Canada & Conservatism

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  • Conservatives & Taxation

    Capital Gains Tax Increase

    "The inclusion rate was increased from one-half to two-thirds for annualized gains over $250,000 by individuals, and on all capital gains by most types of trusts.

    The [minority] Liberal government announced the capital gains tax hike in Budget 2024 and the measure was subsequently adopted by the House of Commons in June through the passing of a ways and means motion. Conservatives were the only party to oppose it.

    In a post on social media [25/1/16], Poilievre said the idea of hiking the capital gains tax was “bad” before U.S. President-elect Donald Trump threatened 25 percent tariffs on Canada and now it’s “outright insanity.”

    “This is a tax on home builders when we have a housing shortage, a tax on doctors when we have a doctor shortage,” Poilievre told reporters. “It is a tax on small business when we have an economic crisis, it’s a tax on farmers when we have a food price crisis, and it will send billions of dollars away.”"

    Analysis: Don't tax the wealthy!

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    Bob A (Democratic Marxist)


    • Please define "wealthy".
      "Tom is a well known racist, and like most of them he won't admit it, possibly even to himself." - Ed Seedhouse, October 4, 2020.


      • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
        Conservatives & Taxation

        Capital Gains Tax Increase

        "The inclusion rate was increased from one-half to two-thirds for annualized gains over $250,000 by individuals, and on all capital gains by most types of trusts.
        My understanding is that this increase is not finalized, at least by what I am reading in the financial press. By proroguing parliament this has in effect at least gone into suspended animation but Revenue Canada is still enforcing it. Any attempt to finalize it would require the government to end the proroguing of parliament and in all likelihood trigger an ensuing election. There are many articles in the financial press like the following:
        Last edited by Vlad Drkulec; Friday, 17th January, 2025, 11:44 AM.


        • Well, I suppose big spenders will be able to hire tons of lawyers to get back the increase if it has never supposed to have been in effect!

          Bob A


          • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
            Well, I suppose big spenders will be able to hire tons of lawyers to get back the increase if it has never supposed to have been in effect!

            Bob A
            The advice that I am seeing is to pay it and you will get it back later if the government falls before they can finalize it. If you don't want to pay it, you may be hit with interest and penalties if the government somehow succeeds in averting a non-confidence vote the moment they end prorogation.


            • Originally posted by Tom O'Donnell View Post
              Please define "wealthy".
              If you live in Canada, you are wealthy. Sheep ready to be shorn.


              • Originally posted by Tom O'Donnell View Post
                Please define "wealthy".
                In all countries, the dividing line is drawn at a level which makes 'the wealthy' a minority... so that the majority can vote to tax the 'wealthy' in order to benefit the 'not so wealthy'...


                • Conservatives Lurching Further Right?

                  Future Canadian Relations with India?

                  "[Conservatives] latest immigrant alliance is with a new crop of hard right Hindu organizations, who are springing up across Canada, often parroting Conservative talking points about crime and anti-LGBTQ politics.

                  Conservatives are hoping for an electoral boost, and these groups, in turn, are hoping to win the party’s support as they champion Hindu nationalism in the diaspora. They’re brandishing a slanted definition of “Hinduphobia” that aims to silence criticism of India’s far right Prime Minister Modi."

                  The Breach - 25/1/19

                  Click image for larger version

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ID:	239412

                  25/1/19 Helms Deep Canadian Update

                  Bob A


                  • Americas - Canada

                    Conservative Party of Canada - Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition

                    On the Attack!

                    Don't be "WOKE"!

                    "The parliamentary record credits Poilievre with uttering “woke” 33 times in 2023 alone — more than every other Conservative combined that year, Raisa Patel writes. It’s the Conservative leader’s go-to buzzword, aimed at instantly de-legitimizing the work of progressive parties, people and policies. Don’t expect a change of tact anytime soon; research shows the “woke” offensive is producing massive results."

                    Toronto Star - First Up Newsletter - 25/1/26.


                    Click image for larger version  Name:	Helms Deep.jpg Views:	38 Size:	19.3 KB ID:	239412

                    25/1/27 Helms Deep Canadian Update

                    Bob A


                    • I'm going to assume "change of tact" is a typo.

                      Woke gets you the LA Fire Department where they seem to care more about diversity than doing their job. This ideology has real world consequences that are going to be disastrous.

                      Watch the LAFD diversity chief talk about how if you are a big person stuck in a fire and people with her out-of-shape body are coming to rescue you then ... it's your problem.

                      "Tom is a well known racist, and like most of them he won't admit it, possibly even to himself." - Ed Seedhouse, October 4, 2020.


                      • Originally posted by Tom O'Donnell View Post
                        I'm going to assume "change of tact" is a typo.

                        Woke gets you the LA Fire Department where they seem to care more about diversity than doing their job. This ideology has real world consequences that are going to be disastrous.

                        Watch the LAFD diversity chief talk about how if you are a big person stuck in a fire and people with her out-of-shape body are coming to rescue you then ... it's your problem.

                        It really is your problem in that case. I am sure it informed many people's votes in the last U.S. election.


                        • Canadian Conservatism

                          Conservative Party of Canada

                          Harper to Polievre - A Move Further Right

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                          "From the outside, current Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre looks like a product of modern hard-right conservatism. He frequently references culture war topics like protecting free speech, attacks transgender inclusion, promises to weaken the news media and uses hyperbolic labels like “authoritarian socialist” to describe his opponents.

                          He’s been deferential to incoming U.S. president Donald Trump and tech CEO Elon Musk, even as the two threaten Canadian sovereignty.

                          But Poilievre’s mentor is Stephen Harper, who led the Conservative party to successive election victories in the 2000s, relying mostly on his record as a responsible steward of Canada’s economy. Poilievre was an MP under Harper for 11 years.

                          In 2015, the Conservatives’ reluctance to allow more Syrian refugees into the country and their proposed “barbaric cultural practices” hotline led to support shifting to the more immigration-friendly Liberals.

                          Things are different today. Canadian politics have become sharply polarized, mirroring trends across many western democracies, where politics have moved sharply to the right and have often become more nationalist and less open to immigration.

                          In a recent interview with a conservative American YouTuber, Gabe Groisman, Harper firmly defended Canada’s sovereignty in the face of threats made by Trump.

                          But he also followed right-wing rhetorical trends in describing the Liberals as “far left” and the news media as a hostile force.

                          Let’s take a closer look at Harper’s ties to Poilievre...."


                          Bob A (Democratic Marxist)


                          • Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                            Conservatives Lurching Further Right?

                            Future Canadian Relations with India?

                            "[Conservatives] latest immigrant alliance is with a new crop of hard right Hindu organizations, who are springing up across Canada, often parroting Conservative talking points about crime and anti-LGBTQ politics.

                            Conservatives are hoping for an electoral boost, and these groups, in turn, are hoping to win the party’s support as they champion Hindu nationalism in the diaspora. They’re brandishing a slanted definition of “Hinduphobia” that aims to silence criticism of India’s far right Prime Minister Modi."

                            The Breach - 25/1/19

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	Helms Deep.jpg
Views:	85
Size:	19.3 KB
ID:	239412

                            25/1/19 Helms Deep Canadian Update

                            Bob A
                            It would help if Mohdi's government would cease and desist in assassinating and attempting to assassinate critics in Canada and the U.S. There would be far less criticism in Canada. Mohdi is very much loved and revered in India.

                            Crime is a big problem when you have the Toronto police telling you that you should leave your keys in a convenient place near the entrance of your apartment so that car thieves can easily steal your car. The media is full of stories of people who have had their cars stolen with air tags in them and being traced to a specific location where the police decline to do anything about it because it happens to be inconvenient for a shipping company. Add to this the stories of members of provincial government's licensing bureaus selling access to information of new car registrations to the gangs and the impression is that the government, its employees, police and governments are corrupt and working with criminal organizations.


                            • Originally posted by Tom O'Donnell View Post
                              I'm going to assume "change of tact" is a typo.

                              Woke gets you the LA Fire Department where they seem to care more about diversity than doing their job. This ideology has real world consequences that are going to be disastrous.

                              Watch the LAFD diversity chief talk about how if you are a big person stuck in a fire and people with her out-of-shape body are coming to rescue you then ... it's your problem.

                              It is your problem and you should vote accordingly to stamp out woke. People who vote for radical democrats and think that this time, the results will be different need to give their heads a great shake. Amazing that the U.S. went from a border out of control to one where crossings have dropped more than 97%. The cartels might have to get real jobs to earn a living as will the Democrats profiting from the situation.

                              Look at the reactions to Doge where the outrage is with Elon Musk and not what he has uncovered in a short time.
                              Last edited by Vlad Drkulec; Yesterday, 10:29 AM.


                              • All that the politicians do, whether liberal or conservative, is impose themselves upon the citizens, and they do it by using the citizens' money! All they really need to do is ensure that justice is served according to the Natural Law, and leave all progress (personal, local and national) in the hands of the citizens in a 'circles within circles' system... It would be the most fair and efficient way to make society succeed as much as they possibly can.

