Quebec Invitational - Ye vs Sambuev

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  • Quebec Invitational - Ye vs Sambuev

    Today's game between Ling Feng Ye and Bator Sambuev just ended in a draw.

    [Event "?"]
    [Site "?"]
    [Date "????.??.??"]
    [Round "?"]
    [White "Ye"]
    [Black "Sambuev"]
    [Result "1/2-1/2"]
    [SetUp "1"]
    [FEN "8/8/8/4K1P1/2k4P/4r3/3p4/3R4 w - - 0 1"]
    [PlyCount "15"]

    1. Kf6 Kd3 2. h5 Rh3 3. h6 Ke2 4. Rxd2+ Kxd2 5. Kg7 Ke3 6. g6 Kf4 7. h7 Kf5 8.
    h8=Q 1/2-1/2

    3. g6 would have won. He can sac the h-pawn and win.

  • #2
    Re: Quebec Invitational - Ye vs Sambuev

    Hugh, did you get my PM? If not, pls give me an address.


    Paul Leblanc
    Treasurer Chess Foundation of Canada


    • #3
      Re : Quebec Invitational - Ye vs Sambuev

      That was an incredible game... Both missed winning moves in time pressure. A little bit before Ling Feng had Ke3!, going into a winning rook and pawn ending...

      Everybody was looking at them, not only because they were the lasts to finish, but because this was a so much complicated games with the threat of Rb8-Rxb2-Rb1...

      It's sad for Ling Feng who just missed his first GM scalp... I'm sure he'll get other occasions :)

