Democratic Marxism

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  • Hi Dilip:

    1. I think I have been clear that "capital loan" is quite different than "capital investing". So abolition of private "investing" is correct.

    2. "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" is Marx term. I think it is a bit unfortunate. DM will be democratic. DM will be voted in, and may be voted out. Perhaps coalitions will be necessary. Coalition governments are not "dictatorship of the minority". Politics is the art of the possible.

    3. Under DM, the not-so-wealthy workers will have the right to work in cooperatives (Worker ownership)., They therefore may, through them, by lending capital, or by State/Private structure, be involved in start-up businesses. Or an individual may have a good idea, and lenders will support it, even when the worker her/himself is not wealthy.

    Bob A


    • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
      Hi Dilip:

      1. I think I have been clear that "capital loan" is quite different than "capital investing". So abolition of private "investing" is correct.

      2. "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" is Marx term. I think it is a bit unfortunate. DM will be democratic. DM will be voted in, and may be voted out. Perhaps coalitions will be necessary. Coalition governments are not "dictatorship of the minority". Politics is the art of the possible.

      3. Under DM, the not-so-wealthy workers will have the right to work in cooperatives (Worker ownership)., They therefore may, through them, by lending capital, or by State/Private structure, be involved in start-up businesses. Or an individual may have a good idea, and lenders will support it, even when the worker her/himself is not wealthy.

      Bob A
      1. This policy of yours (which contradicts other statements you yourself have made recently) benefits no one. And btw, is it not against basic human rights to prevent a citizen from using his/her own money to start a business which is legal and moral? Remember, laws are meant to help people, not take away their freedom to do good things. Is DM so stupid that it cannot understand this basic fact? And also, Bob, you need to know that in Libertarianism (and even today), business profits outweigh interest on invested capital, so not-so-wealthy workers will be able to compete with the wealthy, who invest their own hard-earned money. A Libertarian government would purposely keep interest rates near-zero for businesses, as business expenditure reduces inflation, not increase it...

      2. Why are you denying the well-known fact of multi-party democracies that, without any coalition, a minority of voters can elect a 'majority' which the majority of voters dislike? Is your blind faith in DM really turning you blind to simple facts?

      3. What you are describing is allowed to happen today. My question was: "Why are not workers doing this today? Are they waiting for Libertarianism wherein easy access to capital will become a reality?"
      Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Saturday, 20th July, 2024, 10:20 PM.


      • Bob,
        After reading the above post, you may turn into a Libertarian from being a Marxist... there is always hope...


        • Dilip's Post # 407 (24/7/21)

          1. I have been consistent: there will be "capital lending". "Capital investing in the business of others" will be banned. People with wealth will obviously be able to use it to start a business. Obviously the DM equalizing factor will be both a wealth and income tax, steeply progressive...all DM Policy from the start of this inconsistency (Except in your mind).

          2. Minority parties after a hung election form a "majority coalition" to become the government. You are being anti-democratic with your view of minority government (I hope it is not the policy of Libertarianism).

          3. Worker Cooperatives used to be very successful; one reason was supportive policies from Liberal Governments. All changed with the Conservative Government. Now not so easy to form a cooperative and be competitive (But some are doing it: Alterna Savings and Credit Union.)

          There ARE many worker start-ups now......I don't have a clue what stats you are looking at.

          Workers borrow for capital; if wealthy, they use it. And under Capitalism, they can seek "investors" who then get a totally obscene number of shares.

          And what I have told you before, and as always you ignore, is that 80 % of new small businesses have failed within 5 years. Somewhat risky to try a start-up, rather than working for others, especially if you have a family to shelter, feed and clothe.

          Libertarianism, being "wild west, unregulated Capitalism", will only make things Argentinian society blow apart under Javier Milei and his Libertarian policies....the vulnerable there are now suffering more than when he took over.

          Bob A


          • Bob has apparently been a Canadian all his life, but has not yet realized that most 'Majorities' in Canada are won by a minority of the vote. He keeps on mumbling about coalitions, despite being told that even without a coalition, in a multi-party system a minority of voters over-rules the will of the majority of voters against the party winning the majority in parliament. And he is happy to let that minority of voters exercise Marx's 'dictatorship' over the majority... that is the fallacy in the D of his DM...

            In trying to defend the M of his DM, he once says (post 404): 'Under DM, someone who wishes to create a small, start-up enterprise will be free to follow a strategy that they think will be best for them', but elsewhere he says he wants to ban them from accepting 'capital investing', not realizing that unless easy access to capital is available, as with Libertarianism, businesses may be forced into looking for capital investing. He confuses the majority of business 'failures' (the deliberate bankruptcies of crooked Trumpism) with the rare instances of 'failure to make a decent profit', the latter being amenable to 'change of course' by smart and hard-working businessmen.

            And finally, he is very proud about DM stealing from the smart and hard working citizens; instead of teaching the not-so-wealthy how to fish, he wants to give them stolen fish for the rest of their lives...

            Maybe he should accept an apprenticeship under Javier Milei to understand why a true majority of Argentinians is now for Libertarianism, having seen Milei in action...
            Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Sunday, 21st July, 2024, 10:46 AM.


            • Democratic Marxism (DM) favours an improvement of current democracy:

              1. Decentralization of Power: The planet becomes a "Collection of Villages".

              2. Direct Democracy (With ranked balloting).

              Bob A


              • Even ranked balloting will not stop Libertarian Pierre Poilievre from winning our next federal election... Go Pierre!


                • Something we finally agree on, Dilip!!

                  Bob A


                  • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                    Something we finally agree on, Dilip!!

                    Bob A
                    About teaching to fish and not giving stolen fish for eternity?


                    • Give a man a fish, and he has a meal.

                      Teach a man to fish, and he can provide for himself.

                      I think we agree on the principle.......we disagree on how to implement .

                      Bob A


                      • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                        Give a man a fish, and he has a meal.

                        Teach a man to fish, and he can provide for himself.

                        I think we agree on the principle.......we disagree on how to implement .

                        Bob A
                        As I have explained, the simplest, surest and most decent way to implement is with:
                        • easy access to capital
                        • realization that the choice for us is between smart & hard work vs. starvation in the absence of stolen subsidies (the stealing fails shortly after implementation anyway)
                        • enforcement of the Natural Law, and
                        • freedom from stupid laws generated by the evil alliance between the crooked amongst us and the corrupt politicians...
                        Libertarianism, in short!
                        Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Sunday, 21st July, 2024, 12:16 PM.


                        • Hi Dilip:

                          I will grant you this........

                          I think both our positions are clearer to the viewing CT's as a result of us continuing to talk......

                          Any confirmation of this would be welcome !

                          Bob A


                          • Bob, my reason for communicating with you was to convince you, that as dictated by common sense, and as repeatedly documented in history, Marxism is seriously deleterious to human society, whether democratic or not. If you have any reason to believe otherwise, please explain why addicting the not-so-wealthy to stolen fish is better than creating conditions for them to be able to fish for a living (if only some of the current not-so-wealthy start new businesses, perhaps in co-operation with co-workers, even those who prefer to work for others will be better off). If you cannot explain why it is better to keep on stealing from the smart-and-hard-working and make all, including the not-so-wealthy poorer, as happened in Argentina pre-Milei, in Chile under Allende, and elsewhere, please give up your blind faith in DM... just some friendly advice!
                            Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Sunday, 21st July, 2024, 02:05 PM.


                            • I always respectfully consider Dilip's has helped me elaborate why DM is a better future.

                              Thanks, Dilip.

                              Bob A


                              • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                                I always respectfully consider Dilip's has helped me elaborate why DM is a better future.

                                Thanks, Dilip.

                                Bob A
                                Sincerely, Bob, you are not explaining what needs to be explained. This is not a matter of opinion, it is a matter of facts of economics 101 / human nature 101 and facts of history.
                                I hope that as President Biden just did, you will finally agree to what is best for yourself and for Chesstalk ...
                                Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Sunday, 21st July, 2024, 03:09 PM.

