Re: "Our" Bela Kosoian in the news, unfortunately
Almost every aspect of life has some risk involved. Given the huge volumes of traffic on the TTC there will always be accidents. Holding the handrail is more of a "use as needed" rule requiring common sense. Legislating this is dumb.
Enforcing it in a heavy handed way is even worse.
Concerning the TTC, the fact the tracks have no barriers and some people stand right up at the edge is far more of a safety issue then escalators. By a mile, it's not even close. I can just imagine a society where several policeman stand at every station telling citizens they are within 3 feet of the edge move back or i'll arrest you.
And yet, if we are to follow the arguments some of you have wandered into on this topic, we most certainly would have to do that well before ever involving an escalator rail rule.
So you found an unfortunate isolated accident involving an escalator. Well, how many MORE stories have there been of people being pushed onto the tracks by strangers.
A little perspective might be in order. However, I do wonder if people paying municipal taxes in Montreal want to pay for these escalator patrols. Would it not be more practical and fair to allow citizen's to police their own behaviour in this regard. After all, almost no one deliberately puts their own welfare in danger which is required to create a sefety issue. And I am quite confidant Bela was creating NO safety issue.
Safety is a nice excuse however to support the heavy handed inappropriateness of the police in this case. And one might ask each and every person posting here if they have lived a life of no speeding, no jaywalking, and they hold the rail every time.
Originally posted by Zeljko Kitich
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Enforcing it in a heavy handed way is even worse.
Concerning the TTC, the fact the tracks have no barriers and some people stand right up at the edge is far more of a safety issue then escalators. By a mile, it's not even close. I can just imagine a society where several policeman stand at every station telling citizens they are within 3 feet of the edge move back or i'll arrest you.
And yet, if we are to follow the arguments some of you have wandered into on this topic, we most certainly would have to do that well before ever involving an escalator rail rule.
So you found an unfortunate isolated accident involving an escalator. Well, how many MORE stories have there been of people being pushed onto the tracks by strangers.
A little perspective might be in order. However, I do wonder if people paying municipal taxes in Montreal want to pay for these escalator patrols. Would it not be more practical and fair to allow citizen's to police their own behaviour in this regard. After all, almost no one deliberately puts their own welfare in danger which is required to create a sefety issue. And I am quite confidant Bela was creating NO safety issue.
Safety is a nice excuse however to support the heavy handed inappropriateness of the police in this case. And one might ask each and every person posting here if they have lived a life of no speeding, no jaywalking, and they hold the rail every time.