Life - How Should It Be Viewed?

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  • Congratulations Sid.....your contribution appears significant.

    Bob A


    • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post
      Hi Dilip, sorry to disappoint, but the romantic notion of instantaneous correlation of paired particles over galactic scale distances is proven to be a physical impossibility. Dr.Bell and others demonstrated amazing correlations, but none was proof of instantaneous correlation over vast distances. What they observed were simple wave interactions with harmonic waves.
      This is now proven. Einstein was right. A simple D/C makes the standard model complete :-).

      Breaking News!

      Groundbreaking Research Sheds New Light on Quantum Entanglement April 15, 2024, New evidence supports the Nested Wave Hypothesis, offering a resolution to the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox. A team of researchers led by Sidney Belzberg has made a significant breakthrough in understanding the nature of quantum entanglement, one of the most puzzling phenomena in quantum mechanics. The team's findings, recently updated on the popular research platform ResearchGate, introduce the Nested Wave Hypothesis, a novel approach that could potentially resol ve the long-standing Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox.

      The EPR paradox, posed by Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rosen in 1935, highlights the apparent contradiction between the principles of quantum mechanics and the concept of local realism. The paradox arises from the observation that entangled particles seem to influence each other instantaneously, regardless of the distance between them, which appears to violate the principles of special relativity.

      The Nested Wave Hypothesis, proposed by Alicia Belzberg and colleagues, offers a new perspective on this paradox by introducing the concept of a mediating wave (Wave 1) that interacts with entangled particles, modeled as quantum harmonic oscillators. This framework suggests that the apparent nonlocal (Faster Than the Speed Of Light) effects of entanglement arise from the complex interactions between the entangled particles, the mediating wave, and the environment rather than from instantaneous communication between the particles themselves.

      The recent addition of groundbreaking evidence from Osamu Ishihara's research, "Entanglement in a Complex Plasma," published on March 27, 2024, has significantly strengthened the foundations of the Nested Wave Hypothesis. Ishihara's work demonstrates the emergence of entanglement between particles in a complex plasma, mediated by the exchange of virtual plasma waves. This finding closely aligns with the predictions of the Nested Wave Hypothesis and provides crucial experimental support for the theory.

      "The Nested Wave Hypothesis, bolstered by Ishihara's groundbreaking research, represents a significant step forward in our understanding of quantum entanglement," said Sid Belzberg, the study's lead researcher. By offering a resolution to the EPR paradox, this framework paves the way for a deeper understanding of the nature of reality and the foundations of quantum mechanics." The implications of this research extend beyond the realm of theoretical physics. A better understanding of quantum entanglement could lead to significant advancements in quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and other emerging technologies that rely on the principles of quantum mechanics. The researchers plan to continue their work, focusing on further experimental validation of the theory and exploring its implications for various applications in quantum technology.
      Thanks, Sid... the Nested-Wave model makes Entanglement even more realistic, though less 'romantic'! Realism is more exciting than faulty romanticism...


      • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
        Congratulations Sid.....your contribution appears significant.

        Bob A
        Really? Doesn't it seem like "Flying Spaghetti Monster" stuff? You can't explain something because it's too supernatural, just make something up and give it a fancy name ... "virtual plasma waves" .... yeah, that's the ticket!


        • Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post

          Really? Doesn't it seem like "Flying Spaghetti Monster" stuff? You can't explain something because it's too supernatural, just make something up and give it a fancy name ... "virtual plasma waves" .... yeah, that's the ticket!


          • I'll respond to all that math with the following quote from Sheldon Glashow (you can look up who he is if you don't know...)

            "I believe that the old tradition of learning about the world by looking at the world will survive, and we will not succeed in solving the problems of elementary particle physics by the power of pure thought itself."

            So yeah.... Flying Spaghetti Monsters nor Virtual Plasma Waves are not going to help us understand anything given that neither can be proven nor disproven. Just ideas, nothing more, on equal footing. Math, like anything else, can be taken to an extreme where nothing is really understood except by those who want to ram their ideas down other people's throats.


            • Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post

              I'll respond to all that math with the following quote from Sheldon Glashow (you can look up who he is if you don't know...)

              "I believe that the old tradition of learning about the world by looking at the world will survive, and we will not succeed in solving the problems of elementary particle physics by the power of pure thought itself."

              So yeah.... Flying Spaghetti Monsters nor Virtual Plasma Waves are not going to help us understand anything given that neither can be proven nor disproven. Just ideas, nothing more, on equal footing. Math, like anything else, can be taken to an extreme where nothing is really understood except by those who want to ram their ideas down other people's throats.
              Glashow emphasizes that while theory is vital, it cannot completely replace the insights gained from actual experiments and observations.

              Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post
              I'll respond to all that math
              "All that math" is based on experiments and observations. Something your hypoxic brain can't comprehend.


              • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

                Glashow emphasizes that while theory is vital, it cannot completely replace the insights gained from actual experiments and observations.

                "All that math" is based on experiments and observations. Something your hypoxic brain can't comprehend.
                Ahhhh .... "based on" .....

                The inclusion of pirates in Pastafarianism was part of Henderson's original letter to the Kansas State Board of Education, in an effort to illustrate that correlation does not imply causation.[44] Henderson presented the argument that "global warming, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters are a direct effect of the shrinking numbers of pirates since the 1800s".[11] A deliberately misleading graph accompanying the letter (with numbers humorously disordered on the x-axis) shows that as the number of pirates decreased, global temperatures increased.

                A lot of things can be "based on" something solid ... the observations you speak of might be pretty solid, but so is the observation that the number of pirates in the world has decreased while global temperatures have increased.

                Just shows that ANY theory CAN BE linked to observations.
                Last edited by Pargat Perrer; Tuesday, 23rd April, 2024, 04:16 PM.


                • Originally posted by Pargat Perrer View Post

                  Ahhhh .... "based on" .....

                  The inclusion of pirates in Pastafarianism was part of Henderson's original letter to the Kansas State Board of Education, in an effort to illustrate that correlation does not imply causation.[44] Henderson presented the argument that "global warming, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters are a direct effect of the shrinking numbers of pirates since the 1800s".[11] A deliberately misleading graph accompanying the letter (with numbers humorously disordered on the x-axis) shows that as the number of pirates decreased, global temperatures increased.

                  A lot of things can be "based on" something solid ... the observations you speak of might be pretty solid, but so is the observation that the number of pirates in the world has decreased while global temperatures have increased.

                  Just shows that ANY theory CAN BE linked to observations.
                  Oh, IC, now you are going to school me in science, good to know!


                  • Types of Government & Our Life

                    Dilip Post 119 (24/4/15)

                    "Giving politicians the power to govern us is the biggest blunder we have made. They do not run in elections to serve us, and do it to become rich by hook or by crook. Libertarianism can give us back our freedom from the corruption of politicians..."

                    Questions re Dilip's Version of Libertarianism

                    1. Dilip implies there will be no politicians, but there will be a Libertarian Government (I think). How can this be? Is he proposing total direct democracy?

                    2. Or is he saying there will be no "Government"? We will pay no taxes; there will be no programs for the poor and vulnerable (Except charitable), we will cut Canada off from all international relations (Since there is in Canada, no central authority).

                    3. If there will be no government, is he saying that the ONE law, the Law of Nature, will be enforced by the police. Anti-Societal gangs that now exist will be encourage to grow and strength their scope (The ordinary Canadian cannot fight this or we'll kill you). New gangs will form to take over any vacuum. The police will be overwhelmed. Are the police paid by the local political "circle? How much "tax" will be levied on each resident of the circle to pay a living wage salary + danger pay to X no. of policepersons in the local circle?

                    We CT'ers here have slowly been getting a clearer picture of Dilip's Libertarianism..... a good thing, since Libertarianism has now formed its first government on the planet, in Argentina (President Javier Milei).

                    I hope the answers to these questions will clarify his view further.

                    I know this is treading on the thread of Democratic Marxism & Government, but I think it is here legitimately since we are, here, more focused on what "Our Life" might look like as a result of Libertarianism.

                    Bob A


                    • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                      Types of Government & Our Life

                      Dilip Post 119 (24/4/15)

                      "Giving politicians the power to govern us is the biggest blunder we have made. They do not run in elections to serve us, and do it to become rich by hook or by crook. Libertarianism can give us back our freedom from the corruption of politicians..."

                      Questions re Dilip's Version of Libertarianism

                      1. Dilip implies there will be no politicians, but there will be a Libertarian Government (I think). How can this be? Is he proposing total direct democracy?

                      2. Or is he saying there will be no "Government"? We will pay no taxes; there will be no programs for the poor and vulnerable (Except charitable), we will cut Canada off from all international relations (Since there is in Canada, no central authority).

                      3. If there will be no government, is he saying that the ONE law, the Law of Nature, will be enforced by the police. Anti-Societal gangs that now exist will be encourage to grow and strength their scope (The ordinary Canadian cannot fight this or we'll kill you). New gangs will form to take over any vacuum. The police will be overwhelmed. Are the police paid by the local political "circle? How much "tax" will be levied on each resident of the circle to pay a living wage salary + danger pay to X no. of policepersons in the local circle?

                      We CT'ers here have slowly been getting a clearer picture of Dilip's Libertarianism..... a good thing, since Libertarianism has now formed its first government on the planet, in Argentina (President Javier Milei).

                      I hope the answers to these questions will clarify his view further.

                      I know this is treading on the thread of Democratic Marxism & Government, but I think it is here legitimately since we are, here, more focused on what "Our Life" might look like as a result of Libertarianism.

                      Bob A
                      Let me clarify your points, one by one, for you, Bob:

                      1. The job of the politicians is not to 'govern' us, but to ensure that the Natural Law is enforced, through an appropriate judicial, police and remedial system. Those aspects of foreign relations, which matter, (not spending weeks in a hotel singing away, at taxpayers' expense, making a fun-trip out of a funeral, as recently happened) will also be dealt with, using the principles of Libertarianism, by such a 'government'. Many of the 'civic' functions which we have been brainwashed into believing that only governments can do, would be done through the system of 'circles within circles', with 'private' efforts...

                      2. Taxes will mainly be indirect, on what one spends, to run the above government, which will continue to maintain essential international relationships (not necessarily participate in organizations such as the WEF) ...

                      3. Criminals you cite will be dealt with by enforcing the Natural Law. There is more corruption, government sponsored killings, government blackmail, government-protected gangs, making a big fuss out of 'handsome' payments to a prostitute which the perpetrator's own wife apparently does not mind, etc. etc. in Marxism (and Joe Biden's Socialism), than can ever be in a Libertarian society.

                      Now, you tell me, as I asked before elsewhere, what are your reasons for not accepting the climate theory posted by Sid?
                      Last edited by Dilip Panjwani; Tuesday, 23rd April, 2024, 09:25 PM.


                      • Hi Dilip:

                        Thanks for the further elaboration.....clearer. Some other CT'ers may have some follow-up questions.

                        As I have noted, I have cognitive difficulty with video as a medium. So I must deal with it in small chunks. It is now on my agenda to start viewing "Climate: The Movie". I will respond as I go.

                        It will be in the "Anthropogenic Negative Climate Change" thread.

                        Bob A


                        • Our Life/Our Planetary Human Society

                          So the weather here today is sunny & warm (19 C). Neighbours surface from the inside onto their front porches.

                          So I go across the street and chat with a neighbour I now know quite well.

                          He is slightly right of centre in his politics, and is a quite decent, honest and well-meaning guy.

                          In our conversation he raises that he wants to keep up on world affairs.......but........

                          He is finding the news relentlessly depressing and disheartening. It seems there is more violence between States, and between individuals. There seems to be more corruption of politicians and bureaucrats than before, and dealing with government has become much less user-friendly, and very hard to find and get to the person who will deal with your issue. And he believes this is world-wide, not just in Canada.

                          He said he is now restricting the time for world-affairs, since he just can't take it.........but he's hoping he's reasonably keeping up. He prefers to spend his time on his gardens.


                          How many CT'ers are finding the same thing as "John"? How many are similarly dealing with it?

                          If so, what do you think is driving this current deterioration of our quality of life in society?

                          Bob A (Fundamentally an optimist, but admittedly under some pressure)
                          Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Tuesday, 23rd April, 2024, 09:52 PM.


                          • Dilip's Libertarianism in Canada
                            (In my own perception, based on his Post # 130 (24/4/23) above, and some prior comments; it is not yet clear where he differs from the Libertarianism of the Libertarian Party of Canada)

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	Libertarianism - Canada.png
Views:	169
Size:	4.1 KB
ID:	233434

                            1. A Libertarian National Government

                            - will be very limited compared to current capitalist governments of the world (Will not provide many current supportive programs; these will be downloaded to the private, and private charitable, sectors; it is not yet clear if some of these will be taken up by the local circle governments)
                            - will maintain international relations with other governments and legitimate international organizations, but on a very low budget.

                            2. Law

                            Only one national law, The Natural Law (Though at times Dilip has said that all other laws would not necessarily be repealed; some might remain for societal "guidance"). It is generally phrased:

                            "One cannot harm anyone else by their actions; but one can suffer legal harm if suffered in the context of "fair competition"."

                            3. The Law Enforcement

                            There will be enforcement of the law by police, as now. The Attorney General will determine charges, through a local Crown attorney. Charges will be heard in court, as now. The main penalty for breach of the Natural Law will be by monetary compensation for the loss suffered by the victim.

                            4. Payment of Taxes

                            Taxes - to run the above government, taxes will mainly be "indirect" - for example, on what one spends (Goods & Services Tax).
                            To run the local community circle governments, I have not yet inquired of Dilip, what taxing powers they will have to cover local government, policing, etc.

                            Dilip - please rephrase any of this which is unsatisfactory to you, and fill in any blanks.

                            I think the picture of Dilip's Libertarian national government in Canada is getting much clearer, and easier to consider, and perhaps, oppose as unworkable? For future investigation is the extent to which Dilip's version of Libertarianism may differ from that of the Libertarian Party of Canada.....we know that there are distinguished in the literature, different "versions" of Libertarianism.

                            Bob A


                            • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                              Dilip's Libertarianism in Canada
                              (In my own perception, based on his Post # 130 (24/4/23) above, and some prior comments; it is not yet clear where he differs from the Libertarianism of the Libertarian Party of Canada)

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	Libertarianism - Canada.png
Views:	169
Size:	4.1 KB
ID:	233434

                              1. A Libertarian National Government

                              - will be very limited compared to current capitalist governments of the world (Will not provide many current supportive programs; these will be downloaded to the private, and private charitable, sectors; it is not yet clear if some of these will be taken up by the local circle governments)
                              - will maintain international relations with other governments and legitimate international organizations, but on a very low budget.

                              2. Law

                              Only one national law, The Natural Law (Though at times Dilip has said that all other laws would not necessarily be repealed; some might remain for societal "guidance"). It is generally phrased:

                              "One cannot harm anyone else by their actions; but one can suffer legal harm if suffered in the context of "fair competition"."

                              3. The Law Enforcement

                              There will be enforcement of the law by police, as now. The Attorney General will determine charges, through a local Crown attorney. Charges will be heard in court, as now. The main penalty for breach of the Natural Law will be by monetary compensation for the loss suffered by the victim.

                              4. Payment of Taxes

                              Taxes - to run the above government, taxes will mainly be "indirect" - for example, on what one spends (Goods & Services Tax).
                              To run the local community circle governments, I have not yet inquired of Dilip, what taxing powers they will have to cover local government, policing, etc.

                              Dilip - please rephrase any of this which is unsatisfactory to you, and fill in any blanks.

                              I think the picture of Dilip's Libertarian national government in Canada is getting much clearer, and easier to consider, and perhaps, oppose as unworkable? For future investigation is the extent to which Dilip's version of Libertarianism may differ from that of the Libertarian Party of Canada.....we know that there are distinguished in the literature, different "versions" of Libertarianism.

                              Bob A
                              CAPITALISM WORKS: Javier Milei’s Argentina Has First Quarter Budget Surplus in 16 Years - Libertarian Leader Says ‘Our Plan Is Working'

                              Economic improvements in a country’s economy are not magic, President Javier Milei told Argentines in a televised address where he had good and rare news to announce: his government is successfully taming reckless public spending, which resulted in a rare – and welcome – first quarter budget surplus.

                              Economic improvements in a country’s economy are not magic, President Javier Milei told Argentines in a televised address where he had good and rare news to announce: his government is successfully taming reckless public spending, which resulted in a rare – and welcome – first quarter budget surplus.

                              Milei stated that this is key to improving economic prospects in the once-prosperous Latin American nation.

                              Reuters reported:

                              “‘Our plan is working’, declared the libertarian leader in a televised address.

                              Milei took office in December pledging to enact an economic ‘shock’ plan in a bid to lower triple-digit inflation and reverse a prolonged economic slump marked by the steady deterioration of the peso currency and growing poverty.

                              ‘I know the situation is difficult’, Milei added, ‘but we’re more than halfway there’.”

                              Argentina has managed to get a financial fiscal surplus of more than 275 billion pesos ($315.4 million) in March.

                              The first quarter surplus represented 0.2% of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP).

                              “‘We’re going to give everything to pull this country out of the hell we inherited’, he said, attacking previous governments for the country’s dire economic straits.”

                              After implementing his promised spending-slashing, Milei was happy to report the “historic achievement.”

                              AFP reported:

                              “‘This is the first quarter with a financial surplus since 2008’, said Milei, referring to his left-wing rival Cristina Kirchner’s first year in the presidency.

                              Milei, who took office in December, boasted of ‘a feat of historic significance on a global scale’.

                              ‘If the state does not spend more than it collects and does not issue (money), there is no inflation. This is not magic’, the self-described ‘anarcho-capitalist’ said.”

                              Milei was the winner in the November elections vowing to reduce the deficit to zero.

                              “‘Don’t expect a way out through public spending’, Milei warned on Monday.”


                              • Originally posted by Sid Belzberg View Post

                                CAPITALISM WORKS: Javier Milei’s Argentina Has First Quarter Budget Surplus in 16 Years - Libertarian Leader Says ‘Our Plan Is Working'

                                Economic improvements in a country’s economy are not magic, President Javier Milei told Argentines in a televised address where he had good and rare news to announce: his government is successfully taming reckless public spending, which resulted in a rare – and welcome – first quarter budget surplus.

                                Economic improvements in a country’s economy are not magic, President Javier Milei told Argentines in a televised address where he had good and rare news to announce: his government is successfully taming reckless public spending, which resulted in a rare – and welcome – first quarter budget surplus.

                                Milei stated that this is key to improving economic prospects in the once-prosperous Latin American nation.

                                Reuters reported:

                                “‘Our plan is working’, declared the libertarian leader in a televised address.

                                Milei took office in December pledging to enact an economic ‘shock’ plan in a bid to lower triple-digit inflation and reverse a prolonged economic slump marked by the steady deterioration of the peso currency and growing poverty.

                                ‘I know the situation is difficult’, Milei added, ‘but we’re more than halfway there’.”

                                Argentina has managed to get a financial fiscal surplus of more than 275 billion pesos ($315.4 million) in March.

                                The first quarter surplus represented 0.2% of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP).

                                “‘We’re going to give everything to pull this country out of the hell we inherited’, he said, attacking previous governments for the country’s dire economic straits.”

                                After implementing his promised spending-slashing, Milei was happy to report the “historic achievement.”

                                AFP reported:

                                “‘This is the first quarter with a financial surplus since 2008’, said Milei, referring to his left-wing rival Cristina Kirchner’s first year in the presidency.

                                Milei, who took office in December, boasted of ‘a feat of historic significance on a global scale’.

                                ‘If the state does not spend more than it collects and does not issue (money), there is no inflation. This is not magic’, the self-described ‘anarcho-capitalist’ said.”

                                Milei was the winner in the November elections vowing to reduce the deficit to zero.

                                “‘Don’t expect a way out through public spending’, Milei warned on Monday.”
                                So here we see the TRUE COLORS of the man pretending to fight against depopulation.

                                It is better, in this man's eyes, for a government budget to have a surplus than for people of poor means to have food on their tables.

                                Argentina is now suffering depopulation as people are thrown into poverty in record numbers.

                                Report on THAT you phony.

                                I know some people in Argentina. I know what I'm talking about. They are desperate. But you are smugly happy with your government surplus, just like the WEF will be.

                                There is really no difference between you and the WEF.

