wealth are against Libertarianism, as it would bring competition from several others, which could decimate their businesses.
    And the Natural law would be interpreted just like any other law, by judges and lawyers; the simplicity of the law and the absence of a myriad other confusing and contradictory laws would however mean less work for lawyers and that would be a good thing for society...

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  • Pargat Perrer
    Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post

    Bob A,
    There is obscene inequality not because some human beings are multiple times more capable than others, but because some are able to use the corrupt politicians to make laws which enable only a few to accumulate undeserved wealth, as opposed to everyone having the opportunity to earn a decent living. The more the unnecessary laws, besides the only essential Natural Law, the more the confusion and opportunity for corrupt miscarriage of justice. And your DM is the most unnatural system which can only make everyone miserable, as history has shown, and as common sense tells us that when human freedom is restricted, humans rebel, and when some are allowed to legally steal from others, everyone, the thieves and the victims, suffers. The darkness of stupid DM should never be allowed to block the light of Libertarianism. Get it?
    You say "some are able to use the corrupt politicians....."

    Did it occur to you that these "some" are the very people who should be pushing for Libertarianism? i.e. the ultra-wealthy?

    Who influences politicians most? The ultra-wealthy! And their corporations! Their lobbyists!

    Do they really want Libertarianism? mostly NO!

    I mentioned already about the survival bunkers they are purchasing in droves, you yourself either have one or want one.

    So if they buy these bunkers and are preparing for the day of moving into them, do you not think they WANT our economy to collapse, they WANT society to collapse? YOU BET THEY DO. Then they and their seed spent 2 years in hibernation, and come out to take over what's left of the world, and everything is theirs for the taking. They have to wait the 2 years for the survivors who don't have bunkers to kill each other off in pursuit of food and water, like The Walking Dead except it's not zombies getting killed, it's other surviving people.

    So guess what, they are LOBBYING for more government restrictions, more laws, more lawyers! Even the USA, with their love of freedom individual liberty, cannot come close to overcoming the lobbyists for the ultra-wealthy.... the ones who SHOULD BE in support of Libertarianism, from the idealistic viewpoint at least.

    Wake up and smell the coffee.

    And you STILL haven't explained how the Natural Law gets interpreted .... not by lawyers or judges, you insist.

    Which can only mean .... A DICTATOR.
    Last edited by Pargat Perrer; Monday, 6th November, 2023, 07:06 PM.

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  • Dilip Panjwani
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post

    The most extreme wild west form of "Laissez Faire Capitalism".

    The attempted application of the Natural Law as the regulator will be a total and unmitigated disaster.

    As a form of Capitalism, it must of necessity, by its own infrastructure, generate an ever-widening wealth/income gap within its society.

    Some might consider that we had eventually generated a Dystopia.

    One answer is some type of Socialism, which will mitigate (Not eliminate) the "gap".

    The best, and not often tried, form of Socialism, which will achieve this best, is "Democratic Marxism".

    Bob A (DM)
    Bob A,
    There is obscene inequality not because some human beings are multiple times more capable than others, but because some are able to use the corrupt politicians to make laws which enable only a few to accumulate undeserved wealth, as opposed to everyone having the opportunity to earn a decent living. The more the unnecessary laws, besides the only essential Natural Law, the more the confusion and opportunity for corrupt miscarriage of justice. And your DM is the most unnatural system which can only make everyone miserable, as history has shown, and as common sense tells us that when human freedom is restricted, humans rebel, and when some are allowed to legally steal from others, everyone, the thieves and the victims, suffers. The darkness of stupid DM should never be allowed to block the light of Libertarianism. Get it?

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  • Bob Armstrong

    Collapse of Civilization

    (Started: 23/10/30)

    Weekly Overview

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Dystopia.jpg
Views:	187
Size:	10.4 KB
ID:	230335

    A. Statistics

    Week # 1 (23/10/30 – 11/5, 2023 [7 days])

    (Sometimes Adjusted for no. of days)

    Weekly Stats:
    .....................................................2023 Average..........................................................2023 Average
    Last Week's......Prior Week's........Views/Day..........Last Week's.....Prior Week's......Responses/Day
    Views/Day........Views/Day.............(1 wk.)............Responses/Day....Resp./Day..............(1 wk.).


    Analysis of Last Week's Stats

    Last week's Stats indicate a modest interest in this new Non-chess topic: The collapse of civilization.

    Do we care what our world is going to be, as humans lose their battle to survive in an environment more and more hostile to their continued existence (Negative Climate Change; Possible Nuclear War; Pandemics; etc.)?

    B. Indicia of Collapse of a Civilization

    It does not happen overnight.......there is a long, continuous, slow deterioration, as values decline generally on all fronts.

    Then the the caterpillar to the butterfly.....not (In reverse!). We get either Dystopia, or, like the Phoenix from the ashes, a new Ruler/Empire appears (Often worse than the prior one)!

    Post your view of the current indicia of the decline of our world civilization; we will add them here!

    Bob A

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  • Bob Armstrong

    The most extreme wild west form of "Laissez Faire Capitalism".

    The attempted application of the Natural Law as the regulator will be a total and unmitigated disaster.

    As a form of Capitalism, it must of necessity, by its own infrastructure, generate an ever-widening wealth/income gap within its society.

    Some might consider that we had eventually generated a Dystopia.

    One answer is some type of Socialism, which will mitigate (Not eliminate) the "gap".

    The best, and not often tried, form of Socialism, which will achieve this best, is "Democratic Marxism".

    Bob A (DM)
    Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Monday, 6th November, 2023, 06:33 AM.

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  • Dilip Panjwani
    PP, you have proven by your post above that not only are you a nasty troll, but a messed up nasty troll, trying to put words in my mouth about supporting inequality. Did I not tell you that Libertarianism is the surest way to reduce inequality (of course I did, but you just could not understand, because you are all messed up in trying only to attack me, instead of focusing on the topic being discussed)?
    Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Sunday, 5th November, 2023, 08:34 AM.

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  • Pargat Perrer
    Originally posted by Dilip Panjwani View Post

    Hi Bob G.,
    GDP simply measures what we all produce. And what we produce is what we can consume. It is everyone's personal choice regarding what he/she wishes to consume, and obviously businesses will produce only what they can sell to the consumers. So the problem does not lie with the measurement of GDP, which reflects our capacity to produce, and is in that sense a good thing, but it lies with how we decide to consume... do not criticize the producers... criticize the consumers if you want to blame someone. And this guy in the video you just posted foolishly believes that everyone will be happier if production falls while we continue to consume... instead of understanding that it would just lead us down the miserable path taken by Allende's Chile or by Chavez & Maduro's Venezuela...
    Bob G., you will never get Dilip to end his campaign on behalf of the world's most wealthy (and wealthy wannabes like Dilip himself). Dilip WANTS huge income disparity -- the bigger the better in his view. I watched the video you provided the link to, and it's all common sense about doing what's right for the planet and the people -- ALL the people -- on the planet. I think you know, Bob, that Dilip will never waver, but I hope you will continue to provide these kind of links to the message of a more responsible economy.

    And if anyone wonders what exactly do the ultra-wealthy want to do with their vast wealth? Yes, they want yachts and Lear jets and mansions.... but there are in various locations around the planet something that has become even more important than those things. I'm talking about survival bunkers. Facilities, many buried underground, filled with enough food and clean water to survive something like 2 or 3 years of living without having to go outside. The ultra-wealthy KNOW that we are headed for a population apocalypse, and they are extremely anxious to survive it and make sure they and their seed are the ones to survive. A reserved spot in these bunkers, together with arrangements for emergency transport to them from anywhere in the world, costs huge sums of money. This is why the ultra-wealthy want to keep building their wealth, they have to keep paying for these bunkers.

    This is why Dilip harps on about the "hard-working" nature of these super-rich. His message is that they are the only ones worthy to survive the coming disasters. It's a subtle nudge to us to view ourselves (as not part of the ultra-wealthy) as inferior and not deserving of survival.

    Dilip is an elitist, pure and unadulterated. He just said basically we need to keep producing more and more, and we should not criticize the producers for doing this. So if there is a major hurricane every year in New Orleans, and all the homes get flooded, we should keep adding to the GDP of that region by rebuilding homes destroyed by flooding, and even build more ones to draw more and more people into a city that lies BELOW SEA LEVEL. This is a testament to the stupidity of humanity? Maybe, but it is also a testament to the power of the elites. It is they who are behind the continued push to produce more and more and more. And they are winning and the disaster they hope for is coming for sure.

    Dilip, would you care to tell us, do you have any ownership of a survival bunker anywhere in the world? And if not, are you striving to get enough money to get such a bunker? I know, I know, you don't have to answer to a "nasty troll". It's enough that I tell everyone here what it is you and your elitist compatriots are all about.

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