Capablanca Memorial 2014

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  • #46
    Re: even the Mayor of Lac M is calling for regulatory changes.

    OK, let's make this clear. Yes, you are right, "the Mayor of Lac-Mégantic is calling for regulatory changes". I have never contested that, and I agree that the regulations need to be changed to prevent disasters like this from occurring again. From what I can tell, the wheels are in motion here.

    However your statements are completely different. You claim that regulations have been removed, and the removal of said regulations are a contributing factor to the accident. That I totally disagee with. I again challenge you to provide evidence supporting your claim.

    Your postings are approaching those of rants, and show your own ideological leanings. It's not what I would expect of a moderator.


    • #47
      Re: even the Mayor of Lac M is calling for regulatory changes.

      And here was poor little me, taking a break from yard work, and clicking on a thread about the Capablanca Memorial.

      I suspect this thread has gone badly off track.


      • #48
        Re: even the Mayor of Lac M is calling for regulatory changes.

        Quite simply, the number of people on a train has been changed over the years. It all began with the destruction of the caboose by the Mulroney regime and has gotten worse and worse up to the present neo-liberal regime of S. Harper. This regime has made no secret of their venom towards public regulation, it's enthusiasm for stripping them of their teeth, and so on. All this is public record.
        Dogs will bark, but the caravan of chess moves on.


        • #49
          Re: even the Mayor of Lac M is calling for regulatory changes.

          Originally posted by Garland Best View Post
          Your postings are approaching those of rants, and show your own ideological leanings. It's not what I would expect of a moderator.
          I read this as your ideological leanings showing. Make your arguments or quit whining. I don't feel the need to remain silent on issues that interest me nor should I. I don't use my moderator role as a bully pulpit and it's quite easy to separate moderating from debate. If I was paid for this position it would be a different story.

          The extremist views that I read here may well be one of the reasons why chess doesn't get the kind of support it could or should; too much one-sided politics masquerading as a majority view. I get the feeling that some people here are never challenged on their views and have difficulty with debate. I hope you aren't one of those.
          Dogs will bark, but the caravan of chess moves on.


          • #50
            Re: even the Mayor of Lac M is calling for regulatory changes.

            Originally posted by Nigel Hanrahan View Post
            Quite simply, the number of people on a train has been changed over the years. It all began with the destruction of the caboose by the Mulroney regime and has gotten worse and worse up to the present neo-liberal regime of S. Harper. This regime has made no secret of their venom towards public regulation, it's enthusiasm for stripping them of their teeth, and so on. All this is public record.

            Rant, rant, rant. No facts, just opinion. The number of times you use the phrase "neo-liberal" shows that people should be putting YOU on their ignore list. And your use of terms like 'venom' and 'sinister' shows that you harbor deep hatred of whomever you feel fits your definition of neo-liberal.

            You still HAVE NOT and CAN NOT provide the cause-and-effect facts to back your claims. If a child can do it and you can't....
            Only the rushing is heard...
            Onward flies the bird.


            • #51
              Re: even the Mayor of Lac M is calling for regulatory changes.

              Originally posted by Nigel Hanrahan View Post
              ...the number of people on a train has been changed over the years...
              That's it? That's your set of 'facts' proving your earlier statements? What an insult to ChessTalk readers! You must think our IQ is in the single digits.

              The number of people on airplanes has also been changed over the years. The airlines don't want any empty seats, it cuts into their profits. Nothing to do with government, it's just capitalism going full swing. And although the people travelling by plane are suffering from less scheduled flights, there is no evidence that this has been causing more plane accidents.

              Just TRY and provide evidence that 'number of people on a train' correlates directly to an increase in train accidents and disasters. You can't do it, it's not there. I DIRECTLY CHALLENGE YOU TO PROVIDE SUCH EVIDENCE.

              The extremist views are coming from our own moderator.
              Only the rushing is heard...
              Onward flies the bird.


              • #52
                Re: Capablanca Memorial 2014

                Note the title of the original thread - please keep on topic.


                • #53
                  Re: even the Mayor of Lac M is calling for regulatory changes.

                  Nigel, look at your own words. "ideologically-driven feverish enthusiasm for the free fall of a regulatory desert in Canada. Google is your friend. Soon Canadians will have to pay for the privilege of having their towns blown up by reckless rail companies and their stooges in government. And all this at a time when the suicidal oil and gas industry is frothing with enthusiasm for moving highly explosive fuels and bitumen (disguised as harmless substances, of course!) by rail". This is a rant, pure and simple.

                  My complaint about your original post was that I felt that it was factually incorrect. I asked you to provide evidence to back up your statement. You did not. I have made my arguments against your post, citing changes being made to the freight rail regulations to improve safety. If you feel that you are correct in this matter, then you should be able to provide evidence supporting your own statements.

                  I enjoy debating matters using facts. But a rant is not a debate. And calling me a whiner is resorting to ad hominen attacks.


                  • #54
                    Re: even the Mayor of Lac M is calling for regulatory changes.

                    The elimination of the caboose on trains simply reflects changes in technology.

                    "With the invention of the Telemetry Marker (that little flashing red light on the end), the caboose became obsolete. The Telemetry Marker sends information to a display in the locomotive indicating whether the end of the train is moving and the brake pressure at the end. Because the Engineer can now tell that the train hasn't broken in half, there's no need for someone at the end to alert the engineer.

                    It was really more of a "do we really need it" situation, although the caboose doesn't add considerable weight to the train, it does take extra time to hitch it to the end, and it costs money to maintain equipment, so less equipment to maintain equals less money spent."



                    • #55
                      Re: Capablanca Memorial 2014


                      Nigel, please transfer this section to where we started our initial debate.


                      • #56
                        Re: even the Mayor of Lac M is calling for regulatory changes.

                        Originally posted by Garland Best View Post
                        Nigel, look at your own words. "ideologically-driven feverish enthusiasm for the free fall of a regulatory desert in Canada. Google is your friend. Soon Canadians will have to pay for the privilege of having their towns blown up by reckless rail companies and their stooges in government. And all this at a time when the suicidal oil and gas industry is frothing with enthusiasm for moving highly explosive fuels and bitumen (disguised as harmless substances, of course!) by rail". This is a rant, pure and simple.

                        My complaint about your original post was that I felt that it was factually incorrect. I asked you to provide evidence to back up your statement. You did not. I have made my arguments against your post, citing changes being made to the freight rail regulations to improve safety. If you feel that you are correct in this matter, then you should be able to provide evidence supporting your own statements.

                        I enjoy debating matters using facts. But a rant is not a debate. And calling me a whiner is resorting to ad hominen attacks.

                        Nigel will just ignore you now. You have effectively reduced him to troll status and his solution to that is always to walk away (or censor your posts).

                        That stuff about the caboose was good... GOOGLE IS YOUR FRIEND, NIGEL.
                        Only the rushing is heard...
                        Onward flies the bird.


                        • #57
                          Re: even the Mayor of Lac M is calling for regulatory changes.

                          What has all this train stuff to do with the Havana tournament?
                          If Nigel wasn't so emotionally fired up here he would have promptly derailed the debate and transferred the train stuff to a separate thread.
                          So, Nigel, take a deep breath, count to ten, and transfer the train stuff elsewhere, please.


                          • #58
                            Capablanca Memorial 2014

                            Now let’s see, where was I, ah yes The Capablanca Memorial!

                            Capablanca Memorial 2014

                            May 16, 2014
                            Round Eight

                            The fight for first place was between So and Dominguez

                            Capablanca Memorial 2014 Elite
                            Round Eight
                            May 16, 2014
                            So, Wesley-Dominguez Perez, Leinier
                            B90 Sicilian, Najdorf

                            1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Be3 Ng4 7. Bc1 Nf6 8. f3 e5 9. Nb3 Be6 10. Be3 h5 11. Nd5 Bxd5 12. exd5 Nbd7 13. Qd2 g6 14. Be2 Qc7 15. Rc1 Bg7 16. O-O O-O 17. c4 b6 18. Na1 Kh7 19. h3 Ng8 20. g4 Qd8 21. gxh5 Qh4 22. hxg6 fxg6 23. Bd3 Bh6 24. Rf2 Bxe3 25. Qxe3 Ne7 26. Rg2 Nf5 27. Bxf5 Rxf5 28. Nb3 Kg7 29. Nd2 Qxh3 30. Kf2 Raf8 31. Rcg1 R8f6 32. Ke2 e4 33. Nxe4 Rxf3 34. Rxg6 Rxg6 35. Rxg6 Kxg6 36. Qxf3 Qxf3 37. Kxf3 Ne5 38. Kf4 Nxc4 39. b3 Ne5 40. Nxd6 Nd3 41. Ke4 Nc1 42. Ke5 Nd3 43. Kd4 Nc1 44. Nc8 Kf7 45. Ke5 Ke8 46. Ke6 Kd8 47. d6 Nd3 48. Nxb6 Nf4 49. Kf5 Ne2 50. Ke6 Nf4 51. Kf6 Ne2 52. d7 Nc3 53. Ke6 Nb5 54. Na4 Nc7 55. Kd6 Nb5 56. Kc6 Nd4 57. Kd5 Nb5 58. Nc5 Kc7 59. Ke6 Nd4 60. Ke7 Nf5 61. Ke6 Nd4 62. Kf7 Nf5 63. Kf6 Ne3 64. Ke6 1-0

                            An interesting thing about this game is that Stockfish evaluated White’s 50. Ke6, 59. Ke6 and 61. Ke6 moves as all very bad and yet White won. Bad is a relative term in this game obviously.

                            Ivanchuk is back playing chess again.

                            Capablanca Memorial 2014 Elite
                            Round Eight
                            May 16, 2014
                            Almasi, Zoltan-Ivanchuk, Vassily
                            C09 French, Tarrasch, Open Variation, Main Line

                            1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nd2 c5 4. Ngf3 Nc6 5. exd5 exd5 6. Bb5 Bd6 7. dxc5 Bxc5 8. O-O Ne7 9. Nb3 Bd6 10. c3 Bg4 11. h3 Bh5 12. Be2 O-O 13. Nfd4 Bg6 14. Re1 Re8 15. Bf1 a6 16. Be3 Ne5 17. Bf4 Nc4 18. Bxd6 Qxd6 19. Qc1 Qb6 20. Bxc4 dxc4 21. Nd2 Bd3 22. N2f3 Ng6 23. Qd2 h6 24. Rxe8 Rxe8 25. b3 Be4 26. Re1 cxb3 27. axb3 Qd8 28. Re3 Bxf3 29. Rxe8 Qxe8 30. Nxf3 Qe4 31. Nd4 Nf4 32. f3 Qe5 33. h4 Ng6 34. Qf2 b5 35. g3 a5 36. Kg2 a4 37. Qa2 b4 38. Qxa4 bxc3 39. Qa8 Nf8 40. Qe4 Qxe4 41. fxe4 Ne6 42. Nc2 Nc5 43. b4 Nxe4 44. Kf3 f5 45. Kf4 Kf7 46. g4 Nd6 47. gxf5 Kf6 48. Ne3 Nxf5 49. Nd5 Ke6 50. Nxc3 Nxh4 51. b5 Nf5 52. b6 Nd6 53. Ne4 Kd5 54. Ng3 g6 55. Ne4 Kc6 56. Nf6 Kxb6 57. Ng8 0.5-0.5

                            Standings after Round Eight

                            So 5.5/8
                            Bruzon 4.5/8
                            Dominguez 4.0/8
                            Vallejo 3.5/8
                            Almasi 3.5/8
                            Ivanchuk 3.0/8

                            Next round pairings Almasi-Bruzon, Ivanchuk-So and Dominguez-Vallejo. Two rounds left in the tourney.

                            Waiting for the results of the Premier tournament to be put on line, the latest chess tweets caught my eye. These two in particular:

                            (Nigel Short) - I need names of top chess players, past or present, with religious convictions. Can anyone help?

                            (Levon Aronian) - Big thanks to Erebouni Hospital Dr.Shukuryan&his wonderful team for successful nose surgery! Can finally breath again.

                            If you wish to see a giant photo of Levon without his glasses, wearing a nose bandage then go to:


                            You know you’ve got a whole drawer full of nose jokes, now is the time to use them!

                            In Round Eight of the Premier Bator Sambuev drew his game with Danyyil Dvirnyy but the game score has not yet been released.

                            Standings after Round Eight in the Premier

                            1. Yusnel Bacallao 5.5/8; 2. Sebastian Bogner 5.5/8; 3. Reyaldo Ortiz 5.5/8; 4. Emilio Cordova 5.5/8; 5. Yuniesky Quesada 5.0/8; 6. Yasser Quesada 4.0/8; 7. Yuri Gonzalez 3.0/8; 8. Danyyil Dvirnyy 2.5/8; 9. Carlos Hevia 2.0/8 and Bator 10. Sambuev 1.5/8.

                            Ninth and final round on May 18 with Bator as Black against Yuri Gonzalez.

                            That partial game score from Gerzhoy that I mentioned last time:

                            Capablanca Memorial 2014 Open I
                            May 9, 2014
                            Round Two
                            Martinez Ramirez, Lennis (2330) – Gerzhoy, Leonid (2472)
                            B15 Caro-Kann, Tartakower Variation

                            1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Nf6 5. Nxf6 exf6 6. Nf3 Bd6 7. Bd3 O-O 8. O-O Bg4 9. h3 Bh5 10. Re1 Nd7 11. Bf5 Qc7 12. Qd3 Bg6 13. Bxg6 hxg6 14. Be3 Rfe8 15. c4 f5 16. Bg5 Nf6 17. Bxf6 gxf6 18. a3 Bf8 19. Rxe8 Rxe8 20. Re1 Re6 21. g3 Qe7 22. Rd1 Re2 23. Qxf5 *

                            Capablanca Memorial 2014 Open I
                            May 12, 2014
                            Round Five
                            Borges Feria, Yasel (2427) – Gerzhoy, Leonid
                            E69 King’s Indian, Fianchetto, Classical Main Line

                            1. Nf3 Nf6 2. g3 g6 3. Bg2 Bg7 4. O-O O-O 5. c4 d6 6. d4 Nbd7 7. Nc3 e5 8. h3 c6 9. e4 Qb6 10. b3 exd4 11. Na4 Qa5 12. Nxd4 Re8 13. Re1 Ne5 14. Bd2 Qc7 15. Be3 a6 16. Nc3 c5 17. Nde2 Bd7 18. a4 Bc6 19. Nf4 Ned7 20. Qd3 Rad8 21. Rad1 Nf8 22. Nfd5 Nxd5 23. Nxd5 Bxd5 24. exd5 Nd7 25. Qc2 Rb8 26. Bd2 Bd4 27. Rxe8 Rxe8 28. Re1 Re5 29. Kf1 Qd8 30. Bf4 Rxe1 31. Kxe1 Qf6 32. h4 Ne5 33. Bxe5 Bxe5 34. Be4 Kg7 35. Qd3 Bd4 0.5-0.5

                            Leonid is tied for 5th place with eight other players after eight rounds, with 5.5/8.

                            Can’t wait any longer for the Sambuev game from Round Eight – time to put the cat out, wind up the alarm clock and turn out the lights.


                            • #59
                              Re: Capablanca Memorial 2014

                              So had his much needed revenge against Dominguez in yesterday's round 8 :o Now he just has to coast for the next 2 games, draw with Chucky and Zoltan, depending on the situation. Another win would seal the deal, what if Brauzon wins his last 2 games. Chucky is still dangerous no matter what the standings show and Wes needs to be careful.


                              • #60
                                Re: Capablanca Memorial 2014

                                Capablanca Memorial 2014

                                Round Nine
                                May 17, 2014

                                Results Elite

                                Almasi, Zoltan – Bruzon, Lazaro Batista 0.5-0.5
                                Ivanchuk, Vassily – So, Wesley 0.5-0.5
                                Dominguez, Leinier – Vallejo, Pons Francisco 0.5-0.5

                                Elite standings with one round to go

                                1. So 6/9
                                2. Bruzon 5.0/9
                                3. Dominguez 4.5/9
                                4. Vallejo 4.0/9
                                5. Almasi 4.0/9
                                6. Ivanchuk 3.5/9

                                Premier Standings with one round to go

                                1. Yusnel Bacallao 5.5/8; 2. Sebastian Bogner 5.5/8; 3. Emilio Cordova 5.5/8; 4. Reynaldo Ortiz 5.5/8; 5. Yuniesky Quesada 5.0/8; 6. Yasser Quesada 4.0/; 7. Yuri Gonzalez 3.0/8; 8. Danyyil Dvirnyy 2.5/8; 9. Carlos Hevia 2.0/8; 10. Bator Sambuev 1.5/8


                                Capablanca Memorial 2014 Elite
                                Round Nine
                                May 17, 2014
                                Ivanchuk, Vassily – So, Wesley
                                C65 Ruy Lopez, Berlin Defence

                                1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nf6 4. d3 Bc5 5. Bxc6 dxc6 6. Nbd2 O-O 7. Nc4 Nd7 8. Be3 f6 9. O-O b6 10. Nh4 a5 11. Qg4 Bxe3 12. Nxe3 Nc5 13. Nef5 Bxf5 14. Nxf5 g6 15. h4 Kh8 16. Ne3 Qd4 17. b3 a4 18. Rab1 axb3 19. axb3 f5 20. exf5 gxf5 21. Qh5 Qd7 22. Rfe1 Rae8 23. Nc4 Qd5 24. Ne3 Qe6 25. Nc4 Qd5 26. Ne3 Qe6 27. Nc4 0.5-0.5

                                Capablanca Memorial 2014 Premier
                                Round Eight
                                May 16, 2014
                                Sambuev, Bator – Dvirnyy, Danyyil
                                A80 Queen’s Pawn Game

                                1. d4 e6 2. Nf3 f5 3. h3 Nf6 4. g4 Be7 5. gxf5 exf5 6. Rg1 0-0 7. Bh6 Ne8 8. e3 Kh8 9. Bf4 Nf6 10. Bd3 d6 11. Nc3 Nc6 12. a3 Be6 13. Ng5 Qd7 14. Qf3 Bg8 15.0-0-0 d5 16. Qg2 Bd6 17. Ne2 Nh5 18. Bxd6 Qxd6 19. Nxh7 Bxh7 20. Nf4 Nxd4 21. Nxh5 Ne6 22. Nf4 Rf7 23. Nxd5 c6 24. Nc3 Qe5 25. Bc4 Re7 26. Bxe6 Qxe6 27. Qg5 f4 28. Qxf4 Rf7 29. Qh4 Raf8 30. Rg2 b5 31. Rd8 a5 32. Qd4 Qe7 33. Rxf8 Rxf8 34. Ne2 c5 35. Qg4 Rxf2 36. Rxf2 Qxe3 37. Kd1 Qxf2 38. Qc8 Bg8 39. Qe8 Qf1 40. Kd2 Qxh3 41. Qxb5 Qh6 42. Ke1 Qh4 43. Kd2 Qh6 44. Kc3 Qf6 45. Kd3 Qg6 46. Ke3 Qg5 47. Kf2 Qh4 48. Ke3 Qg5 49. Kf2 Qh4 50. Ke3 0.5-0.5

                                The live ratings after today’s games of the 2700 players are:

                                11. Dominguez 2761.6
                                15. So 2744.9
                                19. Ivanchuk 2738.5

