Canada & Conservatism

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
    I guess we'll all wait with baited breath to see how the USA, and the world, "evolve" from Jan. 20, 2025 - Jan. 19, 2027.

    I prefer optimism, if realistic.

    My 2025 New Year's Resolution

    I will try to be alert to coming changes (And they definitely are coming), good & bad...........I'll try to give credit where due.......and castigate those taking us down the rabbit hole.

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    Helms Deep Update 24/12/31

    Bob A
    Good morning Bob A.

    A suggestion for your New Years Resolution: keep a daily journal starting tomorrow for all of 2025. It has the potential to be a pivotal year on a global scale.
    In 2026, if we all make it thru, summarize your journal into a documentary for 2025. Could be worth big bucks. Historians will love it.

    Maybe I will do the same? Working on my new years resolution today myself. Unfortunately, too many of them are reruns. (sad)


    • #92
      Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
      I guess we'll all wait with baited breath to see how the USA, and the world, "evolve" from Jan. 20, 2025 - Jan. 19, 2027.

      I prefer optimism, if realistic.

      My 2025 New Year's Resolution

      I will try to be alert to coming changes (And they definitely are coming), good & bad...........I'll try to give credit where due.......and castigate those taking us down the rabbit hole.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Helms Deep.jpg
Views:	148
Size:	19.3 KB
ID:	239079

      Helms Deep Update 24/12/31

      Bob A


      • #93
        Jan. 20, 2025 - Jan. 19, 2027

        Donald Trump will get his chance to "improve" the USA, and the world.......he has absolute power.........I wish him well......but his track record quite dampens my expectations.

        What will be of interest to me, will be whether the "improvements" will be those mandated by the GOP, or those of President Donald Trump......which has the power over legislation? I predict there will come on a number of things, a parting of the ways.

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        Helms Deep Update 25/1/1

        Bob A


        • #94
          Hi Bob G:

          You may have surmised by now that I do not like to spend much time on "history".

          For me, what is past is gone and set in stone......I prefer looking forward.

          But I do value is critical that some people love to do it. So I hope someone out there takes up your suggestion.......I think it is going to be one interesting read years from did this ever come about???

          Happy New Year to you, and all our CT'ers!

          Bob A


          • #95
            Conservative Party Campaigning

            Click image for larger version  Name:	CPC Logo1.jpg Views:	0 Size:	6.0 KB ID:	239116

            "Conservatives give in to their worst impulses with their ‘Wacko’ movie on Trudeau.
            Credit to Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, who has, in a small way, taken action against youth unemployment [tongue in cheek] even before he becomes prime minister.
            With the creation of his latest movie, which his party named “WACKOS: the weird, wild, woke & wonderful world of the people running our country,” Mr. Poilievre must have employed at least a half-dozen members of middle-school Conservative clubs from around the country, and given them the important task of splicing video clips together to make themselves and their buddies laugh. These kids took all of your favourite Justin-Trudeau-related memes and jokes from the past near-decade – about the Prime Minister appearing in blackface, about Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault’s past antics as a member of Greenpeace, about former finance minister Chrystia Freeland musing about a “vibecession” – and created a 12-minute movie, set to weird opera music, to highlight the zaniest aspects of the cast of characters who have run the government since 2015."
            The Globe & Mail - Newsletter - 25/1/2

            Bob A (Democratic Marxist)
            Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Thursday, 2nd January, 2025, 07:39 PM.


            • #96
              The Conservative Party as Government

              No Adopting of Left/Globalist Policies!

              Leader Pierre Poilievre:

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              "...many conservative leaders have “made the mistake” of adopting leftist policies once they are elected as a way to have “all of the different political ideologies captured in one tent.” He said while this strategy may have worked for many over the short-term, it eventually leads to a “disaster” of rising inflation, higher deficits, and increased crime.

     prime minister, he would cut federal bureaucracy, fire costly government consultants, slash foreign aid, and cut back on corporate welfare. He also promised to bring down deficit and taxes and “unleash the free enterprise system” to grow Canada’s economy relative to its debt."

              Epoch Times - News Alert Newsletter - 25/1/3


              • #97
                Elizabeth May for Prime Minister

                This is how you stand up to Trump. Vote Green.



                • #98
                  Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                  Elizabeth May for Prime Minister

                  This is how you stand up to Trump. Vote Green.

                  Ha-Ha! The party is green with envy for Trump!


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                    Elizabeth May for Prime Minister

                    This is how you stand up to Trump. Vote Green.

                    April Fools Day is still a way off. There is no time for joking in this serious moment.


                    • My Prediction

                      No matter if Jesus Christ himself becomes Liberal Party leader, our next PM is Pierre (I hope, but don't expect, it might be a minority).

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                      You heard it here!

                      Click image for larger version

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ID:	239225

                      25/1/9 Helms Deep Update

                      Bob A (Democratic Marxist)


                      • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                        My Prediction

                        No matter if Jesus Christ himself becomes Liberal Party leader, our next PM is Pierre (I hope, but don't expect, it might be a minority).
                        Hey Bob A, if we get a minority government, what do you think of the green party holding the balance of power?

                        Vlad likes to mock Green Leader Elizabeth May, but I like her stance against Trump in defence of Canada.

                        I see Avi Lewis is returning to politics. NDP leader Singh has not impressed me. Maybe Lewis takes over as NDP leader?


                        • I suspect that it is going to be a pretty strong conservative majority due to a poor showing by the Liberals who could still come back a bit depending on who the leader is. I kind of like Joly without knowing much about her though she may not run for personal family reasons and to address the threat represented by Trump in the time that the liberal government has left.

                          Elizabeth May is a lightweight intellectually speaking. She will not get anywhere near the balance of power. It will probably be the Conservatives, followed by the Bloc Quebec, followed by the NDP, and there is a good chance that May will lose her seat in the rising tide.

                          Trump is great for the U.S. and not so great for Canada.

                          For the Chess Federation of Canada, it will be a bit more difficult under the Conservatives as we don't have contact with as many insiders as we do with the Liberals. This is assuming there will be another situation like the Candidates tournament where we need to influence government policy. In most cases, the government is just a neutral force which neither helps nor hinders us. Philosophically I tend to agree with more conservative politicians. I like what I have seen of Pierre Poilievre. Elon Musk retweeted an excerpt from that hilarious interview when Pierre was eviscerating an unprepared and buffoonish journalist.



                          • Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post

                            Trump is great for the U.S.
                            We'll just have to agree to disagree then. I believe history will judge Trump to be the worst US President of all time.


                            • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

                              We'll just have to agree to disagree then. I believe history will judge Trump to be the worst US President of all time.
                              The majority of the American voters do not agree with you, Bob G. Does that not hint to you that your opinion may be formed mainly by the MSM lies?


                              • Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post

                                We'll just have to agree to disagree then. I believe history will judge Trump to be the worst US President of all time.
                                I think senile Joe Biden has that position locked down until the Democratic socialists take over, though perhaps they already did. Lets commute the sentences of child molesting murderers. What could go wrong?
                                Last edited by Vlad Drkulec; Friday, 10th January, 2025, 12:31 AM.

