US Elections

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  • Re: US Elections

    Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
    The notion of "all powerful God"
    Ugghh. Paul, why go down this path.
    I was hoping your next post would be about Trump's broken promises.
    How he would become just another politician as you predicted.


    • Re: US Elections

      Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
      Ugghh. Paul, why go down this path.
      I was hoping your next post would be about Trump's broken promises.
      How he would become just another politician as you predicted.

      Hey Bob, I would have thought you'd be one person interested in discussion about these topics.... weren't you the founder of the Insane Project?

      Trump is already well along the path of being a typical politician. He's not appointing any outsiders to his administration. He's appointing the type of people he called stupid during the primaries.

      It's absolutely sickening to see those Republicans who were strongly against Trump going into meetings with him about cabinet appointments. Romney, who Trump lambasted as an absolute loser, is now even MORE so for having no backbone. Even if you're a Trump supporter, this has to look like just business as usual. Just another set of faces who are going to make mistakes and screw things up like everyone before them. I think I'd actually prefer if Trump was appointing his children, although I know the law doesn't allow that.

      Bob, I'm sure you're interested about the Jill Stein story -- she's raised enough money to have a recount in Wisconsin, and still possibly Pennsylvania and Michigan as well. There is evidence of anomolies regarding electronic voting machines and possible outside hacking. I doubt very much anything significant will come of it, but one thing I do remember on election night: in Wisconsin and a few other states, there were still a lot of votes not counted from heavily Democratic counties so that these states couldn't be called yet, and as the time went by Trump's lead in those states didn't get eaten into at all. That really surprised everybody. Either there was some kind of hacking of these machines, or in all these critical counties in critical states, Democrat voters weren't turning out by the tens of thousands. The latter seems unlikely given Hillary's war chest and get-out-the-vote efforts. Unlikely.... but possible.
      Only the rushing is heard...
      Onward flies the bird.


      • Re: US Elections

        Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
        Bob, I'm sure you're interested about the Jill Stein story -- she's raised enough money to have a recount in Wisconsin, and still possibly Pennsylvania and Michigan as well. There is evidence of anomolies regarding electronic voting machines and possible outside hacking. I doubt very much anything significant will come of it, but.....
        I very much support her campaign for vote recounts. If I were an American, I would be embarrassed to travel outside USA. The politicians, parties, media, pundits, donors, special interest groups, have all contributed to turning the recent US election into a circus freak show. No wonder PT Barnum Trump won.

        The American citizen should be demanding a complete recount nationwide. Throw away the machines, do a complete recount by hand. Then do it again and again until they are get 2 counts that are close.
        Last edited by Bob Gillanders; Friday, 25th November, 2016, 05:10 PM.


        • Re: US Elections

          Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
          I very much support her campaign for vote recounts. If I were an American, I would be embarrassed to travel outside USA. The politicians, parties, media, pundits, donors, special interest groups, have all contributed to turning the recent US election into a circus freak show. No wonder PT Barnum Trump won.

          The American citizen should be demanding a complete recount nationwide. Throw away the machines, do a complete recount by hand. Then do it again and again until they are get 2 counts that are close.
          Shades of the prior Al Gore problem?

          Bob A


          • Re: US Elections

            Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
            Shades of the prior Al Gore problem?

            Bob A
            What were they saying about Trump when he wouldn't say he would accept the outcome if there were problems? If memory is correct, he was castigated!



            • Re: US Elections

              Originally posted by J. Ken MacDonald View Post
              What were they saying about Trump when he wouldn't say he would accept the outcome if there were problems? If memory is correct, he was castigated!

              Hi Ken

              You can request "recounts", if there is probability of error, and you meet the legislative criteria for such action, and still be working within the legal system. Accepting the result does not mean having to accept "false/erroneous" results.

              Bob A


              • Re: US Elections

                Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                Hi Ken

                You can request "recounts", if there is probability of error, and you meet the legislative criteria for such action, and still be working within the legal system. Accepting the result does not mean having to accept "false/erroneous" results.

                Bob A
                Which is what Trump's eventual position was. Still, he was hammered!

                As an esteemed poster here on CT said earlier, Time to move on and discuss chess.

                Get over it!


                • Re: US Elections

                  Originally posted by J. Ken MacDonald View Post
                  What were they saying about Trump when he wouldn't say he would accept the outcome if there were problems? If memory is correct, he was castigated!

                  Hi Ken, he was castigated (he should have been castrated if you ask me) for what boiled down to alleging that the election would be rigged and that therefore he wouldn't accept losing. Here on Chesstalk, Ken, you've always come across as a polite, fair-minded guy. Do you mind if I ask why someone like you is a Trump supporter? Given the way you've presented yourself over the years I can't imagine that you're a racist, or a misogynist, or a homophobe, etc. What's up?
                  "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
                  "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
                  "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


                  • Re: US Elections

                    Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                    The American citizen should be demanding a complete recount nationwide. Throw away the machines, do a complete recount by hand. Then do it again and again until they are get 2 counts that are close.

                    Just doing a recount doesn't seem sufficient for what is being alleged. They will just be recounting misappropriated votes (if the hacking allegations are true). What is needed, but has virtually 0% chance of happening, is a total audit of the machines themselves by an independent 3rd party that hasn't been paid off by Trump.

                    If the roles were reversed, you can bet Trump would be pressing like gangbusters to have such an audit done, as well as a full audit of voter registration lists. And if the independent 3rd party found no hacking, Trump would accuse them of being influenced by Clinton money.

                    It's like the allegations of government coverup of UFO sightings. The general public just cannot be absolutely sure one way or the other.

                    As for the use of the machines, there is no reversing "progress". No matter how much you tell people they are getting too dependent on their smartphones, there is not going to be any mass movement back to landlines. It's called the "herd instinct". Individuals can and do break away, but the herd will keep going.
                    Only the rushing is heard...
                    Onward flies the bird.


                    • Re: US Elections

                      Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post
                      Hi Ken, he was castigated (he should have been castrated if you ask me) for what boiled down to alleging that the election would be rigged and that therefore he wouldn't accept losing. Here on Chesstalk, Ken, you've always come across as a polite, fair-minded guy. Do you mind if I ask why someone like you is a Trump supporter? Given the way you've presented yourself over the years I can't imagine that you're a racist, or a misogynist, or a homophobe, etc. What's up?

                      "Tom is a well known racist, and like most of them he won't admit it, possibly even to himself." - Ed Seedhouse, October 4, 2020.


                      • Re: US Elections

                        Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post
                        Hi Ken, he was castigated (he should have been castrated if you ask me) for what boiled down to alleging that the election would be rigged and that therefore he wouldn't accept losing. Here on Chesstalk, Ken, you've always come across as a polite, fair-minded guy. Do you mind if I ask why someone like you is a Trump supporter? Given the way you've presented yourself over the years I can't imagine that you're a racist, or a misogynist, or a homophobe, etc. What's up?
                        Because I became tired of all the PC culture and corruption in Washington, and, frankly, everywhere else. I wanted someone new to come in "clean house." In 4 years I may well change my mind, but, Obama was such a disaster that I couldn't see how Trump could do any worse. I expect him to do much better, in fact.

                        Of course, I have been a Conservative for a long time and felt some things like the SCOTUS were VERY important not to lose. (What a shame that SCOTUS has become politicized!)

                        I might have some private discussions on this matter, but...

                        As always, I won't get involved in the nit-picking of each word/phrase, quoting lines and shooting at them and then all the back and forth. This will be my last word on the matter.
                        Last edited by Ken MacDonald; Friday, 25th November, 2016, 07:39 PM.


                        • Re: US Elections

                          Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post
                          Hi Ken, he was castigated (he should have been castrated if you ask me) for what boiled down to alleging that the election would be rigged and that therefore he wouldn't accept losing. Here on Chesstalk, Ken, you've always come across as a polite, fair-minded guy. Do you mind if I ask why someone like you is a Trump supporter? Given the way you've presented yourself over the years I can't imagine that you're a racist, or a misogynist, or a homophobe, etc. What's up?
                          The election was rigged by the Democrats. They didn't manage to resurrect enough dead Democrats to vote to overcome the Obama coalition not showing up for Hillary.


                          • Re: US Elections

                            That was way too sensible for Chesstalk or the U.S. election coverage. Didn't the boy who cried wolf get eaten when the wolf finally showed up?


                            • Re: US Elections

                              Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                              That was way too sensible for Chesstalk or the U.S. election coverage. Didn't the boy who cried wolf get eaten when the wolf finally showed up?
                              No, the scorpion stung the frog and they both drowned, with the scorpion saying "It is in my nature to call Mitt Romney a total loser and then make him my Secretary of State."
                              Only the rushing is heard...
                              Onward flies the bird.


                              • Re: US Elections



                                Completely unbiased reporting.
                                "Tom is a well known racist, and like most of them he won't admit it, possibly even to himself." - Ed Seedhouse, October 4, 2020.

