The Trump 2nd Term
I wish the Democrats had more speakers as eloquent as French Senator Claude Malhuret.
Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View PostProblems of Size and Monoliths
1. In society, there are benefits to smallness: Small Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics As If People Mattered is a collection of essays published in 1973 by German-born British economist E. F. Schumacher. Originally published: 1973 Wikipedia
2. Who has the power to control? - A 1-World Government will pass laws to enslave us all.
3. Societal Structure Evolution - The world needs to evolve from a collection of "Nations" to a collection of "Villages" (This is a similar concept, as far as I can discern, as Dilip's "Circles within circles" societal organization; at least the commonality is that a local unit is better at controlling its own societal structures, especially its politicians. And what village could afford to have thousands of nuclear warheads, and millions of military, to use to blackmail the rest of the planet??)
Bob A (Anti-Globalist)
2. Not in a Libertarian set-up.
3. Not even the bigger circles will need to have military in a Libertarian set-up... Only the 'One Nation' will have a force to enforce the Natural Law...
Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View PostI wish the Democrats had more speakers as eloquent as French Senator Claude Malhuret.
The next post belowv is a report submitted to the British Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons about this ,that forced the withdrawal of all charges against Dr. Charles Hoffee for the terrible crime of reporting serious injuries his patients suffered from the "vaccines" aka bioweapons as well as the rise in cancers post "vaccination".Last edited by Sid Belzberg; Today, 11:43 AM.
Part 1
July 12, 2024
Kevin McKernan, CSO
Medicinal Genomics
100 Cummings Center, Suite 406L
Beverly MA, 01915
| have a BS in Biology from Emory University, 1995
From 1996-2000, | was the Team Leader for R&D for the Human Genome Project at the
Whitehead Institute/MIT Center Genome Research.
| have over 59K citations to my publications in the genomics field. | have dozens of issued
patents related to DNA and RNA purification and DNA sequencing technologies.
| have Founded 3 genomics companies and have been awarded over $30M in NIH grants for
Agencourt Biosciences was acquired by Beckman Coulter in 2005 for their DNA and RNA
purification technologies and their advanced genome center.
Agencourt Personal Genomics was acquired by Applied Biosystems in 2006 for the
revolutionary DNA sequencing platform we invented that dropped the cost of DNA sequencing
100,000 fold in 5 years (the SOLID sequencer).
| also was the Chief Scientific Officer for Courtagen Life Sciences which performed clinical
genome sequencing for children with Epilepsy and Mitochondrial disease. Most recently, |
founded Medicinal Genomics which sequences medicinal organisms to design safer
My Google Scholar page is here : sAAAAJ&hl=en
My ORCID ID is here:
| am aware of my duty to assist the panel and | am not an advocate for any party. | have
prepared this report with this in mind and am happy to testify in any setting to address
questions regarding the matter.
1. In February 2023, our team sequenced the BNT162b2 (Pfizer) and m1273 (Moderna)
mRNA ‘vaccines’ and found contaminating DNA in the vials. This resulted in the
below PrePrint publication ( Preprints require
replication. Half of the peer reviewed papers can’t be reproduced. This Preprint has
been reproduced at least 5 Labs around the world.
a. Dr. Phillip Buckhaults ( ?v=lEWHhrHiiTY)
b. Dr. David Speicher (
c. Dr. Brigitte Konig (
contamination-in-covid-19-vaccines-exceeds-who-limits-professor )
d. Dr. Sin Hang Lee (
2. Of particular concern are the SV40 promoter sequences found in the Pfizer vaccines
which were hidden from regulators. Health Canada, the FDA and the EMA have all
confirmed that this DNA sequence is in the Pfizer mRNA vaccine but that Pfizer
omitted any annotation of this feature.
My presentation to the Croatian Parliament documents these events.
3. This SV40 sequence has a nuclear targeting sequence which localizes to the nucleus
in hours and is used in gene therapies (Dean et al). Despite many official promises
that the mRNA remains in the cytosol, the contents of the lipid nanoparticles contain
SV40 promoters used to drag DNA into the nucleus. Once DNA is inside the nucleus
the odds of genome integration increase substantially.
4. This SV40 promoter sequence is also known to bind the tumor suppressor gene p53
(Drayman et al). Tumor suppressor genes keep cancer in check. Interaction with this
gene should raise alarm bells in light of the papers documenting rapid acceleration
of lymphoma after BNT162b2 vaccination.
There are billions to 100s of billions of this sequence in each dose and many patients
have taken over 4 doses with the current schedule in the US demanding over 7 of
these doses to ‘protect’ against a low IFR respiratory virus.
Moderna has an issued and in force patent stating the importance of removing this
DNA as it can be oncogenic and cause insertional mutagenesis (US patent
10,898,574). Insertional mutagenesis occurs when foreign DNA is present in the
nucleus and is adopted by the host genome as described by Lim et al who describe
‘High spontaneous integration rates of end-modified linear DNA upon mammalian
5. Dr. Jospeph Ladapo MD, PhD as the surgeon general of the state of Florida has sent a
letter of concern to the FDA and the CDC over these contamination matters.
6. These ‘vaccines’ do not stop transmission and evidence is mounting that the
vaccinated have a higher rate of C19 (Shrestha et al).
10.The ‘vaccine’ does not localize to the muscle and the nucleic acids have now been
detected in Breast milk a week later(Hanna et al), Plasma 15 days later (Fertig et al),
Heart tissue (Krauson et al) 30 days later. Spike protein is found circulating on
exosomes 4 months later (Bansal et al) and for 187 days in the blood (Brogna et al).
This is another false promise used in the informed consent process. The nucleic acid
(DNA and RNA) was promised to stay at the injection site in the arm. We now know
that it travels to all tissues in the body. If insertional mutagenesis was limited to
non-dividing muscle cells it would be less of a concern. Now that we know stem
cells, and reproductive cells are exposed to LNPs and mammalian transfection we
must now be concerned of modifying cells that can amplify in number. Stem cell
transfection with DNA could lead to expansion of the modified cell lines and
persistent expression of off target sequences. Transfection of germ cells could lead
to generational transmission of modified genomes.
11. In October of 2021 we also published a preprint that predicted frameshifted
peptides would result with the use of these modified nucleotides in the mRNA
vaccines (McKernan et al).
12. This concern was recently proven by Mulroney et al who described frameshifted
peptides being expressed in 5/21 patients treated with mRNA vaccines. These
frameshifted peptides are off target peptides being synthesized by vaccinated
patients’ cells. These were not part of the informed consent process and may lead to
a myriad of autoimmune issues reported from BNT162b2 vaccination.
13. In summary, the mRNA vaccines are adulterated with SV40 DNA that binds to tumor
suppressor genes (p53) is known to travel to the nucleus for gene therapies. The
modified mRNAs are now known to produce off target proteins due to frameshifting
in translation of these mRNAs in humans. This is not disclosed to the patient in the
informed consent process and it’s a violation of the Hippocratic oath to continue to
administer contaminated and faulty products.
14. The death records in Massachusetts were acquired by John Beaudoin via a Freedom
of Information Act request. These data show an alarming rise in Cancer post
vaccination ( ).(Enclose USB_ of
Part 2
15. The reported Vaccine efficiency from the RCTs was estimated using lots of vaccine
that were manufactured using Process 1 which used PCR to amplify the temple for
mRNA synthesis. This significantly reduced the SV40 contamination. To scale up for
broad distribution, they changed to Process 2 which skipped this amplification step
and thus has more SV40 contamination. This is described by Levi et al in the BMJ.
This means the vaccines in use are materially different than the vaccines that were
used in the clinical trial.
16. SV40 promoters are intensely studied and used as a gene therapy tool as described
by David Dean PhD. With vaccines contaminated with gene therapy sequences there
is no longer any debate if these vaccines are gene therapy tools. Moderna’s own
patents declare this as does their 2020 Annual report (page 106,107,116). While
genome modification has yet to be proven, no one has looked for it using SV40
promoter contaminated mRNA. This is not disclosed in the informed consent of
these products.
17. While many of the health authorities have admitted this SV40 sequence is in the
vaccines, they have continued to claim they are safe and effective without studies
that address the long term safety of these products. The reason the health
authorities were not aware of this sequence at the time of the regulatory submission
is that Pfizer intentionally deceived them by deleting this specific annotation from
the plasmid maps. According to FDA and the WHO guidelines all regulatory elements
and open reading frames need to be annotated and disclosed. Commercial software
which performs this function automatically annotates these features. This is
evidence that Pfizer had to perform extra work to hide this sequence from
regulators. This deception should lead regulators to question every other data point
Pfizer has provided them.
18.Health Canada went on record claiming these vaccines are still safe and effective,
but their comment was delivered based on false information. They claimed these
sequences do not reach the nucleus despite David Deans work clearly showing they
reach the nucleus in all cells within hours.
19 Health Canada also suggests that the DNA levels are tested by the manufacturers
and therefor they should trust the manufacturers measurements. These are the
same manufacturers that were caught deceiving the regulators over the presence of
SV40 promoters. Independent labs have found DNA levels that exceed their limits.
These limits were also devised for DNA that is not packaged in LNPs which protect
the DNA from decay. DNA protected in LNPs should follow the DNA contamination
guidelines that predate the 1986 NCVIA (PDF attached as Appendix A) which
provided liability protection for the manufacturers. These limits are 1000 times
lower than the current 10ng .
20 Dr. Buckhaults testified (same as Line 45 of the report) in the South Carolina Senate
that he ‘guarantees there has been genome modification’. His statements are based
on Lim et a! that find very high rates of genome integration with linear plasmid DNA
like this. Since NIH has over $400M in royalty for these vaccines, very little NIH
funding is available to investigate a topic that will end or reduce this royalty stream.
This presents an enormous conflict of interest. The NIH has never endorsed or
investigated obvious early treatment protocols using Hydroxychloroquine or
Ivermectin as these cheap, safe genetic drugs are a threat to their vaccine royalty
21.In my professional opinion, oversights like this cannot stand. In December of 2019,
Dr. He was sentenced to 3 years in jail for genome_modifying 2 babies. Dr. He used
genome modification tools to modify HIV resistance into 2 embryos using CRISPR
technology. This was deemed such an offensive abuse of medical ethics and
informed consent failure that he was sentenced to 3 years in jail.
22.In 2020, society seems to have lost its moral outrage when gene therapies are now
used on billions of people as long as there is a hope for some private gain in the
alleged protection these therapies may offer to society from a virus. No genotoxicity
studies were conducted for these mRNA ‘vaccines’ as the manufacturers assured the
public that they do not enter the nucleus and do not consist of DNA. Both
statements are now demonstrably false, and billions of shots have been given to
patients who were given false informed consent.
23. These are adulterated products with clear evidence of intent to deceive by Pfizer.
Liability protection for such products has been challenged in the state of Michigan
with adulterated Remdesivir. Physicians still using these products are on notice as
the malpractice will eventually be put on them.
24.Physicians claiming these products have benefits that outweigh the risks are not
versed on the risks of Covid19 to children (0.0003% at 0-19 years, Pezzullo et al). The
adverse events alone for this age demographic is estimated at 1:800 people
(Fraiman et al). This dwarfs any protection you can get for vaccines addressing a
virus that does not affect children. These studies only considered short term harms.
To date, no randomized clinical trial exists that looked at adverse events past 2
months. The SV40 promoter DNA is oncogenic according to Moderna’s own patents
and the safety of this cannot be known with such short term studies. Claiming safety
with no RCT and zero genotoxicity studies is fraud.
25.Likewise Attorney General for Texas, U.S.A., Ken Paxton has filed a law suit against
Pfizer for false advertising of 95% relative risk reduction for vaccine effectiveness.
Any medical opinion based on these vaccine efficacy numbers violates the FDA
guidelines which demands absolute risk reduction as being the proper Vaccine
efficiency to be advertised. The absolute risk reduction for these vaccines was
measure at below 1% in a trial that did not use the manufacturing process for the
vaccine that is actually being given to the public.
26.In May of 2024 a Canadian citizen received an ATIP of Health Canada’s emails on the
SV40 contamination. These emails revealed that Health Canada’s public statements
about the DNA contamination risk contradicts their internal communication on
these risks.
27. They are actively requesting the manufacturers to remove this DNA from the
vaccines while telling the public it is of no consequence?
28. They claim the SV40 Promoter is not material to plasmid manufacturing. This is an
overt lie. You cannot manufacture plasmids without the promoter for the antibiotic
selection gene.
29. They also claim this DNA has no functional consequence despite Drayman et al
demonstrating it binds to the tumor suppressor gene P53.,
30. They openly admit that Pfizer has no assay to measure the fragment lengths of the
DNA and will need to validate a new method. How can Health Canada claim the DNA
is of insignificant quantity if Pfizer doesn’t even have a method validated to measure
31. In addition to this revelation, Dr. Brigitte Konig’s paper is now peer reviewed
demonstrating the DNA contamination in these vaccines is more than 100X over the
32. | have carefully reviewed Konig’s work and while | believe their methods slightly over
estimate the scale of quantitation, her data aligns with our data and demonstrate at
minimum 10X more DNA than allowable.
33. Even Cytosolic DNA can be carcinogenic with persistent activation of the cGAS-STING
pathway. This is also in the peer reviewed literature described by Kwok et al.
34. Preliminary evidence using vaccine treated OvCar3 cell lines demonstrates this DNA
is replicating in mammalian cells due to presence of the SV40 Origin of replication. lasmid-dna-replication-in-bnt162b2
35. Wafik El-Deiry’s lab has recently published that the Spike protein down regulates
36. These sequences were not disclosed to the public nor the regulators and evidence
continues to mount demonstrating they are functional and potentially oncogenic.
Kevin McKernan