Canadian Closed - Hebert wins

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  • #31
    Re: Re : Canadian Closed - Hebert wins

    Originally posted by Jean Hébert View Post
    Sad. This means that everyone in the tournament has lost FIDE points. I wonder where all those points have gone... The CFC should file a complaint to FIDE asking for their return... :)

    On the other hand if I performed at 2530 (FIDE) which makes some sense, that is not so bad considering that all those young and strong players have much too low FIDE ratings. In any case this performance felt extremely good, possibly even better than the championship I won 31 years ago. I played consistent chess from beginning to end and gave few chances. Notwithstanding the actual figures it felt like a GM performance.

    There is a chess life after 50... After all I am 25 years younger than Korchnoi!Thank you for all the congratulations! The unofficial deadline for them is tonight at midnight. Afterwards i might consider them a bit opportunistic...:)
    Actually not everyone Jean, I gained about 40 FIDE points because my rating was so low and I suspect the low rated young players that did well did too. Canada needs more FIDE tournaments, thats clear. Anyways congratulations again on an amazing performance! - like the very best you made it look smooth!


    • #32
      Re: Canadian Closed - Hebert wins

      Jean Hebert:

      I think the Canadian boomers(age 45-64) have a new role model.
      Congratulations, Jean Hebert!!

      Wilf Ferner


      • #33
        Re: Canadian Closed - Hebert wins

        Nice to see that some of us " old geezers " still have what it takes - I offered my congratulations to Jean after the game - the last round was well worth the drive to Guelph.



        • #34
          Re: Canadian Closed - Hebert wins

          it must have been a performance over 2500 because he was rated 2399 and got 15 points according to

          Congratulations Jean!


          • #35
            Re: Canadian Closed - Hebert wins

            Originally posted by Craig Sadler View Post
            it must have been a performance over 2500 because he was rated 2399 and got 15 points according to

            Congratulations Jean!
            You can perform below your current rating and still gain points. Ex: A 2500 playing multiple players lets say 9 players rated 2000 and scoring 9/9 will obviously gain points, but their performance will be under 2500.


            • #36
              Re: Canadian Closed - Hebert wins

              Thanks guys, now I know where the math comes into Chess and Math :):):) or is it Chess Then Math :p:p

              Congrats again to Jean Hebert.


              • #37
                Re: Canadian Closed - Hebert wins

                Originally posted by Tyler Longo View Post
                You can perform below your current rating and still gain points. Ex: A 2500 playing multiple players lets say 9 players rated 2000 and scoring 9/9 will obviously gain points, but their performance will be under 2500.
                the only reason you can in FIDE is because they have the 350 poiint rule (or is it 300 point rule) where if you play someone who is rated 350 (or 300) points beneath you it is rated as your opponent being your rating -350 so you can gain points. without this rule it would be impossible to gain points playing people 500 points beneath you.


                look at panjwani v. kamsky/harmon-vellotti. kamsky is rated higher than 2714 (2364+350) but for rating purposes they scored him v. panjwani as 2714. harmon-vellotti is rated lower than 2014 (2364-350) but for rating purposes they scored him v. panjwani as 2014


                in any case, the example you gave with 9/9 is much different than where jean had 7.5/9 against an average opposition of 122 less than him


                his expected score would be about 5.8/9 so he gained points not because of the performance rating (which would be above 2399) but instead because he scored higher than his rating would expect him to score.

                fide rating system is much more complicated that it needs to be...a little transparency wouldn't hurt!! :)


                • #38
                  Re: Canadian Closed - Hebert wins

                  Congratulations Jean!


                  • #39
                    Re: Canadian Closed - Hebert wins

                    Originally posted by Craig Sadler View Post
                    the only reason you can in FIDE is because they have the 350 poiint rule (or is it 300 point rule) where if you play someone who is rated 350 (or 300) points beneath you it is rated as your opponent being your rating -350 so you can gain points. without this rule it would be impossible to gain points playing people 500 points beneath you.


                    look at panjwani v. kamsky/harmon-vellotti. kamsky is rated higher than 2714 (2364+350) but for rating purposes they scored him v. panjwani as 2714. harmon-vellotti is rated lower than 2014 (2364-350) but for rating purposes they scored him v. panjwani as 2014


                    in any case, the example you gave with 9/9 is much different than where jean had 7.5/9 against an average opposition of 122 less than him


                    his expected score would be about 5.8/9 so he gained points not because of the performance rating (which would be above 2399) but instead because he scored higher than his rating would expect him to score.

                    fide rating system is much more complicated that it needs to be...a little transparency wouldn't hurt!! :)
                    I understand your points, but your suggestion that since Jean had a rating of 2399 and gained 15 points that his performance must be over 2500 is not the case.. an example from my own CFC rating history (and Im sure there are many FIDE examples as well, the rating systems are similar enough):


                    • #40
                      Re: Canadian Closed - Hebert wins

                      Originally posted by Tyler Longo View Post
                      I understand your points, but your suggestion that since Jean had a rating of 2399 and gained 15 points that his performance must be over 2500 is not the case.. an example from my own CFC rating history (and Im sure there are many FIDE examples as well, the rating systems are similar enough):
                      CFC is slightly different than FIDE rating because of bonus points...


                      • #41
                        Re: Canadian Closed - Hebert wins

                        Congradulations Jean Hebert!
                        That was a great tournament

